I’m free to drive…and a realizaion

Last Thursday I had a 2 week check-up with my OB after having my c-section. Everything looks great, the incision is healing nicely and the pain is bearable. She said as long as I’m not taking the pain pill and just the prescription Ibuprofen then I can drive…WAHOO! I only take the actual pain pill once every other day or so and its only at night so I’m good. Anyway, I haven’t really driven but maybe once or twice to the store since July! That’s 3 1/2 months people. I’ve felt like Driving Miss Daisy forever having to depend on others to take me places, and if you know me, you know I hate it!

Saturday I left Jonathan at home with the boys alone, and while they had their own little adventure, I got to venture out to see my nephew play football which I was pretty excited about. While on my way to the game, driving by myself, it hit me…”I’m all alone”. It was a very weird feeling. It wasn’t a feeling of “I’m all alone, I’m so lonely, woe is me”. It was more of a surreal feeling of “I’m alone, there is no one else here”…make any sense or is it just sounding like it makes sense in my head?! For the last 8 months I have carried 2 little bambinos with me everywhere I went. They heard everything around me, they heard when my stomach growled, my heart beat and felt every movement I made. They were always there. I watched what I put in my body so I could keep them as safe as possible and had to watch what I did with my body (ex: bed rest) so I could keep them in there longer. Like I said, it was just a surreal feeling of “I’m alone again”, not a sad feeling, just a feeling. But that is the one thing that I will miss about being pregnant…knowing that they are always there and safe inside my tummy!

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