#1 Dad

Snuggle time with Dad

I have to brag on my husband for a little bit. He has been great since the boys were born and jumped right in when it came to taking care of them. He was the first one to put a diaper on the boys…in the OR! Since we are bottle feeding the boys, (they could get my cardiac medication if I breastfed) that means I’m not the only one that can feed them. He has helped so much by taking turns getting up at night to feed them and let me sleep some and also hangs out with them in the morning and lets me sleep in sometimes. He not only helps when with the boys but he cooks dinner and cleans the kitchen afterward. I’m still not able to do everything I would like due to recovering from my c-section so he helps me around the house and whenever I can’t do something.

Being on bed rest and banned to the couch for 3 months really gave me cabin fever so needless to say once I was able to drive, I was ready to go do things I hadn’t been able to. He stayed with the boys by himself so I could have a little me time going to my nephews football game and craft night at my parents church. He never complains about any of it and truly enjoys being with his boys!! That is the best feeling ever, knowing your husband loves your children and wants to spend time with them…even during the stage where all you can do is stare at them and play the never ending game of put the pacifier back in the mouth.

I can’t put into words how appreciative and grateful I am of Jonathan. He is a wonderful dad and I can’t wait to see him interact with the boys as they get older. Hayden and Ian have such an awesome role model and dad to look up to. Thank you for everything and I love you!!

2 thoughts on “#1 Dad

  1. I love the above picture of Jonathan and so many others – he looks so tickled to be a dad. I’m so happy for both of you! 🙂

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