eye opener

This morning I went to the Children’s annual “vital signs” meeting. Every year they have a meeting that shows us what we accomplished last year and what the plans are for the coming year. There has been a lot going on at Children’s over the last year. A lot of that hasn’t always been good, well in my department anyway. The morale in our department has been pretty bad and we tend to only focus on the bad and never the good. I love what I do and can’t find another job doing what I do with pediatrics. All this to say, at the meeting this morning they showed a video of highlights from the last year (they were all news clips) and it just reminded me of why I chose to work there almost 6 years ago. I need to forget about all the mess that’s happening and focus on why I want to work there and why I do what I do. It’s all for the kids and helping them get better!

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