one year

Jonathan has a great anniverary weekend recap on his blog so make sure you check it out and see how we spent the weekend. I can’t believe we’ve been married for a whole year. Everyone keeps saying “I can’t believe it’s been a year–it hasn’t been a year!” Trust me, it’s been a year. I guess it just seems like that to us because we actually lived it. The time has gone by pretty fast and in that aspect it doesn’t seem like it’s been a year, but on the other side, if you think about all we’ve done in the last year it all comes into perspective. The last year we moved to our first home in Waxahachie, bought our first home in Red Oak, each bought “new” cars, Jonathan has a new job, I started going to a new church (I’m talking about encounter, I didn’t start going to a seperate church from jonathan)–all that while adjusting to a new roommate and partner in life – or crime (however you want to perceive). We’ve had a blast the last year and I have enjoyed every minute of it….although I could life without the occasional sleepless nights from someone snoring..ahem! I started making a list in my head the other day of things that I’ve learned from the last year or maybe things I’ve known but never wanted to admit. I have since then forgot most of them but here are a few that I can think of:
1. I’m not a morning person
2. I’m not a night person – about 10:00 and I’m out
3. I’m pretty much a 10:00-5:00 person, so if you catch me during those hours it’ll be great.
4. I’m much more of a hermit than Jonathan…he has to do things and go places all the time with people, I DON’T.
5. Never let your husband do the laundry or you’ll end up with a pink shirt or a pair of jeans you can’t wear anymore and have never worn before.
6. Husbands like to blame things on the tools they use, instead of the operator of the said tool. i.e – cooking pancakes “the pan was messed up” hmmm.
7. I’m thankful that the hubs takes our the garbage every tuesday and friday but then I get home and go to put a handful of trash in the trashcan and there’s no bag.
8. I have a husband that cooks and for that I’m thankful! (Thank you for my breakfast burrito this morning–delish)
9. Jonathan adopted a dog when he married me, I’m sure if it were up to him, she would no longer be around.
10. When you talk to your husband, you have to say exactly what you want, or you’ll get the opposite. So instead of saying “I’d prefer if you didn’t do that” you should say “Do not under any circumstances say or do that!”
11. I’m very independant and need to learn to let go. Sometimes you have to sit back and let the other person do things…you can’t do them all.
12. Men don’t think things through all the way–sometimes they’ll wash/rinse the sprayer from staining the fence in the kitchen sink…and stain will get everywhere! That’s when you kindly say…”do you think you can do that outside in the grass?”

Those are just some of the things I’ve learned over the last year and I’m sure Jonathan could have a completely different list of things and I would love to hear that. But I’ve also learned what it’s like to have a great husband who loves you and cares about you no matter what and even though there are times when you want to ring their neck, those times will never outweigh the good times. Here’s to another great year!


I went back to the ENT today and she showed me my “impressive” CAT scan. I call it impressive because that’s what she called it (the Dr.) and she said it was probably one of the worst septum deviations that she’s seen in a while. The other ENT in the office was there when we were looking at the CT images and he turned to look at it and I believe his words were “Awesome images–those are the patients that you just want to fix and help–you can’t let them live life like that!”
Anyway, the surgery is scheduled for Thursday May 15th and she is basically doing 3 surgeries in one. She is doing the surgery to fix the deviated septum, then she’s doing a turbinate surgery (still in the nose) and then she’s going to roto rooter my sinus and clean them all out because I just can’t get rid of this sinus infection. And according to her I won’t unless I have this surgery because, with my septum the way it is, there is no where for it to go – it’s just stuck there. So that’s the fun I’m about to go through.

Anniversary Questionaire

Here is a questionaire that Jonathan found somewhere and we both answered it and posted it on our blogs, so we’ll see if our answers match.

