
This semester I am taking a photoshop class at Richland to fulfill my fine arts credit. I decided since I have to take a fine arts class, I might as well take a class I will use and learning how to use photoshop is very useful for me. Each of us in the class have our own web server type thing (I’m not the computer geek in our household) that we upload and post all of our exercises and projects to. So Jonathan and I decided to just link it to our If you would like to check out my progress through the class or see what I’ve done so far you can click on the link below. Oh, and the majority of the pictures I use in the class are taken by either Jonathan or myself. The pig in one of the pictures was cut out of a picture taken at Scarborrough Faire.

Click here to view projects

Keep your fingers crossed

So Jonathan and I signed a contract on a house yesterday–more details to come later…I don’t want to jinx myself by telling you everything. We have to wait and see if we are approved for the loan and all that whooplah first. So if everything goes as planned we should be in our new house in Red Oak by September 28–that’s like 13 days!! So pray it all goes through and the stress level isn’t too bad….this afternoon sure has been. We are trying to get all our paper work together for the loan officer so they can get it all put through fast due to the short closing period. I have pictures on my flickr page if you want to take a gander at our possible future home!

Encounter’s 2 year anniversary

Today we celebrated Encounter’s 2 year anniversary. Jonathan and I both did a video for the morning service, his a little more comedic than mine. He did a look at the future of encounter and I did a slide show type video of pictures from the many people’s lives that have been touched throughout the last 2 years. While the slide show was being played, Scott and Cara played the song you hear during the video live.


If you need a laugh, here you go. These are science exam answers from children…some of them are hilarious!

Q: Name the four seasons.
A: Salt, pepper, mustard, and vinegar.

Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.
A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.

Q: How is dew formed?
A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

Q: How can you delay milk turning sour? (brilliant, love this!)
A: Keep it in the cow.

Q: What causes the tides in the oceans?
A: The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.

Q: What are steroids?
A: Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs.

Q: What happens to your body as you age?
A: When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental.

Q: What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?
A: He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery.

Q: Name a major disease associated with cigarettes.
A: Premature death.

Q: How are the main parts of the body categorized? ( e.g., abdomen)
A: The body is consisted into three parts — the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain; the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels A, E, I, O, and U.

Q: What is the fibula?
A: A small lie.

Q: What does “varicose” mean? (I do love this one…)
A: Nearby.

Q: Give the meaning of the term “Caesarian Section.”
A: The Caesarian Section is a district in Rome.

Q: What does the word “benign” mean?’
A: Benign is what you will be after you be eight


My mom emailed yesterday to tell me that my 6th grade science teacher, Mr. Reyna, was named teacher of the year in region 10. He is the first teacher in Garland ISD to be awarded this and it is a great accomplishment. You can read the article about him at, there is a picture of him on the front page and a link to the full article. Mr. Reyna is the reason I am a science nerd today. Ever since taking his science class in 6th grade I have loved science and have been thinking about teaching it. Congralutations Mr. Reyna, you deserve it

iPhone prices slashed

HAHAHAHAHAHA–I can’t stop laughing, sorry, that might be rude to all those people that stood in line for a day or two just to be the first to have an iPhone and pay $600 for it! It’s been probably 2 or 3 months since it came out and according to The Dallas Morning News, “Apple Inc. slashed the price of the iPhone by $200 Wednesday — a rare move for the company that typically discounts only older products.” They go on to say “The 8-gigabyte iPhone will be $399 — $200 cheaper than the same model when it went on sale in June. The 4-gigabyte iPhone, which sold for $399, will be phased out.” You might be in shock when I say this, but I never really wanted an iPhone. Ya, it’s cool, but I tend to drop things and I have a feeling the iPhone isn’t very durable. Maybe when it’s slashed another $200 I’ll get one. It’s ever harder to believe that I didn’t get one because it’s a mac product and I love Mac. I just think it’s funny that Mac decided to cut the price not just a little but by $200! So go out and get you an iPhone.iphone

