
The Encounter Co-ed softball team had a victory last night–we won our game 11 to 1, yeah! I had a good hit which landed me on 1st base but I could have gone to 2nd if I didn’t want to play it safe. I was on 3rd base at one point ready to run home and SHOULD have had a run but as I was running to home, the 3rd base coach decided to tell me not to go (I could have) and then as I tried to stop, he put out his arm so I wouldn’t fall and the ref called an “interferance” and called me out! DUMMY! O’well, it was fun overall, it’s fun when you actually get to play. I guess the coach of our team doesn’t know I can play (not that I am great by any means but I mean come on I can catch a dang ball and throw–and I can hit by golly!!). Instead I get to sit out the entire game except for one inning in RIGHT field–no action there except watching the dragonfly fly around..and I only got to bat once….I should have been able to bat twice, but a competetive little go-getter had to leave the 1st base bag too soon and as I was about to swing, he called her out and it was the 3rd out–so there goes my second at bat….What are you gonna do! But because they just sit me on the bench the whole game I’m not gonna pay money next season to do that. So a long story short–yeah for the Encounter co-ed softball team!

what to do???

So over the last few months, I’ve started missing Dallas and my friends and family who all live there. Ya, I know it’s only a 45 min to an hour drive to see them, but when you drive there 5 days a week to go to work, you don’t want to make another trip to see anyone. Especially with these gas prices….and if I just stay in Dallas after work to see people, it makes for a long day. The drive to work is getting to me the most I think. I do miss my friends though….I guess it all just hit me the last few days how much I do miss it. Okay so the majority of my friends and all my family is in the Dallas area and my work is in Dallas, but I live in Waxahachie…basically I feel like I live in two different places and I don’t get to see my friends or family that often. I miss the fact that I could call up a friend or brother or my mom and say hey lets go get coffee or lunch and in 15 minutes we’d see each other. A big delima comes in to play here because Jonathan is really involved in our church, Encounter, and all his friends are in Waxahachie or surrounding areas. Now don’t get me wrong, I do like Encounter and the people and friends I’ve met through our church. Let me put it this way, Jonathan is a very social person and could make friends with a rock…me on the other hand, it takes a while, I don’t have a whole lot of friends…no I’m not a loner….I have a handful of friends that I really have strong relationships with and I would just call up and talk or visit, and I’m completely fine with it. So now we have to decide where we want to live and hopefully we’ll find out before our lease is up in March. So be praying we get some peace about the situation.

What a week!

Man has it been a crazy week. We’ve been swamped at work trying to get all the kids in before school starts and next week is going to be even busier–yikes! Wednesday on my way home from work I basically blew out one of my tires and had to change that, well I didn’t change it. I was all ready to do so, I had the spare tire down and the jack out but I just couldn’t get the jack to work, it was sticking and luckily this nice man stopped to help me and he had one of those big jacks on wheels…the whole time I was just thinking to myself “just don’t take me or shoot me” it’s sad that we think that now days but that’s what its coming down to. Just two or three days prior to that a–now stay with me on this–a co-worker of mine, his wife’s cousin was killed while he pulled over to help a guy who had crashed. The guy who he stayed to help shot him and three other guys and then shot himself. looser! Anyway, we got my tire changed and two new ones put on my car b/c they needed to be changed anwyay. Then discount tire was being dumb and couldn’t figure out what they were doing with my tires….they didn’t know where to put the new tires or what to change or whatever……That was a crazy afternoon/evening. Let’s just say i’m ready for the weekend. I think wer’re just going to go eat tonight and then rent a movie to watch at home…if I can stay awake through it! not sure what else we’ll do this weekend. Hope you have a good one!

Passion Groove

Yesterday at church (Encounter) Brian talked about our “passion groove”. For those of you who may not know what he is referring to, it’s what gets you going, what gets your blood flowing and gets you out of bed in the morning. There is a groove on a record that the needle from the record player fits right into and that is the records “groove”. God has created a passion for each one of us and we are created to fit right into that passion, whatever it may be. That is our passion groove. We may not know what it is right now but usually, as Brian said, we will find it when we are put into a situation that brings on heat and/or pressure. You can ask yourself…if I were to give up my life to God and say you have control over it…..if there were nothing holding you back, what would you do, where would you be? That would be your passion. If you had this amazing career with a six figure income, but gave it up and to do what your passionate about, that would be your passion groove. I was talking to someone after church and we got onto the subject of our jobs and she said to me “your job must be what your passion groove is, I don’t see how you could do it if it weren’t.” You know, it’s not…ya I love what I do and I am passionate about working with the kids I work with, but it’s not my passion groove, it’s not what my passion is. I could walk away from it and would be just fine. Now I think the part that is my passion is the part of helping people. I think if I were to give my life to God fully and nothing was holding me back, I might be in a third world country doing medical missions. But there are so many things holding me back from doing that and I just don’t feel led to do it right now. I think it might take me a while to truly find my passion groove. What do you think your passion groove is, what are you most passionate about and would give everything up for?

To listen to the full message (which is a good one) click here

It’s been a while!

