18 month check up

The boys had their 18 month well check up a week or so ago and they both look great.  They have both gained weight and grown an inch or more taller.  Here are their stats:

Hayden: 28 pounds, 8 ounces and 33.5 inches tall

Ian: 23 pounds, 5 ounces and 32.5 inches tall

They are learning and growing just as they should.  The only thing we are going to watch is their language development.  They are a little behind on talking, but our pediatrician isn’t too worried about them. Boys tend to talk later than girls in general and the fact that they are multiples is another strike against them.  And, lastly we are teaching them sign language so with them being able to get what they want that way, why would they need to talk. Within the last week Ian has started trying to say a few words (sock, yucky and ball) and Hayden as started trying to say ball as well.  I’m not worried about them at all, they will talk in their own time!

We are going to try to wean Hayden off his reflux medicine and see how he does.  We aren’t about to touch Ian’s reflux meds, he’s staying on his Prevacid!

It will be interesting to see how much they grow in the next 6 months for their 2 year check up.


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