Am I invisible?

Just a quick little vent session here without being too detailed. I have never felt so undervalued, inadequate, and invisible in my life as I have this week. And not by my husband–just to be clear. If it’s not too selfish to ask, would you please pray that things will work out with a situation and God will show me his plan!


Relativism is the idea that some element or aspect of experience or culture is relative to, i.e., dependent on, some other element or aspect. Some relativists claim that humans can understand and evaluate beliefs and behaviors only in terms of their historical or cultural context. The term often refers to truth relativism, which is the doctrine that there are no absolute truths, i.e., that truth is always relative to some particular frame of reference, such as a language or a culture.

I know your probably asking…”why did she just give me the definition of relativism?” I have a point, really. Yesterday I read a post on Brandi’s blog about her experience with a new community group and how they mixed young college kids with “older” married couples. she made a point that college kids don’t want to mix with married people…not beacuse they are married but because they are “older” –relatively speaking. This got me thinking a little bit. I am 26 years old, I’ll be 27 in 3 months. To me that’s not old–ya it’s older, but it’s not old. But when I was 19 and in college a 27 year old was old. In my 19 year old mind being 8 years older was a huge difference and when I become 26-27 I will be old. It’s all about relativity peeps because now I’m thinking, I’m not old, old is –now don’t get offended, I’m using this as an illustration 😉 — the 40 year old, I mean I’m mid life–half of my life is over! But when I’m 40 years old, I’ll probably be thinking, I’m not old, I still have 1/2 my life left to live. There is a huge difference in the way you view things and they perspective you have. Of course being a little older and wiser helps too — haha

So there you have it, my thoughts on relativism! I’m sure you enjoyed it.


Are you having trouble falling asleep at night? Your cell phone may be to blame. A new study shows that using your mobile phone just before you go to bed can make it harder to get a good night’s sleep. Study participants exposed to the radiation equivalent of a mobile phone took longer to get to the deeper stages of sleep and spent less time in the deepest one than those who were not. This research suggests that if you need to make a phone call in the evening it is much better to use a land line, and don’t have your mobile by your bedside table. The study showed that it may also cut our amount of deep sleep – interfering with the body’s ability to refresh itself. Researcher Professor Bengt Arnetz said: “The study strongly suggests that mobile phone use is associated with specific changes in the areas of the brain responsible for activating and coordinating the stress system.” Another theory is that radiation may disrupt production of the hormone melatonin, which controls the body’s internal rhythms. It was also said that “It is really one small piece in a very large scientific jigsaw. It is a very small effect, one researcher likened it to less than the effect you would see from a cup of coffee.”

Relaxing Night

Tonight was a pretty relaxing night at Casa de Blundell. I cooked some dinner and then while Jonathan cleaned up the dishes I make a mint chocolate chip milkshake–Delish! Then after all that, I sat on the couch, grabbed my book and Presley came and curled up next to me. It was nice just to sit and relax a little. I’m not that much of a reader but when I find a book I like, then I like to read. And it’s always nice to have my puppy curl up next to me–she doesn’t just sit and chill out that often so when she does, it’s a treat! I love nights like this where we can just stay at home and do bascially nothing. I’m tired of always going and doing something after work…That’s why so many people, including myself get burned out so easily–we don’t just stop and relax.
Doesn’t she look so sweet!!! Don’t let her fool you.


I have to say…this is by far one of my favorite pictures I’ve taken. I used it as today’s photo for my project 365 on flickr. I was making hot cocoa and saw the steam under the overhead light and had to run and get my camera. Just thought I’d share it with you.

Mi Ojos!

For you non-spanish speaking readers that means My Eyes! About 2 maybe 3 years ago I started wearing glasses, and let me tell you, I hate it! I tried the whole contact lenses and I just can’t do it…my eyes are irritated with them in and i can see the outline of the lens and it’s miserable so I’m stuck with wearing these dreadful things on my face. Well I went to get an eye exam today because my glasses weren’t seeming to do the trick anymore and i think the prescription needed to be adjusted. Boy was I right! He said that because I’m farsighted I will probably need stronger ones every couple of years–JOY…oh but eventually I’ll need bifocals! SERIOUSLY Bifocals! nooooo, i’ll never need those. Anyway, my eye sight in my right eye has gotten so much worse in just a years time I couldn’t believe it….so I asked him if me not wearing my glasses had anything to do with it and of course he said yes, so I have to wear them all the time! DANG. I hate wearing them because 1) I don’t like them and B) I don’t have the anti-glare lenses and EVERY light is a glare and I can’t see, especially at night. So I decided if I have to wear them I might as well spend a little more money and get some I really like and get an anti-glare lens..and of course that’s more money–it’s expensive getting older! So I ordered my new glasses and get this–they are pink, now don’t get an idea in your head that is some pepto bismol pink because that is not the case–they are a very very sheer pink tint, not really pink in color. And they have some bling on the side–awesome. Not over kill bling, just a little jewel…I know what you’re thinking, those aren’t you, but oh they are so me, I’m just letting the bling and pink side of me come out after 26 years.

