Jonathan and I decided to take a trip to Memphis, TN in March and I can’t wait. It’s always nice just to get away for a while and leave everything behind—AKA Work! Today I booked our hotel so it’s official, we’re going! It’s about 10 miles from Graceland–GRACELAND. The home of Elvis Presley!!!! And on a side note- for those of you who might not know–It’s Elvis’ birthday today. The king is/was/would be another year older. Happy Birthday Elvis! Well, back to where I was-We’re gonna get to take a tour of Graceland –I’m soo excited. We’ll also, hopefully, get to enjoy some great Jazz music at some jazz clubs and visit sun studios and the infamous Beale street. It’s going to be hard to wait for the next 2 months! We have really wanted to go to Scotland this summer but I think this trip is more in our budget right now! Maybe Scotland next year. Memphis here we come–in 2 months.


I guess I should fill you in on the happenings of my beloved iPod…because I know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting to hear. Anyway, I took it to the Mac store (I love that store-AAHHHHHH) where was I–oh yes, I took it to the Mac Doctor and they said there was no use but they did say I could pay like $59 and they’ll just give me a new one–a new iPod mini that is…the one that I have–same color and everything. I said “lets see, a new one, which I don’t like as much, is like $150 or more and a used ipod mini on ebay is like $80 or $90.” Ya I’ll go with the $59. So I have my new ipod and it Rocks–and get this–it holds the battery charge!!! yeah, we’re back in business!

New Year

Another year has come and gone…2007 was a pretty good year I would say. I mean I did get married and then buy a new house…so ya, it was a good year. I never really set new years resolutions because typically I never seem to complete them. Not becasue I don’t try or they are so out of reach to complete but I just forget about them or don’t feel the need to complete it. Anyway, this year I set a reachable goal, one that I’ll like, and an easy one at that. I am going to take a picture everyday for the next 365 days, well actually the next 366 days because this year is leap year. I am posting all the pictures on my flickr account under the 365 photos set if you would like to follow along. Well, I wish everyone a happy new year and I hope you and your family are blessed this upcoming year.

My beloved iPod

I have a beloved iPod that I’ve had for years. It’s a green iPod mini, they don’t even make those anymore…why I don’t know–it was one of their best ones. Over the last couple of months I’ve noticed that it doesn’t hold it’s charge that long and today I took it along with me when I took Presley for a walk. Well it didn’t even last 5 minutes before the battery was completely dead! What am I going to do, they don’t make these anymore and honestly, I can think of many more things I’d rather spend $150 on than a new, not as good, iPod. Sure mine doesn’t had a touch screen or even color screen, and it doesn’t do videos or whatever but it’s the best one…it holds 1000 songs and like I would ever fill that up anyway. It’s green and compact and my iPod–and now it’s broken, almost. I can still listen to it when it’s plugged in but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of an mp3 player? I restored the settings and updated the software this afternoon so we’ll see if that helps my beloved iPod. If not, i’m gonna have to take it to the mac store and walk up to the genius bar and say “I need a Dr. my iPod is sick…please help it, do everything you can to save it!” and they will probably say, lady this is an old outdated iPod–Buy another one! But I don’t want to, its my old, outdated iPod and I want it working again. We’ll see what happens, I’ll keep you updated because I know all of you are just on edge about my iPod issue 😉


Jonathan and I went to the Transiberian Orchestra concert last night along with Tim and kara and some friends. This was my 4th year to go and I still love it! I don’t think I could ever get sick of going to that show…it has become a fun tradition around Christmas time. The first half of the show is a Christmas story told with rock music and a narrator telling the story. The second half of the show is just an awesome rock concert with lights and a piro show. It’s awesome! They have two of the best pianists in the world in the group–well, at least i think so. They also have an AWESOME violinist from London, England. If you’ve never heard of them or been to a show I highly suggest recommend them. They said they might start a summer tour–not the Christmas show, obviously. Hopefully they’ll be back summer of ’08.

I Rock!!!

Jonathan and I have been on a search for a Wii gaming system so we could get Guitar Hero and be rock stars! Well we’ve had no luck–we almost had one on Wednesday but someone else decided they needed the one that was up at customer service for us, so no such luck. Last night we just decided to get a sony playstation 2 instead, they have just as many games that we would play anyway. So we got the PS2 that came with sing along rock star or whatever–its like a karaoke machine basically. But we also got Guitar Hero III and played it for a good while last night. It’s hard to get the hang of it at first but then I figured it out and Rocked Out!!! It is soo much fun.
Now we just need to get another guitar so we can have duals and play eachother!

