Passion Groove

Yesterday at church (Encounter) Brian talked about our “passion groove”. For those of you who may not know what he is referring to, it’s what gets you going, what gets your blood flowing and gets you out of bed in the morning. There is a groove on a record that the needle from the record player fits right into and that is the records “groove”. God has created a passion for each one of us and we are created to fit right into that passion, whatever it may be. That is our passion groove. We may not know what it is right now but usually, as Brian said, we will find it when we are put into a situation that brings on heat and/or pressure. You can ask yourself…if I were to give up my life to God and say you have control over it…..if there were nothing holding you back, what would you do, where would you be? That would be your passion. If you had this amazing career with a six figure income, but gave it up and to do what your passionate about, that would be your passion groove. I was talking to someone after church and we got onto the subject of our jobs and she said to me “your job must be what your passion groove is, I don’t see how you could do it if it weren’t.” You know, it’s not…ya I love what I do and I am passionate about working with the kids I work with, but it’s not my passion groove, it’s not what my passion is. I could walk away from it and would be just fine. Now I think the part that is my passion is the part of helping people. I think if I were to give my life to God fully and nothing was holding me back, I might be in a third world country doing medical missions. But there are so many things holding me back from doing that and I just don’t feel led to do it right now. I think it might take me a while to truly find my passion groove. What do you think your passion groove is, what are you most passionate about and would give everything up for?

To listen to the full message (which is a good one) click here

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