New Year

Another year has come and gone…2007 was a pretty good year I would say. I mean I did get married and then buy a new house…so ya, it was a good year. I never really set new years resolutions because typically I never seem to complete them. Not becasue I don’t try or they are so out of reach to complete but I just forget about them or don’t feel the need to complete it. Anyway, this year I set a reachable goal, one that I’ll like, and an easy one at that. I am going to take a picture everyday for the next 365 days, well actually the next 366 days because this year is leap year. I am posting all the pictures on my flickr account under the 365 photos set if you would like to follow along. Well, I wish everyone a happy new year and I hope you and your family are blessed this upcoming year.

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