
Yesterday at church (Encounter), Brian started a new series called “release” about letting go of pain, anger, bitterness, etc and giving it up to God. He is using the new Spiderman 3 movie as an illustration…it shows how bitterness or anger can overtake you and consume your thoughts and actions. It was a very good message and can’t wait for future weeks messages. After the message, Brian invited us up to get a “pain card” and drop it on the table up front that had a crown of thorns on it….showing our release of the pain and us giving it up to Christ. I was thinking, I don’t have any bitterness, anger or pain towards anyone…I guess that’s a good thing, no one has hurt me. But as I continued to think about it, I thought, it’s not that no one has hurt me before, it’s that I have never let anyone hurt me before. I never let people get close enough to hurt me or cause me pain. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want it, but if I don’t ever let people get close enough to me, is that just as bad? Which one is worse — letting people in and actually getting to know you with the possibility of getting hurt or not letting people in and never getting hurt? What do you think?

2 thoughts on “Release

  1. one is safe and secure, but also potentially lonely and purposesless. I speak out of personal experience. I too wrestle with vulnerability and openness. I have to remind my self often – if their not close enough to see me for who I am, then I’m not close enough to see who they really are.

    Christ took the step – I should follow.

  2. I have been a lot better recently and realized that if I don’t let anyone in, I will live in a lonely, shut out world. Not fun!

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