Good News

One of our very close family friends, Bob, who is like a second dad to me had surgery yesterday for a tumor they found near his pancreas. He had what is called a whipple procedure and it lasted about 7 or 8 hours. He did great and everything went well except they ended up taking more of the pancreas out than they had thought. We got to see him and talk with him a little bit after the surgery and he was in good spirits….although he probably will not remember seeing or talking to any of us, he was still doped up on pain meds and anesthesia. He stayed in ICU last night and will hopefully go to a regular room on the floor sometime today. With this type of tumor the doctors say there is usually only about 2% of cases thatit is NOT cancer but they also said they think there is a possibility he is in that 2%. They will not know anything definite until the end of the week so keep praying he is in the 2%. He will stay in the hopsital for about 15 days and we will just have to wait and see what the doctors say about where to go from here. I just want to thank everyone who has prayed for Bob and the rest of the family and keep them in your prayers as he starts the healing process.

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