It’s been a while!

I’m baaaaack! So it’s been a while since I posted something, we’ve been kinda busy with work and just life in general. It was a fantastic weekend at the casa de Blundell. Friday night Jonathan and I went to Dallas to eat at Snuffers and then went to see Bourne Ultimatum. Ohhh cheese fries and a snuffers hamburger!!!! If any of you haven’t seen the Bourne Ultimatum, you need to go out and see it, it’s just as good as the Bourne Identiy and Bourne Supremacy…I hear there will be a fourth one coming out sometime. Anyway, Saturday my mom and Jonathan’s mom came down to Waxahachie and we all went and got a pedicure and then did some shopping in downtown Waxahachie…we all went home with something from one of the stores we visited. Saturday night our dad’s came out and met us all for dinner and then a fun filled evening with After Hours improv at the Texas Theater in downtown Waxahachie. After Hours Improv is a comedy troup that our friends Shari and Smiley are a part of. They are hilarious…it’s improv at it’s finest! If you haven’t been before you really need to go and see them perform sometime. Then Sunday we went to church and listened to Brian talk about our “Passion Groove”….more on that in the next post. Then we went to lunch with some friends and came home and went to the pool for a little while. It was a very nice weekend, and now I’m back at work…argh. Maybe it will be another good weekend next week.

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