Baby update

I realized that I haven’t posted anything about the babies, pregnancy, etc for a while now. Sorry about that, but here’s an update for you. I am now 16 weeks and feeling quite a bit better. I had a tough first trimester with 24 hour nausea and getting sick. Morning sickness is a joke, mine was evening sickness for the most part. As long as I took my zofran (medicine for nausea/vomiting) I was much better and able to keep food down. I am actually still taking it most days of the week because if I don’t I get pretty nauseous. Now that the nausea has eased up a bit, I am having to deal with wonderful headaches, I’m not sure which is worse, nausea or headaches. Let’s just say so far, I’m not one of those women that loves pregnancy! I will absolutely love the end result though, so I’m not complaining one bit.

we love going to doctors appointments because we get to see the babies and I have had a sonogram every month from my doctor (3 so far). Its crazy to see how much they grow just in a month. The last sonogram, which was last Thursday we were actually able to find out that one of the babies is a boy! The other one was moving around quite a bit and the umbilical cord kept getting in the way so we weren’t able to get a good enough picture to find out what he/she was. My doctor thinks its another boy but we couldn’t confirm it, so it could still be a little girl. We didn’t get any good pictures of the sonogram on Thursday so I don’t have anything to show ya’ll. I am going for a level II sonogram (a high risk sono) in about a week and a half to look for birth defects, etc. It is a pretty detailed sonogram so we should find out for sure what the sex is of the babies and I’ll have much better pictures to post from that.

It was amazing to see them on the screen and watch them moving all around, stretching and what not. One of them looked like they waved at us (we have genius fetuses already-ha). The are about 5 1/2 to 6 inches long and doing great.

Here are some of the pictures of the babies “growing up”, they grow up so fast…just kidding, actually at this point, not fast enough!

8 weeks old…they look like a couple of blobs at this point.

12 weeks old…my little alien and monkey babies….Yes Margie, I did call them that!

I’ll show you what they look like at about 17/18 weeks in a week or two. To be continued…

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