Fun Times

So, i’m working on putting together a slide show to show at our rehersal dinner and wedding reception. I got a bunch of pictures of jonathan growing up from his mom the other day and since he posted some pictures of me, it’s my turn to post them of him. These are two of my favorites and the third one–well, I just couldn’t resist.


This close to their wedding, most brides would be watching everything that goes into their mouths and working out probably everyday. Well, not this bride–I just had some delicious chedder fries and a juicy hamburger from Snuffers and then went and had some cookies at my parents house. I’ll watch everything that goes into my mouth just like other soon to be brides…then I feel it go into my tummy! And tomorrow i’m gonna eat cake! Fitting into a dress is highly overrated.


Last night my mom, Jennifer (my sister-in-law) and myself sat around my
parents kitchen table and addressed about 90 to 95 wedding invitations.
And when I say "we" addressed them, I really mean Jennifer–I wasn't
allowed to write on them….apparently "I have the medical brain so I
write like a doctor–which means it's not readable". I would agree with
this statement, my handwriting isn't that great but it's just because I
write so fast…my brain thinks so fast and if I don't write it as fast
as I think it, I'll forget it. Anyway–we did make a dent in the number
of invitations we have to address…I think we are about 45% done,

We are also putting the finishing touches on things and making sure
they are all in order. We (my mom) met with the caterer last week and
got all that settled and we met with the florist a couple of weeks ago
and got all the flowers picked out and ordered. Let me tell you, I'm
tired of making decisions….I'm to the point now that I don't want to
make another decision. My poor mom, I told her that she can make all
the decisions from this point on…If she likes it, I will like
it–let's hope! I went out to the Arboretum about a week or two ago and
did my bridal portraits. It was a very windy day and a little on the
cool side. Although we have done a lot, there is still a lot to be done!
Let the planning continue. 44 more Days!!


I just completed re-finishing Jonathan’s dresser to match the rest of my furniture. Here are some pictures I took along the way….I think it looks pretty good if you don’t mind me saying so myself!




Christmas came early this year!!

Yesterday I received mine and Jonathan's wedding present to each other. I went to my parents house after work, and with much anticipation there it was, the wonderful box filled with goodies. We both love photography and thought it would be a great investment to buy a nice camera. So we said, why not just make the camera a wedding present and we can both enjoy it. Now, when I say "our" camera, I really mean "my" camera that he can borrow! I'm totally kidding, but he will have to pry it out of my hands to use it, I'm not gonna lie, I can be a camera hog…as long as Im the one taking the pictures and not in the picture.

So I opened up the box and there was the beautiful Nikon D50 with 2 lenses, an HD wide angle lens, a tripod, filters and carrying case. I had some fun last night taking pictures…one lens gets you so close to your subject you can get an up the nose photo–don't worry I won't do that to you. Of course Presley was the main subject of my pictures last night, but I did get some other shots as well. I love figuring out all the cool little tricks to photography. I'm sure you'll get to see plenty of our pictures we take on here.

There is just something about capturing a moment and keeping it as a memory forever. I love having pictures of occasions or just everyday randomness (if that's even a word) that you can pull out whenever you want to and reminisce. I have pictures of ski trips and mission trips to Mexico and Honduras from high school and I love looking at them and remembering the fun times we had back then. I've taken many pictures of my niece and nephew over the last couple of years, its fun to see them as they get older and see how much they change.

I'm warning all of you right now–I'm about to go picture CRAZY!!


This picture pretty much sums up yesterday for me–just substitute the cigarettes for chocolate and the prozac for a massage and it will all be okay!

I never believed in the phrase “Bridezilla” until yesterday. I can honestly say that yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in a very, very long time (I’m talking years). It started out at 4:45am when my alarm went off, I woke up just as tired as I was when I went to sleep…work was pretty bad, by 10:00 I had 2 nurses gripe me out for no apparent reason-I though I was being very nice and considerate. (I’m assuming they just let their frustration out on me for something else that was going on). Among other things, It was just a bad day at work overall. Next we had a “miss-communication” about living arrangements when Jonathan and I get married (long story). I basically just feel like I have lived out of boxes since last May when I moved out of my old apartment and haven’t had a true “home”. I’m ready to feel at home again somewhere! Anyway, back to the story…lastly, I was just frustrated with my heart problems…I hadn’t felt good for a couple of days and it finally just caught up with me yesterday and felt REALLY bad. But I’m going to see my cardiologist on Friday morning to pray it goes well and we might get this thing finally figured out and under control. I know a lot of people who have more things to be stressed out about than me so I know I will be ok and–this too will pass! Now, I wouldn’t say that I was a bridezilla by any means, just stressed out and probably griped out a few people who are closest to me. So I’m sorry if I did get testy with anyone yesterday, I truly didn’t mean it and my frustration just happened to be aimed at you at that moment. PLEASE forgive me!!

Never Alone

I was listening to a CD on my way to work this morning and one of my favorite songs came on…Never Alone by Barlow Girl. If you haven’t heard it before I suggest you try to find it and listen to it. Here are the lyrics to the song:

I waited for you today
But you didn’t show
No no.
I needed you today
So where did you go?
You told me to call
Said you’d be there
And though I haven’t seen you
Are you still there?

I cried out with no reply
And I can’t feel you by my side
So I’ll hold tight to what I know
You’re here and I’m never alone

And though I cannot see you
And I can’t explain why
Such a deep reassurance
You’ve placed in my life.
We cannot separate
‘Cause you’re part of me.
And though you’re invisible
I’ll trust the unseen.


I love this song because it is a reminder of how much Christ loves us and will always be there for us. It basically says that when we talk to Christ and don’t hear him reply it’s because our walk with Him isn’t as close as it should be. He is always there and will always hear us, we just may not hear Him…that’s when we need to strengthen our relationship. On the flip side, at times, He may be silent in our lives, and it isn’t necessarily because we aren’t close enough with Him. I heard someone say something a while back at a conference… he said, “When Christ is silent, He is not still.” Just because Christ isn’t talking to you He is still showing you things and working in your life. Anyway, back to the song above…the part that I love the most is when it says “And though you’re invisible, I’ll trust the unseen.” So even though you can’t hear Him, He’s there and just trust the unseen! Simply put–Have Faith!


I never thought the day would come where I would have to ask “Permission” from someone else to spend my money…well, okay so it’s not entirely ALL my money. Jonathan and I just made a pretty good sized purchase and before I could buy it I had to ask him if it was okay–Wow, I can feel my independence slipping away. I am a pretty independent person and always have been, but it just dawned on me the other day that in about 2 months, I’m about to lose some of that. I guess that comes with the territory huh. But I would rather be married with less independence than single with all the independence in the world. I’m sure there’s a lot more that I’m going to have to get use to though.