1. How long have you been married? 1 year to the day
2. How many people came to your wedding reception? About 250 or so.
3. What kind of cake did you serve? A white cake with some spring flowers on it and a red velvet top layer
4. Where was your wedding? Lake Ridge Bible Church
5. What did you serve for your meal? Chick fila nuggets, fruit and other finger foods
6. How many people were in your bridal party? 15 – 6 bridesmaides, 6 groomsmen, 2 flower girls and a ring bearer
7. Are you still friends with them all? Yes.
8. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony? I don’t think so.
9. Most special moment of your wedding day? The whole thing, but probably when the doors opened at the church
10. Any funny moments? My nephew sneezed and a HUGE wad of snot came out of his nose and he caught it in his hand. Then he proceeded to wipe it on the new carpet.
11. Any big disasters? nope.
12. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Pagosa Springs, CO
13. How long were you gone? A week
14. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change? Mmm, probably have more time at the ceremony.
15. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Left side
16. What size is your bed? King
17. Greatest strength as a couple? We laugh a lot and work well as a team
18. Greatest challenge as a couple? Neither of us like to make a decision, b/c we want the other person to get what they want more than ourself.
19. Who literally pays the bills? Mostly me, but we both do ( physically paying them) we both “pay” them.
20. What is your song? I guess you could say I have and always will by dave barnes
21. What did you dance your first dance to? We didn’t
22. Describe your wedding dress: cream, not white white. Embroidery and beading on the top and train. Two layers on the skirt and train.
23. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding? Spring flowers but mainly tulips
24. Are your wedding bands engraved? Yes, with SHMILY and 4/28/07

here we go again

Many of you remember the last surgery I had–my day heart surgery ended up in a 3 day stay in the hospital. Not too fun–I vowed then to never have surgery again. I was wrong. For the last 4 months or so I’ve had one sinus infection after the next…or just one that doesn’t ever go away. I’ve always gotten pretty bad sinus infections but not like this one. I’ve been put on all kinds of antibiotics, nasal sprays, steroid sprays and what have you and they just don’t work. I had fluid in my ears and snot in my head that won’t go away. I finally went to an ENT on Monday because my primary doctor didn’t know what else to do with me–haha (I don’t blame her). Anyway, the ENT said I had a deviated septum and that’s what was causing my sinus infection to stick around and in turn keep fluid in my ears. So she had me go get a catscan of my sinuses on Tuesday just to confirm what she thought was going on and basically clearance for surgery. She just called me and said I have an impressive deviated septum that makes my septum (the bone between your two nostrils) turn to the right…picture an upside down L and that’s what my nose does. She basically said it’s up to me whether or not to have surgery but she HIGHLY recommends it or I will continue to get infections and have the sinus pain, headache and ear aches. So I go in Monday to see this impressive deviation and talk to her about surgery. I should only be out of work for a week, which is good. She said the antibiotics were helping some because my sinuses looked like they are draining a little and the fluid from my ears is finally draining some as well so I can hear a little better now, but everything is still muffled. The surgery won’t be until the end of May because I have a co worker who is having surgery next week and will be out 3 weeks so I have to wait my turn and I’ll have it when he gets back. So that’s the deal pickle!

Here is a little bit about part of the sinus surgery I’ll have (the other part is just where she goes and rotoreuters my sinuses):

A septoplasty (where they correct a deviated septum) is performed through a small incision made on the inside of the nose (no external incisions!). The lining of the septum (the mucous membranes) are lifted off of the cartilage and bone. The cartilage and bone are sculpted, repositioned, and a portion of it may be removed to achieve the desired straightening of the septum. The mucous membrane lining is then sewn back together with absorbable sutures (no stitch removal necessary!)

Not too painful!

Almost over

I am half way done with finals. I have 4 classes this semester and I just finished my second class (2 A’s so far–yipee)….Now 2 more to go! I have 2 finals to finish and I’ll be done with my degree. May 10th I will finally graduate and be done with it! YEAH

