Mi corazon

Just an fyi for those who are interested–I talked to my cardiologist and electrophysiologist yesterday and they both agreed that I should go ahead and have the procedure on my heart. What they are going to do is go in with a catheter through my leg up into my heart and then do what’s called an EP study and find out where the heart arrhythmia is coming from. Once they figure that out they can essentially kill that area of the heart tissue so it no longer causes problems–this is called a radiofrequency catheter ablation. I had this done 3 years ago and it cured the arrhythmia. But over the last few months it started happening again so what they think is the area of the heart they “killed” has regrown or a new area of the heart is triggering the problems. The only way to find that out is to go in and do a study first. Anyway, we have it scheduled for September 15 at big Baylor and I should only be out of work for 4 or 5 days. Then hopefully this will all be behind me. I’m ready to feel good again! In good news, my back/neck has felt pretty good the last day or so and I’m hoping it continues to heal fast.

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