Casa de Blundell

It’s always interesting here at Casa de Blundell. You never know what we’ll do next. Last night was very cold outside and we had nothing to do so we decided to play miniature golf in the house! Okay so it was Jonathan’s idea to play it. He set up a 9 hole course where we had to go under tables, chairs, through shoes and bounce off lunch coolers. It was fun and we tied both rounds. Okay so technically he won the second round but we’ll just say we tied 😉 All in all it was pretty fun and who knows what we’ll do next, maybe bowling in the hallway! you can view all the pictures on our flickr pages.


so sad

If you know me at all, you know how much I absolutely love my apple laptop–my mac! It died! Let me begin by saying that I have converted back to PC from Mac as I type this on my new Dell laptop. I still love my mac and love the ease of using a mac vs. a PC, I’m an idiot when it comes to using a PC. This is how it all began ~ Thursday night I was on my ibook (mac laptop) and it froze, which is unusual–it’s not a PC so it never freezes. Anyway, I turned it off and then attempted to turn it back on, only it didn’t turn on–the computer tried to start because I could hear it but the screen was just black. I’ve had this happen to me twice before and each time it was because the logic board (motherboard for those PC users out there) had gone out. I’ve replaced 2 logic boards in this computer so I know what happens when it goes out. I knew the drill so I waited about 30 minutes and then turned it back on…it finally came on but there were funny little lines on the screen and then it froze again. I knew it was the logic board this time because that’s what happens. Well, I made an appointment with the “genius bar” at the mac store to have them look at it and basically tell me it would be $300 + to fix my 6 year old apple laptop. I didn’t mention earlier that the two previous replacements were free of charge to me because my computer was under warranty…the warranty was up now so I had to pay 🙁 . Well, my apt came up and I tookmy computer in to the doctor at the mac store and the guy there attempted to tell me my logic board was fine and it was the memory stick that I had put in 4 years ago. I just looked at him and laughed…I seriously laughed in his face. He told me to use the computer without the extra memory stick and it should be fine and if it gives me anymore problems to bring it back and they will replace the logic board…but he didn’t just say it–he said it with an attitude of I know what I’m talking about and you don’t because he works at the mac store! I said, well I’ll see you shortly then and walked out of the store with my broken computer. Needless to say an hour later I turned on my computer and the screen went haywire…there were all kinds of colored lines and squiggly things on the screen and I knew it was gone from that point on–the logic board was destroyed. Since that point I haven’t been able to turn on my computer at all and my beloved mac computer is gone!
This is where the expensive weekend started. School started yesterday and I have three classes (pretty time consuming classes I might add too) that are online so I kind of need my computer. Yes, Jonathan has his computer, but we all know how much he loves it and uses it so I couldn’t possibly ask him to give that up for an entire semester. So Friday night we went out and found me a nice computer. This is where the realization and morphing back to a PC user began. While I was sitting in the mac store waiting for the macidiot, sorry, mac “genius” to work on my computer I overheard a girl say she’s had 4 hard drives in her mac laptop in the last year and someone else who has had like 3 different things replaced in like 3 years…and then don’t even get me started on how many people where there with their ipods and iphones getting replacements because the broke. All that to say that while I may love my mac computer and the ease of using their software…their hardware STINKS…it breaks constantly and it’s extremely expensive to fix. Then I started looking at PC laptops and you get soo much more for your money with a PC. For example~my ibook was around $1100 (6 years ago but still that price) has 1GB memory and an 80GB hard drive. While the Dell laptop that I got has 2GB memory and 250GB hard drive and for under $750. And my ibook had a 12 inch screen and my new one is a nice 15.4 inch screen–so big in comparrisson. All this to say I got a new Dell laptop that I absolutely love and my mac days are over!

new look –2

okay I revised the 2nd design –just different colors so let me know which of the three designs you like. The second picture here is what each page would look like when you opened up a page. For example: when you hit the “About Us” button on the page it would open this one. (keep in mind the buttons don’t work yet and there is nothing loaded yet)

design 3


new look

Casa de Blundell is going to get a new look. Jonathan and I are in the process of re-doing the website and will hopefully update it more often. I have designed two different possible looks for the site and we need your help. Which of these 2 designs do you like the best? Keep in mind that the first design will also have our picture on there if we actually use it as the main page. Click on the thumbnail and it will bring up a bigger picture.
Design 1
casadeblundell site

Design 2
casadeblundell site