I need a weekend for the weekend

What a weekend! I think we need to have three day weekends. Friday and Saturday will be the weekend and then Sunday will be the recovery for the weekend. On Sunday you can’t do anything but rest and relax to get you ready for the week. Think it will ever happen? I don’t either. Well, we did a lot this weekend and now the hubs and I are both exhausted. Let’s see, where to begin–Friday Jonathan had a CWF show in Rockwall so I went and hung out with the parentals. My mom, Vicki and I went to find some flowers for an arrangement to put in a vase I have for our living room on Friday afternoon and then we met my dad and bob for dinner. We went back to their house for a while and then I headed back home so I could let miss houdini out of her crate. Presley has been digging to get out of the fence so we leave her in her crate now instead of outside. It’s her fault, if she wouldn’t dig she could have free roam of the back yard on a gorgeous day like today. But–No, she insists on digging. Whatever floats her boat! Anyway, Saturday we woke up and went to Lowes and spent entirely too much money. We got some stone border to put around the flower beds and trees and some mulch and flowers. We spent the day in the yard, pulling the grass that had grown in the flower beds and around the trees and then put the stone border in. I planted some flowers that I’m sure will die in a couple of weeks, but they look nice now! Then Saturday night we went to Red Hot & Blue for my birthday dinner with family and friends. We had a great time celebrating the 2nd anniversary of my 25th birthday. Sunday I headed to Dallas for a wedding shower for my best friend Jen and then had to run up to work to pick something up and run some more errands in Dallas. It was a full day of running around and gas usage! I got home just when the women’s group that met at our house was wrapping up and Jonathan had spent the whole time outside putting the mulch in the flower beds and trying to fix our tree out back that is now the leaning tower of pisa because of the storms that came through last week. Sunday evening I did some much needed grocery shopping and then took a government test that I’m sure I failed. Then I watched the season premier of Desperate Housewives, a TV show that I’m sure has more drama than any soap opera ever created, and then headed to bed. I’ll post some pictures of our yard/flower beds once I get take and get them uploaded.

This morning I had to drive to our new Plano hospital because it’s my turn to work out here this week..we all rotate through so once a week I’ll be in Plano. The drive its self isn’t that bad, there really wasn’t much traffic, it’s just a long drive. We’ll see what the traffic is like when I leave though–that might be a different story. So I’m sitting here in our new lab on the computer looking out a nice big window onto Preston and soaking in the sun…it’s great! We don’t have any windows at our Dallas lab so this is a treat! Although I think they put the windows in to mess with us because the glass is weird and makes everything out of focus so it hurts my eyes to look through it–but it’s still a window to the outside world. Well, I guess that’s enough rambling for one day…Back to work I go!

eye opener

This morning I went to the Children’s annual “vital signs” meeting. Every year they have a meeting that shows us what we accomplished last year and what the plans are for the coming year. There has been a lot going on at Children’s over the last year. A lot of that hasn’t always been good, well in my department anyway. The morale in our department has been pretty bad and we tend to only focus on the bad and never the good. I love what I do and can’t find another job doing what I do with pediatrics. All this to say, at the meeting this morning they showed a video of highlights from the last year (they were all news clips) and it just reminded me of why I chose to work there almost 6 years ago. I need to forget about all the mess that’s happening and focus on why I want to work there and why I do what I do. It’s all for the kids and helping them get better!

Weekend wrap up

Another great weeeknd! Friday night we were supposed to go to the David Barnes concert at House of Blues in Dallas but I really didn’t feel like going. It had been a long, frustrating week and I didn’t really want to be in a big crowd of loud people. So instead we took some dinner over to Smiley and Shari..they just had a new baby. Then we went to eat at Bennigan’s and then went to Best Buy to get some new speakers for my computer. Saturday we both slept in until around 11:00 and while Jonathan went to meet with a friend, I caught up on some TV shows that were recordered on the DVR (What Not To Wear, Trading Spaces, and Flip that House). When the hubs got back home we ran to Target (of course) and then to Lowes to get a tree for the backyard and looked around for some ideas of what to put in the flower beds. We got home Saturday just in time to unload the tree and then go the Lynch’s house for dinner and games. It was quite an evening with scene it, Are you smarter than a 5th grader and rock band. Sunday we went to church and I convinced Jonathan to help in the Nursery with me. We had all of 2 kiddos. Then after church, Jonathan had a meeting and I went home and started pulling weeds in our yard. It seems as if the entire yard is one giant weed! I spent 4 hours pulling weeds and barely made a dent in the backyard. I had enough of that and I went in to take a test in my stupid art course. Jonathan finally made it home about 5:30 and then planted our tree that we got the day before. Now we just have to wait and watch it grow-HA. After all that, we were trying to figure out what to make for dinner and his parents showed up. They were on their way back from San Antonio so they stopped by to say hi. We were in the kitchen and Presley started going crazy and barking non stop…I looked through the storm door (I always leave it open it it’s nice out) and there they were walking up the driveway–Nice surprise. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed…both sore and worn out! I’ll post a picture of our new tree sometime this week.