2 week check up


Hayden and Ian had their 2 week check up with the pediatrician this past Friday (11/5/10) and both boys are doing wonderful. This check up is primarily to make sure they are gaining weight and doing ok since coming home from the hospital. The doctor said what they want is for them to be back at their birth weight by the 2 week check up because most babies lose about 10% of their birth weight in the first week of life. Well our boys not only are back to their birth weight but have surpassed it. Hayden was 4lb 14oz at birth and at 2 weeks he weighed 5lb 8oz and Ian was 4lb 11oz at birth and 5lb 11oz at 2 weeks – he gained a whole pound! They had both been on a higher calorie formula for premature and low birth weight infants, so I guess that formula works like it should. Unfortunately Ian’s stomach hasn’t liked it too much so we have since switched him from that formula to a different brand high calorie formula and it was a little better but still not tolerating it that well. So we have since switched him back to the formula he was on in the hospital because he was tolerating that pretty well…so far so good but only time will tell. Hayden is now starting to do some of the same stuff that Ian was doing so we may be switching him as well….I just hope we can get the whole formula thing figured out soon so we’ll have our happy boys back again.

The pediatrician said that they both look healthy and that they have the strongest suck reflex she’s seen! she put her finger in their mouth to check it and they wouldn’t give it back to her, haha. Ian does have a heart murmur but it is nothing to worry about, it’s basically the same one I have. She said they would keep an eye on it and he’ll more than likely outgrow it. Ian also has something called Laryngomalacia which is just where the soft, immature cartilage around the larynx collapses when you breath in. It’s nothing really to worry about, it just sounds horrible when you hear him. He should outgrow that too by around 18 months. This is something that I’ve seen in many kiddos while working at Children’s. I pretty much decided what it was before we took him to the pediatrician but wanted her opinion on it and she agreed.

Both boys will go back at 2 months for another check up, and unfortunately shots. We’ve already got some questions to ask their doctor! As much as I know about taking care of babies and medical issues with infants, I’m still a first time parent and when it comes to my babies, it’s like I go dumb and forget all I know- haha.

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