paddle boat

Did any of ya’ll need a paddle boat to get to work this morning or was it just me? If it keeps raining I’m going to have buy a jet ski just to get to and from work. Yesterday the news anchors were making a fuss about how severe the weather is and how in Ellis county there was small stream and urban flooding…what does that mean? Just kidding. I am getting tired of the rain…Jonathan and I have been wanting to pull up all the plants, shrubs and such around our patio and lay some sod for the pres-in-ator but it won’t quit raining long enough to do it. Last weekend was about the only weekend that has been sunny in a while and we couldn’t go to the pool because it was closed for maintenance…not cool! Our patio also has so many weeds that have sprouted because of the rain, it looks like a jungle. Hope you all stay dry.

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