Ohh my–LWAB

Jonathan and I are going to a wedding tonight that is at a pretty nice place, and it’s an evening wedding so he’s got to dress a little nicer than he normally would to a wedding. Some would say he should wear a suit jacket…I compromised and said he could wear a nice shirt and tie with no jacket. Well, he doesn’t wear slacks too ofter, if ever and he has a couple of button up shirts but none were the right kind….girls, you know what I’m talking about, guys–sorry! Anyway, so yesterday evening we went out looking for some nice dress pants, a shirt, and a new tie. We had a whole outfit picked out but then I changed my mind b/c it was kind of too blah..just earth tone colors and such…so poor Jonathan had to endure all this and we set out to find another shirt and tie…..well we did, we ended up with a nice blue shirt and stripped tie. We got home and of course I made him try it on because we, I say we but I mean I, had to see it all put together. I have to say he looked REALLY good, despite the fact I made it impossible and he probably will never want to go shopping with me again. He looked awesome, and I think it was all worth it. He said that this was the hardest time he’s ever had getting dressed for a wedding, including his own. That’s about 98% my fault and I’m sorry. But this was more than just finding an outfit for a wedding, every guy needs atleast one nice dress outfit in their wardrobe. So Jonathan, now you have that nice dress outfit and I won’t bother you again about it.


No, i’m not talking about one of the 7 dwards….I’m talking about my state of being this morning..and well, any other morning for that matter. I really think you can’t function great on 4 1/2 or 5 hours of sleep and that’s what I’ve been getting lately, some nights 6 hours. I rarely fall asleep before 10:30 and pray I’m asleep by 11:00. I usually get into bed by 10:00 or so but can’t ever fall asleep right away…man I wish the days of my childhood when I fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow. Anyway, i am usually completely out of it and wanting to be asleep and there’s Jonathan just talking away…I’m like “ya, ok, uhuh” to whatever he is saying….poor guy, I feel bad But when you go to sleep around 10:30 or 11:00, wake up at 4:45, and then wake up about 4 or 5 times throughout the night and are usually up about 30 minutes each time, that leaves you with little sleep. And sadly about 2 or 3 of those times I wake up it’s b/c someone is snoring. I was up for about an hour last night from 1:00-2:00 and finally I decided to go downstairs and sleep on the couch….well, that lasted all of 5 minutes becuase I didn’t have my fan and I could still hear him snoring…..That’s the problem with a loft style townhouse and no wall to your bedroom. I’m just tired of being tired….between lack of sleep and my heart meds that make you sleepy I have no chance! Oh well, maybe tonight I’ll get some sleep.


Ok…let me just remind some of you how much I detest driving in Dallas anymore. On the way to work I had to put up with 3 wrecks, none were serious thank the Lord….The one that gets me ist a little finder binder on 35…the cars weren’t damaged hardly at all, maybe a little dent here and there but they kept the cars in the middle lane…you never do that, move over to the shoulder please! If you have a death wish you can stand in the middle of 35 with your car stopped but other than that, please MOVE! Ok, enough ranting today…happy driving my peeps!

apparently I’m like a dog

So we were just sitting around last night and I was trying to get comfortable on the couch with my blanket and pillows and Presley (my dog) and such….anyway, Jonathan said that I was like a dog. You know how when you are trying to get comfortable and lay down they circle and circle and circle again until they find just the right spot then they lay down. He said I was like that, I kept moving until I got comfy, I was not circling like a dog. So to that I say, Presley let us circle and move around until we get comfy…we’re the ones that are going to have to lay that way, not anyone else….they can make fun of us all they want, but in the end I’ll be comfortable!

