He’s Married

Me & Brian on his wedding day

My brother, Brian finally got married! We always joked with him that one day he was just going to show up and say “hey, this is why wife!” So needless to say, we are all excited that he didn’t do that and that we were all invited to the wedding.

He and Stephanie were married Saturday afternoon at the Victorian House in Kaufman. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception and then we sent them off to Cancun with fireworks and sparklers. Here are some of the pics from their wedding…

We wish him and Stephanie the best and a life full of happiness together. Welcome to the family Stephanie, we love you both!!

One thought on “He’s Married

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the last picture. It’s a framer for sure! Looks like you guys had a blast at the wedding. Love the one shoulder dress!

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