New House

We finally moved and are about 90% settled in. The only rooms we really have left to do are the guest room and babies room. We are waiting to find out for sure what the sex of the babies are before we do anything with their room so its all kind of just thrown in there right now. The guest room is set up but its kind of the catch all room, anything that doesn’t have a spot in the house ends up there until I figure out what to do with it.

I ended up at Kirklands about a week ago and they were having a big sale so of course I got some stuff to “update” the decor. There are a couple of rooms we will be painting eventually, the dining room, kitchen, our room and nursery….but I think the only two we’ll be painting anytime soon will be the nursery and our room. And by soon, I mean within the next year…as much as I would love to get it all done and painted, I can’t stand the thought of painting right now.

Well, here are a few pictures that Jonathan took of the house, before all the decor was up, buy you can get an idea of what it looks like. To get a better look you’ll just have to come on by!!

Here is the front of the house, we’re still waiting on the grass that they laid to green up.
I love the big front porch, we need to get some chairs and a little table or something to put out there so we can sit out on the porch.

This is the dining room with the lovely light fixture that I can’t wait to replace!

The living room

The kitchen and dining area looking onto the living room

Our bedroom, other than this one section of the room, I have no clue what to do with it. If you come by you have to give me ideas of what to do.

I just got the new comforter set yesterday for our bedroom. If you know of anyone that wants/needs a king size comforter set let me know. We have our old one that is just sitting in a closet now. Its about 3 years old and does have some snags in the comforter from our dogs nails but overall it’s still in good shape. It looks like this….

So there you have it, those are the main areas of the house. There are three other bedrooms (being used as a guest room, babies room and office) to round out the house. I love being this close to our families and have enjoyed it so much, it was well worth the move.

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