Which Care Bear Are You? (Pictures)

You Are Laugh A Lot Bear!
There's always something funny going on wherever Laugh-a-lot Bear is. This silly bear gets everything mixed up but turns her little misfortunes and mistakes into lots of laughter for others. Her symbol shows what she really is a star at giving others the giggles.
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I'm laugh a lot bear! Imagine that....okay if you really know me, you know this is true. And it's ORANGE!! I used to love the carebears growing up...i had the blue one, I don't remember what that one was though. I wonder where it is now?

Ramblings 2

At the beginnging of the year I wrote a post about how people say I’m a closed book and they don’t really know the real me. Well, it is true, I’m not the most open person but if you ask me anything I’ll answer it, no problem. So I did a little “about me” post of things I like, don’t like and such….So here is a continuation of that:

My eyes are usually bigger than my stomach. I have blue eyes but wish they were green (not sure why). I love sleeping in. I love the smell of coffee, but can’t drink it. I love riding my bike. I like to lay on the couch when it’s raining outside. I love comedy, anything funny really. I love animals. I wish I could quit my job and work for myself. I see what I have as a blessing. I am a genuine person and if I ask you how you are, I truly mean it. I am inquisitive. I am a nerd. I love physics. I am intuitive. I get frustrated when I can’t do something. I have to learn to depend on others. I love NYC and would move there in a heartbeat. I am short or should I say vertically challenged. I love Dr. Pepper but I’m not supposed to drink it. I love to sing in my car, everyones a rock star in the car right? I have a crooked nose and don’t mind a bit. I want to live on a couple of acres of land but I would be jsut as happy living right in the middle of the city. I love tomato sauce but can’t stand tomatoes. I love peach flavoring but not peaches. I truly love my church and the people there. I love my doggy, Presley…she’s a goober. Most of the time my fingers and toes are blue…It’s normal for me, don’t let it scare you. I will most often not tell you what’s on my mind unless you ask. I don’t talk much. I listen a lot. I could people watch for hours but I can’t sit still for more than 30 minutes. My mind works faster than my mouth or hands and by the time I go to say or write it, I forget it. I wish I knew how to play the piano. I am a big Texan but would move to Colorado or Arizona in a heartbeat. Most of the time I don’t know what on earth I am doing in this life. I can’t stand not knowing what’s going to happen. I have a hard time giving up control of my life and plans to God but I do anyway. I still can’t believe I started a blog. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. I love pickles, like the big ones from the fair. I like cooking. I love having people over. I like having time to myself. I am pretty good at acting like I know what I’m doing, even when I don’t. I absolutely love taking pictures. I like country music, but like rock too. I have the beatles, jonny cash and elvis presley all on the same CD. I love funny movies. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books. I like what I do but not getting up at 4:45am. I love sno cones. I can eat a blizzard from Dairy Queen any day. I love the beach but not the ocean. I love snowboarding.

That’s all I can think of now but maybe you’ll get more later, We’ll see.


I just found this sno cone machine that you can buy and make your own sno cones! How awesome is that! I mean I do love me some sno cones, so just imagine what it would be like if I have my own machine!!!! I can make my own slurpees too!!!


If you know me well you know I’ve never been a big reader…unless it’s a physics book–I know, I know -I’m a nerd! Anyway, I have recently found a few good books that I highly recommend. First there is one author that I just absolutely love. Lisa Scottoline writes these thriller novels about law and justice. She is quoted saying “I write books about justice because it matters, and involves the struggle between right and wrong, and love and hate. Once I start one of these books I just can’t put it down! she has about 10 books out now and I recommend the books: Mistaken Identity, Killer Smile, and Courting Trouble.
Two other books that I recommend are For Women Only and For Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn. They are two books about the inner workings of men and women. These are great books about differences of how men and women think. They are good for anyone, not just people in relationships…they help you understand how men and women think and that can help you in any relationship, whether it’s your dad, brother, boyfriend or husband. An example she uses is the difference in the way women perceive images vs the way a man perceives it. She says that men have a visual rolodex, they see an image and at any given time something can spark that image and they flip through the rolodex and there it is–the image in their mind, whether they want it there or not. Another key point she says is that men would rather feel respected than loved and women would rather feel loved. Ask any man that and he would probably agree.
The last book I recommend is 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper. This book is a story about a man who was in a car accident and died but then came back to life. He was dead for about 90 minutes, hence the name. The story accounts for his time in heaven and then goes on to describe his time spent during recovery. The book is more of a testament on how he got through his recovery and why God brought him back to this earth and the pain he is living with. He got to have a glimpse of Heaven but God wasn’t through with him and he had to deal with why God brought him back. It is a really good book and I do recommend you read it. Any of these books you can buy through www.casadeblundell.com at our store or click on the Amazon link to the right of this page.

