Things I love about being a mom

There were many things I looked forward to about becoming a mother. Watching them grow up, teaching them new things, doing things together as a family, etc. But there are so many little things that remind me everyday why I love being a mom. As Jonathan says, “it’s the little things that get you” and it’s so true…for example, I just got my old (I’m talking 6-7 years old) toaster oven back from my brother who got a new one for his wedding, and I have never been happier. Thanks Brian!

Anyway, Here are the top things that make me love being a mom:

I love love love all their little noises, especially the sound of them sucking on their pacifiers, it’s soo cute. I love seeing their smiles (and they looove to smile) and hearing them laugh – I’ll do anything to get them to laugh. Its funny to watch them laugh in their sleep…what does an infant dream about to make them laugh?! I love getting them up in the morning and watching them stretch, Hayden especially loves to stretch. I love watching them get all fidgety and fiesty when its time to eat. I love watching them try to suck on their fingers (they still jerk them out of their mouth too much to actually suck on them). I love Hayden’s little “goat” noise and Ian’s noise he does when he’s hungry. I love giving them baths because they love bath time. I love watching them watch Presley and now each other. I love to snuggle with them, but I think they love it even more. There are so many things I love, I could go on and on but I won’t. I’ll leave you with a video I put together of the boys laughing.

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