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day…a day to remember our men and women who have served and are still serving our country. Jonathan and I went to the cemetery in Ennis today where my grandparent’s and great-grandparents are buried. Since it is Memorial Day, someone went around the cemetery and put little flags by the graves of military men/women. My grandad was a Lt. Commander in the US Navy so he had a little flag too.
Jonathan and I also went to downtown Ennis to see the building where my great-grandad’s store was–he owned the Men’s clothing store in town. When my great-grandad owned it, he had a big M etched into the stone and painted above the doors. Since then, the store has been divided into two stores, one is a taxidermy and the other one is a gift/tourist shop. The Taxidermy store has left the big M on the front of the store but the gift shop didn’t and painted blue bonnets over it…geeze! When my grandad died, we were on the way to the cemetery and passed by this store…my grandmother pointed out the store to me and told me all about the M on the building and my great-grandad’s buisness. I remembered this comversation and mentioned it to Jonathan…so a few months ago Jonathan was in Ennis for something and saw the building so today we went to find it.

This is the other part of my great-grandad’s old store…behind the blue bonetts is where the M is etched into the stone…here’s a clsoe up of it.

Sno Cones

Or should I say Shaven Ice. That’s how the sign reads anyway. When I was growing up one of my best friends, Kristen, lived in Ennis and we would go to the sno cone stand all the time! I always got a white coconut sno cone….DELICIOUS. 15 years or so later, I moved to Waxahachie and guess what? There’s sno cone stand, Yeah! Well, a “shaven ice” stand, my how times have changed…or atleast become politically correct–as if a sno cone needs to be politically correct. Well anyway, I found out about this wonderful sno cone stand and I’ve been to it like 4 times in the last 2 weeks. And I not only can I get a white coconut sno cone, they have cream to add to it! Another walk down memory lane…so do I like the sno cone stand because it reminds me of the good ‘ole days or because they are just so irresistibly yummy?


Jonathan and I have talked a little about being directors at a youth camp somewhere. We would both absolutely love that it fits our personalities and interests. Well, we were talking to some friends the other night about different endeavors and being an entrepreneur and such….when the conversation led to our friend showing us a property in Ellis county that would be perfect for a youth retreat or camp type center. It’s a 9 acre lot with a house, workshop with a 2 bdrm apt above it, a wharehouse, a 3 acre stock pond, fishing, and much much more….and only $349,000….now I know what you’re thinking–laurie, you don’t have $350,000. And I know that, but we were thinking that like 4 different couples could go in on it together and start up this business…It’s a dream come true!! But the more and more I think about it, I think–THATS CRAZY, you can’t do that, are you kidding yourself. So down the toilet goes the dream…but it was fun while it lasted. Oh well, maybe one day. I would still love to do something like that. Actually I would love to run a gymnastics camp somewhere like the one I used to go to as a kid…nothing hard core gymnastics or what have you, just a fun filled week of camp that included gymnastics. Ahhh, camp buffalo gap—the memories! Ok, enough down memory lane. I guess I have to just go back to my dream of opening up a doggie day care….yeah! I could take Presley to work everyday!! She would love it…..Waxahachie also really needs a dog park. Well that’s enough rambling for now.

fighting for sheets – LWB

Since I’m used to sleeping by myself and no one else in the bed, I’m used to having all the sheets and blankets for myself….I think Jonathan is the same way. Subconsciously both of us are still in that mind frame and steal the covers in the middle of the night. I’ll wake up and have like half of my body covered with the blanket and Jonathan has the rest of the KING size blanket, so I just pull enough to cover me, not to take any from him…then a little while later, he’ll wake up and pull them over to his side not thinking and it will happen again, so I have to pull them back to over. Then he’ll roll over or I’ll roll over and end up pulling the rest of the blanket with me so he’ll have to pull it back over and it’s a vicious cycle. Then there’s the problem with the fan…I have to sleep with a fan blowing right on me at night….sometimes he gets cold with it, but do you really think I’m gonna turn that fan off-ah, that’s a big fat NO. I can’t sleep without it. The only thing saving me is that our bedroom is upstairs so it gets rather warm up there at night, and we’re both kind of cheap and don’t want to pay more for electricity than we have to so we leave the thermostat on 80 at night….It’s not bad, really. Anyway, moral of the story–sometimes it takes a while to get used to someone else being in the bed and taking your covers.

Honeymoon Video

Here is a video of our adventures in Colorado…We had a blast and once we stepped foot off the airplane back in Texas we were ready to get back on and fly back to colorado because it was about 250% humidity here…gotta love Texas weather!