Christmas Wrap-Up

Okay so it wasn’t the BEST Christmas ever—Now let me explain this. I woke up Saturday morning with a migraine and all that entails–yes, even bowing before the porcelain god. Eventually about 3:00 I started feeling better and Jonathan and I went to finish up some last minute Christmas shopping. Sunday we went to church and had a great service. Our friend Mary led worship and sang beautifully, as usual, and the Encounter band played the infamous Christmas Eve Seriavo. After church Jonathan and I decided to try this mexican food restaraunt that we’d been wanting to go to for a while. This is where it went downhill. We went to Amaya’s–yes I’m saying the name of the restaraunt so no one will ever go there–Amaya’s in Red Oak!! STAY AWAY. Anyway, we ate lunch and the food wasn’t anything to write home about, it was okay but not great. I just had two beef tacos and Jonathan had a beef enchilada. Well, we went home and I finished wrapping the Christmas gifts and got ready to go to his grandparents for Christmas with his family. On our way there I started feeling a little queasy and not right so we stopped and got some tums. They didn’t help–at this point Jonathan wasn’t feeling that well either. A couple of hours went by and I couldn’t take it anymore, I told him we had to go, which I felt horrible because I didn’t want to make him leave…we don’t get to see his cousins that often. Well, it’s a good thing we left because it was over when we got home. I was sick all night and then had to get up and go to work the next day. I finally stopped getting sick but I was VERY dehydrated and my blood pressure was extremely low which made work pretty difficult. I came straight home from work and went back to bed. The rest of the day (which was Christmas Eve) was just worthless, Jonathan and I were both dehydrated and worn out. Let me tell you, Pedialyte isn’t just for kids anymore….We spent our Christmas Eve on the couch drinking Pedialyte–Yippee! We were supposed to go to our parents church for the Christmas Eve service and then maybe stop by my aunts house to see my cousins and their kids. Well, that didn’t happen. Then Christmas day, my family was supposed to all come over but that wasn’t going to happen because I was about to clean the house–I could barely stand without feeling like I was going to pass out. So Christmas morning we woke up and felt better but still a little worn out and dehydrated. We opened our gifts from eachother and then went to Jonathan’s sisters house for breakfast with his family. We had a good time and then went to my parents house for lunch with my family. We had a good Christmas but probably would have enjoyed it better if we felt better. Maybe we’ll have a good New Year’s!

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