Fun trip to maternity observation – 29 weeks

The boys are already giving me gray hairs! Really, you should see all the gray hairs on my head…I think I’ll have to go visit Valerie after they are born for a color change. Anyway, here’s what the boys have been doing lately.

H-diddy and I-diddy are always VERY active little boogers and are moving constantly, day and night. On Monday they were moving so much they were having a territory struggle in my belly and you could see it on the outside (more on the struggle going on later-I’ll announce the winner). Well on Tuesday they were still pretty active and kicking me all day long. Wednesday they weren’t as active and I though maybe they were just tired from moving like crazy the couple days before. I-diddy is still active throughout this whole time, he moves a lot! He’s the one that is in a different position every sonogram we have. Anyway, H-diddy was the quiet one. He is normally pretty active too, he’s been the one taking over the all the space up until this point, he had basically shoved I-diddy over in to a corner and took the rest of the room. So when I didn’t feel him move as much it was weird. I decided to give him another day or so to see if he was just sleepy. By Thursday evening he still wasn’t doing a whole lot. Don’t worry, I had felt him move the entire time, just very infrequently. I tried everything they say to do, drink something cold, sweet, lay down..all of it and nothing made him move more. Friday morning when I woke up I ate a sweet bowl of cereal and waited for them to move (which is their most active time of the day) and not much happened so that’s when I decided to cal my OB. I figured she wouldn’t be in yet (she usually does surgery on Friday mornings) so I talked to the nurse and expected her to say I’ll call you back after my Dr. got in. She said to go ahead and go down to the maternity observation so they could monitor me and just check everything out. She called down there and they were expecting me.


Since Jonathan was at work in Dallas already I had my mom drive me up to the hospital (since I don’t drive due the fact that I could pass out at any minute) and Jonathan met us there. They hooked me up to the monitor to monitor the boys’ heart rates and any contractions I was having. The boys’ heart rates were good but the nurse said they were still a little too young to tell some of the other things they look at in the heart rates, etc (not sure what else they look for). She came in the room and asked “Are you feeling those contractions your having?” – HA “Yes I do, well I feel most of them, it depends on how many you are seeing.” So after all that she called my doctor to tell her about everything they had found out while monitoring me and I could here her tell my Dr. “She’s having contractions every 4 minutes. do you want me to give her a shot of terbutaline?” I heard that and was in the room saying “NO” and as soon as I could say that I heard the nurse say “oh ya we don’t want to give that to her then.” My Dr kindly reminder her I have a history of SVT and other heart arrhythmias. if you have a history of those you don’t want to give them Terbutaline because the side effects are all cardiac side effects.

Remember that fetal fibronectin test (the “glue” test) that I had done about 5 weeks ago, well my Dr. had them do that again and then do a sonogram (a BPP biophysical profile). A biophysical profile is a simple, painless test used during pregnancy to assess your baby’s well-being — specifically, whether he’s getting enough oxygen in the womb. It’s typically done if you’ve gone past your due date, or sometime in your third trimester if you’re having a high-risk pregnancy. Its a detailed ultrasound to observe your baby’s body movements, muscle tone (flexing of the arms and legs), and breathing movements (the baby’s ability to move his chest muscles and diaphragm), and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding him.

Everything with both tests turned out ok, the fetal fibronectin test was negative again and the BPP was good. The resident doing the sonogram did find out that more than likely the reason I’m not feeling Baby A move as much is because he is basically stuffed down into the corner of my belly while Baby B is taking up most of the room. Baby B is a lot lower than he as been too so it’s not like they two babies are running out of room yet, there’s plenty of room up top, they are just choosing not to use it. B is kind of sitting like a pretzel, he’s all curled up with his butt in the middle right below my belly button and he head is over on my side while his feet are up by his head – crazy! So I-diddy is finally taking back his space and pushing H-diddy out of the way now -payback! Both boys were being kind of lazy and still weren’t moving as much as they normally do on the sonogram but since they look ok they said it would be alright. As they get bigger and I get further along I’m expecting them to run out of room and not feel them as much.

I will have another sonogram on Wednesday at my perinatologist appointment so we’ll find out their weights and see how much more they’ve grown, and what new position I-diddy has gotten himself into!

So there you have it, my very very long explanation of events from yesterday. 8 more weeks!! But whose counting?

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