28 week OB appointment

I had my 28 week OB appointment on Friday and it went well. I got to drink the horrible tasting, super sweet, pure glucose drink for my gestational diabetes screening and then had my blood drawn an hour later. I don’t anticipate hearing about the results until my appointment next month, unless of course I failed the test. If I failed then I’ll have to drink even more and do a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I also got to get a shot at this visit. I’m about to get medical on you so bear with me…..But, apparently I am Rh Negative so I got a Rhogam shot…or Rho(D) Immune Globulin which is a solution of IgG anti-D (anti-RhD) antibodies that bind to, and lead to the destruction of, fetal Rh D positive red blood cells that have passed from the fetal circulation to the maternal circulation. Therefore, in an Rh negative mother it can prevent sensitization of the maternal immune system to Rh D antigens, which can cause rhesus disease (Rh incompatibility) in the current or in subsequent pregnancies.

My Dr. did a sonogram and the boys still look good, the heartbeats were good, fluid levels were good and they are measuring like they should. We’ll get the more accurate measurements with weights, etc on Sep 1 when we go see the perinatologist. Baby A (Hayden) is still head down and Baby B (Ian) has turned breech again, the last four sonograms he has been in a different position, I think he likes breech the best since he’s in that one the most. We talked about delivery and have decided to go ahead and do a c-section for sure. We’ll wait to schedule it until I get further along..if I make it, it will be scheduled at 37 weeks. We just both agreed that it would be best for me to have a c-section instead of try a vaginal delivery. She said with twins, usually what happens is when baby A is head down (like ours is) he/she will deliver vaginally just fine but then baby B will usually get into trouble of some sort so they end up with a c-section. That combined with my heart, we decided it would be best. I also had her promise me she would deliver our boys. I don’t want anyone else delivering them!

As far as my cervical length and bed rest goes, nothing has changed. My cervix is about the length it was when I saw her last and I’m still on bed rest. I do have permission to go to the pool but a long as I only float, which is all I do anyway. When I’m in the pool I don’t have one contraction so when I told her that, she said “sure you can go…just no swimming laps or anything” I can also go out to eat every once in a while, but other than that I’m supposed to stay on the couch/bed with “minimal” activity. No cleaning, working, etc.

Since I see the perinatologist once a month as well, that appointment and my monthly OB appointment end up being every 2 weeks. So my Ob said as long as someone is seeing me every two weeks then I don’t need to see her every 2 weeks yet. At about 32 weeks (my next appointment with her) she said she will probably start seeing me weekly.

So there you have it, we’ll have another appointment update in a few weeks from our perinatologist appointment but until then, here is another belly shot for you. I realized after I took the picture that I was wearing the same outfit as the last picture I posted. What can I say, I don’t have many clothes that fit anymore and I’m not exactly allowed to go shopping!

28 weeks with twins

There’s not much difference in the size of my belly in the pictures but I can definitely tell a difference!

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