My 3 Valentines

As you all know, this past Monday was Valentine’s Day. In all honesty, I don’t think you need just one day to show the one you love that you love them…it should be all the other 364 days as well. But anyway, this year I got to spend it with 3 of my loves!

My #1 Love: My hubs…Jonathan.

Valentine's Day '11

Went out for a dinner date on Friday night and my parents watched the boys for us. It was nice to get out and it just be the two of us, we could take our time eating, not have to stop mid conversation and calm a fussy baby or put a pacifier back in a mouth. It was great! On Monday, actual Valentine’s Day, we just came home from work, ate and then spent the evening with our boys. Ooooh and we did spend a small stent of our day in the ER, but it wouldn’t be a Valentine’s day without something like that happening. The first V-Day we ever spent together was at a funeral home, last year we were at Target buying diapers, and this year we were in the ER for a little while. Oh how romantic our valentine’s days are! But no matter where we are and what we are doing, I’m with Jonathan so it doesn’t matter.

My # 2 and #3 Loves: My boys…(in no particular order) Hdiddy and Ididdy

Hdiddy & Ididdy

The boys don’t know it yet, but I will be their only valentine until they are like 25! I mean I’m the only woman they will ever love, right? Ha, okay probably not! But I will be their very first valentine.



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