A Bunch of Sickies

IMG_3911We have had our fair share of sickness in this house.  It all started the day after Christmas when Ian started running a low grade fever and had a cough.  By Friday night he had a fever of 104 and Saturday morning was coughing a lot more and congested and his fever only went down to 102 with Tylenol.  I took him in to our peds office and they ran a test for flu, strep and RSV.  He tested positive for RSV, which we suspected, and I knew it was only a matter of time before Hayden and Harper got it.  Do you know how hard it is to keep two 3 year old boys away from a baby – next to impossible! 3 days after Ian started running fever, Hayden started and then 3 days later, Harper.  Then about 3 days later Daddy got it and then I was officially the last one in the house to get the crud…I’m just trying to hold off on getting antibiotics.  Jonathan’s and mine turned into a sinus infection so he got antibiotics last week.  Ian actually ended up with a double ear infection too so he had antibiotics or that as well.

Poor Harper was hit pretty hard with it.  RSV in babies can be fatal and as they get older it gets less severe.  While the boys were miserable and felt horrible, Harper was almost hospitalized due to it.  She had horrible wheezing, congestion and wouldn’t eat.  she was eating about 8-9 ounces of formula a day, that’s it! So the first threat of the hospital was for her breathing, but being a respiratory therapist and dealing with RSV a LOT when I worked at Children’s our pediatrician felt comfortable with us taking her home and doing breathing treatments and suctioning at home.  The second hospital threat was for dehydration.  Thankfully, she started drinking and having wet diapers again, so we were good!

IMG_3957For a week and a half we did a lot of laying around, watching movies, playing games and doing puzzles, reading books and more laying around.  Hayden (who got hit the least) was going stir crazy, but Ian who is our home body had to re-adjust after being home for so long.  He had a hard time going back to school, in fact the first day back only Hayden went and Ian stayed home with me.

We are all on the mend now and we hope that virus never comes back! Ha, who am I kidding…

Harper’s DOC Band

Wow, I am slacking on the blog! Case in point – Harper got her Doc Band back in December (6 weeks ago) and I’m just now getting around to writing about it.

IMG_4210If you remember, both boys wore the band as well to re shape their heads.  Our pediatrician said that she believes some babies just have softer skulls than others.  Apparently our kids have pretty soft skulls – but don’t think that means they aren’t hard-headed toddlers! Oh my, can they be hard-headed.  Sorry, back to Harper…

From day 1, Harper has always turned her head to the side when she sleeps.  I would go in and turn her head the other way all day long, but no matter how many times I turned it, she just turned it back.  We even let her sleep on her tummy during the day, yes her tummy….her pediatrician okayed it, so we’re all good.  None of that helped and her head just continued to get mis-shaped.

IMG_0572So we decided to get her evaluated by Cranial Technologies, which is who we used for Hayden and Ian’s Doc Bands.  We had a great experience with them and now their heads are beautiful! The only issue we had was that Cranial Tech wasn’t in network for our insurance.  Our pediatrician office just wrote a letter of medical necessity for that specific band and we got it approved.  This time, we didn’t have to do any of that.  They automatically approved it, so a few weeks later she was getting her band.

IMG_4233She has worn it for about 6 weeks now and there is such a big difference in her head shape.  She will probably wear it for a few more weeks, unless we get a pleasant surprise next week at her check up.

I decorated her band with some stickers and decals and it really turned out cute!  We actually had an appointment to get it wrapped from a company that does free wraps for orthotic devices  (www.wrapbuddies.com) but I didn’t think it was going to be as cute as hers is now, so we cancelled the appointment and just left her band as it is now.



Our “new” room

Not only did the kids get new rooms, but mommy and daddy did too! Well, not really. We just rearranged our bed and other furniture, got some new lamps and an awesome new painting for the wall. I was feeling closed in and cluttered in our room and this makes the room feel so much bigger and open. I want a place that I can retreat to that’s my own space with no kids! Nevermind the packNplay that’s in the corner of the room 😭 I’ll just have to live with that for now. I love how it all turned out!

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