
I guess I should fill you in on the happenings of my beloved iPod…because I know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting to hear. Anyway, I took it to the Mac store (I love that store-AAHHHHHH) where was I–oh yes, I took it to the Mac Doctor and they said there was no use but they did say I could pay like $59 and they’ll just give me a new one–a new iPod mini that is…the one that I have–same color and everything. I said “lets see, a new one, which I don’t like as much, is like $150 or more and a used ipod mini on ebay is like $80 or $90.” Ya I’ll go with the $59. So I have my new ipod and it Rocks–and get this–it holds the battery charge!!! yeah, we’re back in business!

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