guitar hero guitar hero

Christmas Wrap-Up

Okay so it wasn’t the BEST Christmas ever—Now let me explain this. I woke up Saturday morning with a migraine and all that entails–yes, even bowing before the porcelain god. Eventually about 3:00 I started feeling better and Jonathan and I went to finish up some last minute Christmas shopping. Sunday we went to church and had a great service. Our friend Mary led worship and sang beautifully, as usual, and the Encounter band played the infamous Christmas Eve Seriavo. After church Jonathan and I decided to try this mexican food restaraunt that we’d been wanting to go to for a while. This is where it went downhill. We went to Amaya’s–yes I’m saying the name of the restaraunt so no one will ever go there–Amaya’s in Red Oak!! STAY AWAY. Anyway, we ate lunch and the food wasn’t anything to write home about, it was okay but not great. I just had two beef tacos and Jonathan had a beef enchilada. Well, we went home and I finished wrapping the Christmas gifts and got ready to go to his grandparents for Christmas with his family. On our way there I started feeling a little queasy and not right so we stopped and got some tums. They didn’t help–at this point Jonathan wasn’t feeling that well either. A couple of hours went by and I couldn’t take it anymore, I told him we had to go, which I felt horrible because I didn’t want to make him leave…we don’t get to see his cousins that often. Well, it’s a good thing we left because it was over when we got home. I was sick all night and then had to get up and go to work the next day. I finally stopped getting sick but I was VERY dehydrated and my blood pressure was extremely low which made work pretty difficult. I came straight home from work and went back to bed. The rest of the day (which was Christmas Eve) was just worthless, Jonathan and I were both dehydrated and worn out. Let me tell you, Pedialyte isn’t just for kids anymore….We spent our Christmas Eve on the couch drinking Pedialyte–Yippee! We were supposed to go to our parents church for the Christmas Eve service and then maybe stop by my aunts house to see my cousins and their kids. Well, that didn’t happen. Then Christmas day, my family was supposed to all come over but that wasn’t going to happen because I was about to clean the house–I could barely stand without feeling like I was going to pass out. So Christmas morning we woke up and felt better but still a little worn out and dehydrated. We opened our gifts from eachother and then went to Jonathan’s sisters house for breakfast with his family. We had a good time and then went to my parents house for lunch with my family. We had a good Christmas but probably would have enjoyed it better if we felt better. Maybe we’ll have a good New Year’s!

More Info

I don’t want to bore you guys with medical info but for those who want to know more about IST (inappropriate sinus tachycardia) which is what my Dr. said I have. So bascially this is for my family who wants to know more. IST is an uncommon type of cardiac arrhythmia, within the category of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)–which I have. The mechanism of the arrhythmia primarily involves the Sinus Node and peri-nodal tissue and treatments are in the form of pharmacological therapy or Catheter ablation are available, although it is currently difficult to treat successfully. So basically it’s a condition in which an individual’s resting heart rate is abnormally high (greater than 100 beats per minute), their heart rate increases rapidly with minimal exertion, and their rapid heart rate is accompanied by symptoms of palpitations, fatigue, and exercise intolerance. IST is not associated with an abnormal electrical pattern on the ECG. The heart rhythm in IST appears to arise from within the sinus node, the cardiac structure that generates the normal heart rhythm. Patients with IST are hypersensitive to adrenaline, such that a little bit of adrenaline (like a little bit of exertion) causes a marked rise in heart rate. There is evidence that the sinus node itself has structureal changes. But much other evidence suggests that a more general dysautonomia is present in these patients. (This would explain why symptoms most often seem out of proportion to the increase in heart rate.) It is the notion that the sinus node itself is intrinsically abnormal that has led electrophysiologists to resort to ablation of the sinus node as a treatment for IST.

I hope that wasn’t to medical for you but it’s a synopsis of what it is.

We’re Even!

A while back I wrote a post about Jonathan doing the laundry and how I asked him kindly to never to the laundry again because I ended up with a pink shirt that was white and another shirt that had a blue tint to it. I had to explain that women’s clothing is different than men’s clothing and you can’t wash some of them the same. I thought we had an understanding. He has been trying to do more around the house to help me out even though I tell him he doesn’t need to b/c I can still do it. I know he was just trying to help and he didn’t malliciously do laundry to ruin clothes. He did laundry last night for me, and I do appreciate his help, but what he didn’t realize is that I had some jeans in there I just got and hadn’t been washed yet. These jeans needed to be washed by themselves because they will bleed and they also needed to be laid flat to dry because they will shrink. Anyway, I didn’ tknow what he washed last night, I was thinking it was the whites because you really can’t screw them up unless you put a red sock mixed in. well this morning I stuck my scrubs in the dryer to iron them-ha-and when I opened the door I saw these jeans and then saw my favorite white sweater. I pulled the sweater out and it is now a light gray-blue color along with some other white shirts I have. And for the jeans, they are now too small to wear…so the new jeans I have never worn will never be worn.

But to be fair I went out and mowed the backyard and a good part of the front yard yesterday when I got home after he told me to rest and not do anything. I think he was a little mad when I told him and I feel bad for that. I know he worries about me but at the same time I know my limitations and because I felt bad to begin with doing certain things doesn’t necessarily make it worse. I’d feel bad either way and I might as well get stuff done that needs it. But I will admit I probably shouldn’t have mowed the yard because it did wear me out and I didn’t feel great afterwards. So that being said we are even, he did the laundry and I mowed the yard.