I’m baaaaack! So it’s been a while since I posted something, we’ve been kinda busy with work and just life in general. It was a fantastic weekend at the casa de Blundell. Friday night Jonathan and I went to Dallas to eat at Snuffers and then went to see Bourne Ultimatum. Ohhh cheese fries and a snuffers hamburger!!!! If any of you haven’t seen the Bourne Ultimatum, you need to go out and see it, it’s just as good as the Bourne Identiy and Bourne Supremacy…I hear there will be a fourth one coming out sometime. Anyway, Saturday my mom and Jonathan’s mom came down to Waxahachie and we all went and got a pedicure and then did some shopping in downtown Waxahachie…we all went home with something from one of the stores we visited. Saturday night our dad’s came out and met us all for dinner and then a fun filled evening with After Hours improv at the Texas Theater in downtown Waxahachie. After Hours Improv is a comedy troup that our friends Shari and Smiley are a part of. They are hilarious…it’s improv at it’s finest! If you haven’t been before you really need to go and see them perform sometime. Then Sunday we went to church and listened to Brian talk about our “Passion Groove”….more on that in the next post. Then we went to lunch with some friends and came home and went to the pool for a little while. It was a very nice weekend, and now I’m back at work…argh. Maybe it will be another good weekend next week.


So tonight we decided to cook pancakes for dinner….i know can you believe it, I ate breakfast food for dinner….if you know me, you know I don’t do that. Anyway, Jonathan decided to make them so he started and they just weren’t turning out right so I grabbed another pan and made some of my own. Well, let’s just say we know who is going to make the pancakes for our kids when the time comes. His is on the left and mine is on the right:
pancakes gone wrong

Now lets look at our presentation of the meal….which is more appealing? This time mine is on the left and his is on the right.

Although I will say, he had an unfair advantage….the pan he was using was very uneven and tilted so it didn’t heat evenly and mine did…if you can tell by the picture of his pan below.


Faith Hill & Tim McGraw

So last night I got to go to the Faith Hill & Tim McGraw concert…I went about 5 years ago and loved it. I was all ready to go and get some great photos..I was able to take a camera in last time I went. I had my camera and all ready and then was told you can’t take cameras in…I was a little dissapointed to say the least so I ditched it and went inside. When I sat down, what did I see….hundreds of flashes going off! There were cameras everywhere….it was video cameras that you weren’t able to bring in!! I was a little torked off. Where I was sitting mixed wit my telephoto lens I would have had some increadible pictures….I’m talking upclose and personal photos of their faces! Oh well, so goes life! Maybe next year 😉


All our pictures from Saturday’s photo shoot are posted now, along with some pictures from 9 baptisms at church on Sunday. just click on the flickr page to the right to see all the photos or click here.
Let us know which ones you like the best!

Sneak Peek!

As some of you know, Jonathan and I thought it would be fun to get our wedding dress and tux back on and take some more cool pics. So us, along with Jens, went out to Las Colinas this morning and snapped a few. I’m hoping to finish up tweaking our the pictures tonight and have them all posted by this weekend but we’ll see. Here is a sneak peek for you though! dsc_0107.JPG


So it was a very disappointing weekend…but not overall, we had some good times too. We started out to Austin Friday afternoon leaving a little later than we wanted and ran into some traffic. We ended up getting to Austin around 7:30 or so and checked into our hotel room. This is where the disappointment started. Our room was a little musty/moldy smelling and I think my hotel room in NYC was bigger than this one. After a little while our friends Wayne and Cara picked us up and took us to dinner at Matt’s El Rancho mexican restaurant. It was a wait to get in but it was worth it because the food was awesome! After dinner we decided to go snap some night shots of the capital…after all, we are in Austin. The lighting on the pics were a little off and we used the hood of our car because we forgot the tripod, so some of the pictures are a little crooked.

After dinner and pictures we went back to the hotel and put on our swimmers. One of the main reasons we booked this particular hotel was because of the indoor pool, hot tub and sauna they claimed to have. We went down to the pool only to find it closed for renovations. Another disappointment so we just called it a night. We slept in a little on Saturday morning and then headed out on the town. We did some geocaching around Austin, we just couldn’t find one of them but had better luck with the second one.

We snapped some photos of a huge guitar outside of the whole foods store in downtown Austin and then ate some lunch at Frank and Angie’s Pizzarria…good pizza. I just got the usual cheese pizza while Jonathan got a pizza with everything on it…most of which would make me sick.

After we ate we decided to get back on the road and we made a few stops on our way back to Waxahachie. We stopped in IKEA and round rock outlet stores for some quick shopping, then decided to eat some dinner in
Waco. We made it home about 9:30 or so and quickly realized I left my purse in the restaurant in Waco. We called them and they said they had it so we turned right around and drove back to Waco to pick up the purse. It wasn’t too long that I realized that ya, someone turned it in but not before they cleaned it out. They took my cell phone (which was about a month old) and a LARGE amount of money that had been given to us as wedding gifts. We kept it to use for trips like this or things we need around the house. We have our ideas as to who it was that took it but we can’t be sure. Obviously the “Klammpits” as I call them, needed the money more than we did. Believe it or not I actually wasn’t as mad as I thought I would be. I thought I’d be ready to punch someones face in but I really wasn’t. I’m more mad at myself for leaving it than anything. I could care less about the cell phone, I have my old one I’m using now. It’s more of a feeling of being violated. Knowing that someone went through my things and my wallet and helped themselves to what they wanted. Luckily it was cash and not credit cards or my debit card…that could have been detrimental to our bank account. If it was who we think it was, this might sound mean but I think they just weren’t smart enough to take the credit cards, they wouldn’t know what to do with them. Well we returned home about 11:30 and went to bed…it was a long day.
Over the last week we’ve been fighting with our Lynksis router connecting to my mac…we had it working at one point when we moved into the townhome but now it isn’t working and we can’t fix it. So I just said forget it and we went and bought a new wireless router…now it works and we’re all set. So if any of you know anyone that wants to buy a router we’ve got one. So that’s the weekend at casadeblundell. Check out Jonathan’s blog for his view on the weekend and if you want, we posted all of our pictures from the weekend on my flickr page which you can click on the link to the right to get there.