Labor Day Weekend at Casa De Blundell

This was a great weekend. I took Friday off because our schedule was very very light and we had Monday off for Labor Day so I had a nice 4 day weekend! I think i slept in until 1230 or so on Friday and didn’t wake up but once or twice. It was a lazy day for me, I didn’t do much until Jonathan came home and we met my parents along with Vicki and Bob for dinner then went and got some new frisbee’s for disc golf. Saturday we slept in and then got up and ate a brunch at IHOP–haven’t been there in a while, I was craving it for some reason. After breakfast/lunch we went and played frisbee golf with phil and had a good time. I haven’t played that game for probably 5 years, I suprisingly didn’t stink as bad as I thought I would. After that I was worn out so I took a nap. That evening, well, I don’t really remember what we did–oh ya, watch Borune Identity and ate at Whataburger, then we had to get back home so Jonathan could do his Fantisy Football draft while I caught up on my TV shows that have been stuck on our DVR for forever. Sunday we went to church and then went to lunch with some friends and then just did stuff around the house. A little later we went out to Kaufman and took a trip to Hidden Acres, a camp Jonathan went to while he was growing up. Presley sure did like that trip–well other than the dock by the pond, she didn’t care too much for it…i think it scared her more than anything. Monday we slept in–again (awesome!) then we went and drove (or paddled b/c of the rain) around and looked at some houses and neighborhoods. Then we met my brother Brad and sister-in-law, Jennifer along with their two kids, Jake and Brooklynn for dinner at Chili’s. Over all it was a great weekend, relaxed, fun and ready for another one!

Busy Busy Busy

Yesterday millions of children started back to school with their new school uniforms, book bags and notebooks. My nephew, Jake, is one of the few that don’t start until Wednesday I believe…so he’d better enjoy his last day of summer. He starts 1st grade this year, I can’t believe how fast he is growing up, I remember the day he was born! ahhhh the memories. I have to be a proud aunt for a second and show you a picture of him because he’s just SOOO cute–oh wait, I don’t have one here b/c I’m at work–I’ll have to show you another time. Anyway, millions of kids, teens and college students went back to school yesterday, including me. For any of those who don’t know, yes I’m back in school (and no, I’m not crazy)…I’m just getting my degree again! I have an associates degree in Respiratory care and I’m completing my Bachelor’s degree in Respiratory care from Midwestern state university. I am basically repeating my main respiratory classes b/c i have to have residency credit at Midwestern to graduate from there, and then I have to take some of the core classes that I didn’t need for my associates degree like government, history and stupid courses like that. I am supposed to graduate in May (if all goes as planned, which never seems to happen) and then I might get a teaching certificate or go onto a masters degree, who knows. Anyway, I am taking 3 classes this semster, working full time (in Dallas so it turns into a 10 hour day) and then fitting life in there. It’s going to be a busy semester….I have 2 classes that are going to be very very time consuming and I have to study because I’m trying to make an A in all my classes so I can graduate Summa Cum laude, if I make an A from here on out, I should be able to do it. I am taking Microbiology this semster and it is a very hard course, but I like science so if I spend time studying, I will hopefully do okay. But that takes time away from my other 2 classes so I have to balance my time between those 3 courses and fit time in to actually have a life with my husband and not totally neglect my dog. Let’s just say little things I do will be cut from life right now…I know I’ll have to miss some small group nights to study and maybe other things but in my opinion, it’s worth it because after may it’s all over with and then I can relax. It might be crazy around casa de blundell for a while!


So yesterday I was on my way to work doing great, I wasn’t running late, making great time, and then boom–Highway 35 is shut down…traffic was standing still and not moving. You see all the people making their own exit ramps in the grass on the side of the highway and people making their own lane on the shoulder…rudeness. I was just sitting there so I called Jonathan to get an alternate route to work. This was just past interstate 20 on I35 so I still had a ways to go to get to Children’s. Anyway, I continued to sit there for about 30 minutes and went maybe 10 feet. I said forget this, and I became one of those rude people I don’t like who make their own exit ramp on the grass ;). I’ve never done this and thought I never would, now I probably will never do this again but at the time it was a VERY very good idea. I thought, I have a good, high SUV and these little cars are making it so here I go and I went….less than 10 seconds later I was on my way to work taking the back roads. I bet you though I was going to say I got a ticket or rolled my Xterra or something, didn’t you! Well, I didn’t and it all turned out ok. I told Jonathan that this wasn’t helping his case to stay in Waxahachie…Since living in Waxahachie (only 4 months), I35 has been shut down 2 times while on my way to work and this is the only way to get there until I get to Dallas then I can take back roads. So at this rate 35 should be shut down about 6 times a year, GREAT!! So why anyone would choose to live off 35 or make 35 their sole route to work is beyond me….I love what I do, maybe not where I work so much, but it’s the only place I can do what I do so I’m not going anywhere….people ask why I don’t just work at Baylor Waxahachie or Methodist or somewhere closer and I say, “it’s not pediatrics” I don’t work with adults, they gross me out and give me attitude! I only put up with tudes from kiddos, not adults. Now if Baylor waxahachie ever had a pediatric hospital added onto it and I would only work with the kids and no adults, then I’d go there….but I don’t see that happening anytime soon, if ever. Well, I guess that’s enough rambling for now.