oh boy…..

Ian on the go

We are in for it! The last few weeks Ian has been giving us a glimpse into the terrible 2’s…can it start as young as 15 months?! Wow….my sweet Ian has been turned into a toddler all of a sudden.  Example #1 – all because he didn’t get his way – one minute he was standing right next to me, the next minute, he was lying on the ground crying, partially screaming.  Example #2 – he didn’t want to go to bed, so he throws his head back and arches his back and cries/screams. But the best part was when he would quiet down in between screaming – when I wasn’t looking! Little booger would cry when I was looking at him, and when he realized I wasn’t looking, he would stop.  The second you give him what he wants, it’s all over as if nothing happened.

Well, this momma doesn’t play that game! The boys will learn that If I said no, I meant no, and screaming isn’t going to change my mind.  Also, if I can’t hold them this very second because I have to hold their brother who just smacked his head on the wall, they will have to wait. Even though I know this will mostly likely result in one or both of them throwing themselves on the floor and crying.  I am only 1 person

Then there’s Hayden…Jonathan was in their room putting their PJ’s on while I was fixing dinner and all of a sudden I hear this yelp, and it wasn’t from the boys.  Hayden bit Jonathan’s foot – hard! The boy has like 12 teeth, so he can bite down. He bit Ian’s finger one day…but in Hayden’s defense, Ian put his finger in his mouth.

The boys have also been trying our patience lately…just to see what they can get away with.  We have started using time-outs with them after they get 3 warnings.  Since they are 1, they get a 1 minute time out.  By doing this, we are hoping they learn cause and effect and that their actions have consequences – yes, we are starting them young, but that’s the best time to start.

I’m sure this is just a glimpse into what we are going to go through when they are older, but I’m ready for it!

4 thoughts on “oh boy…..

  1. So glad you are a step ahead of me in all of this!! I can always see what’s coming down the road… 🙂

    Did you ever let the boys cry it out, or have they always been great sleepers? We’re having a sleeping through the night issue at our house… as in it’s not happening… ever… advice?

  2. Yep, I’ll be able to keep you well informed of what is to come. We did a modified cry it out method. Your little man is still a bit young to really do lot of sleep training. We didn’t really start until they were about 5 months… I’ll have to tell you what we did, its way too much to type it all out.

  3. You and Jonathan are doing a very good job with our grandsons. Keep it up. May God bless you all, always, and in all ways.

  4. You and Jonathan are doing a great job with these precious twins.
    God bless you all, always, and in all ways.

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