Back in business

Jonathan got his new bike last night so we had to go test it out and ride around the block for a little while….If you remember a while back I wrote that Jonathan and I were going to start riding our bikes to get exercise…well I took one look at him on his bike and said “there’s no way you can ride that bike comfortably.” I’m pretty sure it’s a 16 inch bike…mine is a 17.5 inch frame and I’m 5’2. It was pretty funny and he said it wasn’t comfortable to ride so we invested in a nice bike for him. He was talking about how much nicer and easier it was to ride than his old one…I believe it! So we are back in business and going to start riding again…we both need it!

HOV Lane now the SOV lane?

Did I miss something, has the HOV lane (HIGH occupancy vehicle lane) turned into the SOV lane (SINGLE vehicle lane) overnight? On my way to work this morning I passed about 10 cars (no exaggeration) with just one person in them, the driver. That isn’t high occupancy, unless they have multiple personalities…then that’s just a whole other problem. It just irritates me when I’m stuck in traffic going 5mph and here comes Mr. I can do anything I want going 60mph all my his onsey in the HOV lane. Geeze…owell

Tile Layin Fool

This past weekend we finished up the tile work at the Treadaway’s house. A couple of months back we tiled the den and kitchen, and this weekend we finished up the dinning room and hallway. So we ripped up the carpet, layed the tile and now we just have to go back and finish up the shoe molding around the edges. The kitchen also needs shoe molding but the stain was a little too light to work so we have to redo that. I think we are all pretty sore today, I am for sure. Jonathan mentioned it on his blog, but if there’s anyone in the Waxahachie area with a hot tub that’s not in use, Jonathan, Josh and I would sure appreciate it!

paddle boat

Did any of ya’ll need a paddle boat to get to work this morning or was it just me? If it keeps raining I’m going to have buy a jet ski just to get to and from work. Yesterday the news anchors were making a fuss about how severe the weather is and how in Ellis county there was small stream and urban flooding…what does that mean? Just kidding. I am getting tired of the rain…Jonathan and I have been wanting to pull up all the plants, shrubs and such around our patio and lay some sod for the pres-in-ator but it won’t quit raining long enough to do it. Last weekend was about the only weekend that has been sunny in a while and we couldn’t go to the pool because it was closed for maintenance…not cool! Our patio also has so many weeds that have sprouted because of the rain, it looks like a jungle. Hope you all stay dry.

Global Cooling?

Solar scientists predict that, by 2020, the sun will be starting into its weakest Schwabe solar cycle of the past two centuries, likely leading to unusually cool conditions on Earth. Beginning to plan for adaptation to such a cool period, one which may continue well beyond one 11-year cycle, as did the Little Ice Age, should be a priority for governments. It is global cooling, not warming, that is the major climate threat to the world, especially Canada. As a country at the northern limit to agriculture in the world, it would take very little cooling to destroy much of our food crops, while a warming would only require that we adopt farming techniques practiced to the south of us.

So what is it…global warming or global cooling? Here’s my theory…..we’ll continue with global warming as everyone says is happening now and then by the time 2020 hits, the global cooling will just bring the earths temperature level back down to where it is now. So basically it just evens out…haha. Just kidding, I know it doesn’t work that way.