1 Month Old

1 month old

The boys are 1 month old today and boy have they changed. They are both getting some nice big cheeks (Ian more so than Hayden) and filling out. They are now close to the size of a typical newborn, but still wearing preemie clothes. They are loosing that newborn look to them and look more like nice “chubby” babies…as chubby as you can be when you are about 6-7 pounds. We have loved getting to know them and their personalities. All their little sounds, cries, whimpers, etc are adorable it has been fun getting to know what all those sounds mean and who they are coming from. Hayden has this little sound he makes…it’s not really a cry or a whimper, it’s just a sound he makes and I absolutely love it! They both smile and chuckle sometimes, yes I said chuckle. Last night Hayden was sleeping and I guess dreaming because all of a sudden he started to smile and actually laugh! Not sure what a 1 month old laughs at, but it was funny. both boys like to cuddle but Hayden thrives on it…he’s our little snuggle-bug.

They are both good babies and sleep rather well. We are feeding them every 4 hours and they eat, on average, 4 ounces at a time…sometimes 2 oz and sometimes 5 oz. Friday night we started letting them go 5 hours in between feedings and so far they have done well. I’m hoping to get them to a 6-8 hour stretch at night, but I doubt that will happen for another month or so (when they are about 10 pounds or more). At night they pretty much just cry when they are ready to eat (right on schedule) but they do like to stay awake for a while (like an hour) after the 12:00 AM feeding. They seem to have their days and nights mixed up some….which we are working on correcting.

Mom with Hayden & Ian

Dad with Hayden & Ian

We have taken a bunch of pictures over the last month so here are a few that we’ve taken that I haven’t posted yet.

chill time with dad

Ian being Ian

Hayden liked his dinner

Dad feeding Ian

Hayden ~ our little snuggle-bug

Hayden ~ 1 month old

Ian ~ 1 month old

The last two pictures show you just how small they are. That teddy bear is a standard sized teddy bear, not a jumbo one…It’s bigger than them!

One thought on “1 Month Old

  1. I’m loving the updates on your boys….and seriously impressed that you’ve found time to blog with two infants! With my first, I pretty much needed all my brain power to remember to brush my teeth.

    You should take their picture next to the bear every month for the first 6 months and then do it every 6 months – it’s a fun way to mark their growth.

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