someone has a case of the Mondays!

Why is it that when we go back to work on Monday morning, we’re as tired, if not more tired, than we were when we left work on Friday? I think it’s because we do too much in a weekend that we don’t really rest…..we just need a 3 day weekend–one day to recover from the weekend before we go back to work…now there’s an idea! Let’s see if we can adopt that one.

This was a busy weekend. Friday night –well we didn’t do much because I was still under the weather but we rented a movie and then around 10:30 pm Jonathan took off for the Encounter mens 9 event–so I went to sleep 😉 Saturday I pretty much just ran errands and cleaned the house to get ready for the women’s group that was meeting there yesterday. Then Sunday we went to church and then kicked Jonathan out of the house (on his birthday) so the women’s group could meet there for the first time. We had a good turn out-about 21 women came! After they all left, we cleaned up a bit and then headed to Mesquite for a Birthday dinner with his family and my parents. He’s 29 now–and no, Jonathan, that’s not old! Happy Birthday!!

at home again!

it’s going on 2.5 days at home from work. I left early Wednesday and came home and got in bed…stayed home yesterday and went to the doctor and I’m home again today because I can’t get rid of this stupid headache and ear pain. Lovely sinus infections! I usually get one once a year and this is my time this year I guess, although very very mild compared to the ones I normally get. Anyway, while I was lying in bed earlier there was a knock on the door, and of course Presley went crazy as always but I just stayed put. Well, I got up later and it was the UPS man–my camera flash arrived–YEAH.

I was supprised because it wasn’t supposed to get here until Monday. Well, of course I tried it out so here are some with and without the new flash pictures so you can see what a difference using an external flash makes. And I used my trusty subject yet again–you got it…Presley

Without Flash:

With Flash:

Without Flash:

With Flash:

Without Flash:

With Flash:

There are subtle differences that just make the picture so much better…what do you think?

Huckabee for president

Jonathan and I went to the Huckabee rally in Plano tonight and believe it or not, I actually had a good time. I’m not one for politics or anything but I do like Mike Huckabee and like what he stands for and what he can do for this country. Anyway, we got to hear him speak, meet him and shake his and Janet’s hands–it was pretty fun. We were able to snap some photos while we were there–like we wouldn’t take a camera, really! If you want to see the rest of our photos just click on the flickr link to the right and look all you want. Anyway, don’t forget to vote on March 4, or you could do the early voting–and vote for HUCKABEE!! Vote and vote often!

Valentine’s Day

This past Thursday was Valentine’s day as most of you are aware. I have never particularly loved Valentine’s day, it’s too commercial now days. I don’t want someone (AKA the hubs) to feel pressure to get a gift, b/c then it’s just given with a “have to do” attitude. I also don’t think we need one day out of the year to celebrate your love for your significant other, that should be happening all year round. I would prefer to be surprised with flowers or a nice dinner at a small hole in the wall restaurant on a day that’s not valentine’s day–just a regular day. We were talking the other day at dinner about this and decided that we are starting a new tradition…we’ll we’re actually stealing this from someone else (Brandi’s blog). So what we’re going to do from now on is just go eat somewhere, or at home…nothing fancy smancy and then go to Target. We will have $20 to spend on the other person in 20 minutes. You never know what you’ll end up with at Target….it could be 20 bags of skittles or 2 T-shirts or socks…who knows, that’s what makes it fun….and it’s Target so who wouldn’t like it. The pressure is just narrowed down to 20 minutes instead of like 2 weeks of thinking of what to do and what to get them blah blah blah. Don’t get me wrong I do love flowers and receiving flowers is awesome….but I can get those any day of the year 😉 hint hint!!
All in all, this valentine’s day was great–we went to eat some dinner and then came home and spent the evening with each other – and that’s all that matters.


Brian is doing a series on Sunday mornings called inverted and today was about parenting. Now Jonathan and I don’t have any kids but one day we will. I have always been fine with the idea of having kids, it’s the idea that they will become teenagers that scares me!! I’ve told Jonathan that I’d have 4 or 5 kids if they were like the Treadaway kids. I know their kids are far from perfect but Brian and Heather have raised an amazing soccer team…i mean kids (sorry, I couldn’t resist–for those of you who don’t know, they have 5 kids) and unless they will come and raise ours, it scares me a little. Today made me realize that you don’t have to be super mom or dad and you don’t have to know everything to be a good parent. As long as you make God the center of your family and make sure your kids have Him at the center of their lives, that’s all you can do….and pray! This morning just made it seem less scary and something I could handle. If you have a chance you should check out the podcast from this morning and listen to what Brian had to say–it’s pretty darn good!

DISCLAIMER: This is in NO WAY saying we are having kids anytime soon!! 🙂

what’s going on?

