6 Months Old

DSC_05606 Months!! How can she be 6 months old already?! She has done so much in the last month, its crazy.  She is “talking” all the time.  Her favorite things to say are “ya-ya-ya-ya” and “dadadada”. I keep trying to get her to say “mamamamamama”, but it hasn’t happened yet 😉

She has mastered the art of rolling over, and will roll everywhere if you don’t watch her.  She has also just recently started sitting up all by herself. She is still a bit wobbly so we aren’t too far from her when she’s sitting up.  She loves it, and loves to sit there and watch her brothers go crazy.

IMG_4379We tried some solid food with Harper a few weeks ago and she was not a fan.  She just spit it out and made a face like,  “what are you feeding me?!”. We’ll try again in a few more weeks, I just don’t think she was ready for it. She is still drinking the Elecare (which our insurance is finally covering, Praise The Lord! She was drinking about 4.5 – 5.0 oz until last week when we bumped her up to 6 ounces and she drinks the whole bottle. I think she just had a growth spurt and that’s when we bumped her up. Clothes that were too big for her 2 weeks ago are now almost too small.

DSC_0555Her reflux was doing great with the two medications that she was on.  But at the beginning of the year our insurance decided they weren’t going to pay for her Prevacid anymore, even with a letter from our pediatrician saying it was medically necessary.  So we had to have the generic medication compunded so she could take it…she HATES it and spits it out, so she only gets about half of what she should.  So since she’s not getting the meds, she’s having more pain and reflux.

Harper loves to be outside just like Hayden.  She loves to sit on my lap outside while we watch the boys run around and play.

IMG_4210For the most part Harper is sleeping through the night.  She is not consistent though, she’ll sleep for 9-12 hours some nights without getting up to eat, and other nights she’ll be up every 6.  Typically she is taking 2-3 naps during the day for 30 mins to 2 hours, depending on the day.  She still sleeps in her Woombie and I dread taking her out of that because she loves it so much.

DSC_0579Just for fun, I pulled up the boys’ photos from when they were 6 months to compare and boy…you can not deny these 3 are siblings.


Big girl

It has been a big week for little Harper. She has mastered rolling over, she’s rolling all over the place now….trying to roll off her changing table (Grandma’s beware!). She likes to hold her own bottle now and is starting to sit up by herself. She’s also a little talker – She may give her brothers a run for their money. I can’t believe se is almost 6 months old!

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