I’m home and MARRIED!

The countdown is complete, no more waiting to get married. Last Saturday at 2:00 I became Mrs. Laurie Blundell. Or as our resort had us down as, The Brundull’s. Go figure–it’s not that hard to spell, we even spelled it out for them over the phone.

Anyway, the wedding was great and I got to see people that I hadn’t seen in a while and loved it. I wish I could have spent more time talkikng to people but you know how it goes. I think the highlight of the ceremony was at the very beginning…We were standing there in front of the pastor and my 6 yr old nephew sneezed. This wasn’t just a sneeze, he had snot dripping out of his nose and looked at me with this look like “what do I do with it?” It was SOOOO funny, I couldn’t help but laugh. He just wiped it on the brand new carpet in the sanctuary. What else can you do. Funny times. We don’t have our wedding pictures yet but we have found a few snapshots of the day.

Tami and me

For our honeymoon we went to Pagosa Springs, Colorado right outside of Durango. We had a great time geocaching in the mountains and taking a train ride and just soaking in the hot tubs and relaxing. You can check out mine and Jonathan’s flickr pages for more pics.


Jonathan has a great post on everything on his blog so check it out.

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