I know, I know, I haven’t blogged since January 28th….that’s a while ago. I’ve had a few things to blog about but I just never felt like sitting down to write them. So this is a run down of what’s been going on the last few weeks.
Started school, as a full time student, while working full time–no fun. I’ve been going back and forth with the registrars office at Midwestern about my art credit–which made me a full time student if I wanted to graduate on time. Basically they said I should just wait to graduate in August…WHEN IT WAS THERE FAULT that my credit didn’t transfer!!! O’well, what else can I do.

About a week ago Jonathan and I traded in my Xterra for a chevy HHR, which gets way better gas mileage than my xterra ever thought of getting. I loved the Xterra but not filling it up every 4 days or so from driving to and from Dallas everyday. The best part–IT’S ORAGNE–I know, most people wouldn’t think of getting an orange car, I love it…can’t explain why but I do. I’ve always loved the color orange, it’s just a happy color. You can’t help but get in a good mood when you see my car, it’s cute and orange! So here’s the new ride:

Last Saturday we had some friends over to our house for a chinese themed dinner and played a few games–always fun. Sorry, no pictures of that…can you believe it, I didn’t take one picture the whole night–until after everyone went home and I took a photo of some chocolate covered fortune cookies. Delicious.

This week has just been a typical week, busy with work, school, small group, and trying to maintain some sort of sanity. This week was pretty busy at work and then I decided I’d better actually do some studying for school so I did that:

Thursday I had to go to PALS renewal (pediatric advanced life support) which is just mentally exhausting. But we had to find some way to keep it interesting so why not just take pictures of the dummies we use:

Thursday was Valentine’s day but more on that later on.

Friday night Jonathan and I decided to go to Red Robin for dinner and then run over to half price books–always hun. I’ve only been to red robin once before and it was pretty good…I got chicken strips before and wasn’t too impressed but this time I got a hamburger and it was really really good. I got the royal red robin burger and it was very tasty and unique. It had a fried egg on top of the burger with bacon strips and the usuals….yummy! You should try it sometime. Like I wouldn’t take a picture of something at Red Robin:

Today (Saturday) was a typical Saturday of running around and getting things done. I woke up this morning and posted stuff for my government class and then I went to be the “photographer” for a friends baby shower. I’ve never though of myself as a photographer, I just like to take pictures…but I was honored they asked me to do it. Then as it was pouring I stopped by the store to pick up some things to make chicken spaghetti for dinner tonight. Then I got home and took exam 1 for my art course–got an A so that’s good. Exam 2 will probably be tomorrow…fun fun fun! OKay, off to finish dinner!


As most of you know, I’m supposed to graduate in May–I will be done! well, I took an art course at Dallas County Community college this past semester to satisfy my art credit and then transferred it to Midwestern State where I will be graduating from. Before I signed up for the class I double checked to make sure it would transfer to Midwestern and count for the art credit. Well, I got one answer and they said it would not….then later in the day they sent another answer saying it would. I asked again just to make sure and they said Yes, it would count. So I enrolled and completed my art course and then transferred the credit to MSU. I got a transcript evaluation this weekend in the mail, which they do whenever you transfer in credit hours, and it said “not accepted” by my art course! Well, the spring semester already started and I can’t enroll in another course….so basically I wouldn’t be able to graduate in May!!! Boy was I mad. I did find an online art appreciation course, which I know will transfer to MSU, at dallas county comm college and it starts in February–a short semester class. So I start that in February and it will transfer and I should still be able to graduate in May. DCCCD saving the day once again! Thank you DCCCD for your open enrollment courses–I love you!


Isn’t that a cool screen! I really like the diamond shapes in it–it’s pretty much awesome.

It’s been cold the last few days, I’m not gonna lie. I like it cold but I also like to be warm. A couple of weeks ago we went to Target to get a fireplace screen for our fireplace because we found one there we really liked and it was, in a way, part of our Christmas gift from Jonathan’s parents. Anyway, we went to get it and they were sold out of all the screens and everything that had to do with a fireplace was on clearance. So we figured we’d just have to wait until next year to get one and I’m not about to have a fire without a screen so –no fire this year. Well today I went just to look around–Target always gets me in a good mood! Guess what I saw..not only were the screens on clearance, but they had 1, ONE, screen left like the one we wanted…so I called Jonathan and we got it. So tonight we came home and had our first fire in our new house. It was great but I made sure it was all out before we go to bed! I am tremendously afraid of fire…traumatic experience when I was a kid…well, not that bad, but enough to scar me for life. The part I really hate about having a fire is the cleaning up afterwards…I don’t like all the ashes to sit in the fireplace because after a while it starts to stink and well, it’s just not pretty–but, it was great, fun, nice to look at and maybe we’ll have another one tomorrow night!