Last 5 Days

This is what I’ve been doing the last 5 days:

Fun huh?! NO–It’s been 5 days since I fell and hurt my neck–I would think 5 days later I should be ready to get up and do things, right? Wrong! I still can’t really sit up for more than 30 minutes without being in quite a bit of pain. Jonathan and I had our families over Friday evening for the July 4th and grilled some hamburgers and played some games…I thought I did good, not doing much and letting other people do things for me…well apparently not because I definitely paid for it on Saturday..I basically moved back a day or two in the healing process. Jonathan and I were talking yesterday and apparently when the neurosurgery resident came in to talk to us when I was in the ER she was talking about having surgery and all this, I don’t remember that or at least I didn’t hear it. I guess that’s a good thing because I might have been freaking out a little bit. Other than knowing I had a concussion and a sprained neck, we still don’t know whether or not I really have a broken neck, but I guess we’ll never know. I’m still waiting to hear from my primary doctor about my elevated white blood cell count and my current debate is trying to decide whether or not I should go back to work tomorrow. My brain says GO BACK TO WORK but my body says DON’T YOU DO IT! I am sooo tired of sitting/lying around. I’ve watched so much TLC and HGTV I now have all these ideas on things to do to our house but no money to do it with…or ability to do it right now–I’m sure Jonathan is glad that’s the case or he would have a paint brush in his hand right now. So if I don’t go back to work tomorrow, I’m gonna go stir crazy!

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