Casa de Blundell Website Update

When Jonathan and I got married we started the website which hosts our two blogs. We really haven’t done a good job at keeping it updated but since I have some time on my hands these days I decided to redesign the website and give it a new look. We updated the content, which was several years old, and added some things such as a page for the twins. Take a look at the new site and let me know what you think. I think it looks pretty good if you don’t mind me saying so myself.

Top 15 questions from a twin mom

Here are the top 15 questions from one twin mom and her answers. Some of them are pretty funny and others I just can’t believe someone would ask you such a thing. I’ll have to put together my top 15 questions list after the first year or so.

15. “I could never do it.”
Oh really. What would you do? Would you put them on the curb with signs around their necks that say, “Free to a good home. My mom can’t do it.”?

14. “Do they have different personalities?”
No. They are the same human being divided into several parts.

13. Said by a stranger, “They’re identical, right?” Mom answers, “No. They’re fraternal.” Stranger response, “They are NOT!”
OK. You’re right. I have no idea what I’m talking about. These are not my children. I thought it would be fun to borrow them from a mom down at Baby Gap. It’s been more than an hour. I guess I should return them.

12. “Are they ‘paternal’ twins?”
Yes. They have a father. There was only one virgin birth.

11. “Just wait till they’re older. It only gets harder.”
Thank you. I woke up this morning hoping I’d receive a word of discouragement while pushing a cart of preschoolers down the cereal aisle.

10. “When one cries, does he wake the other?”

No. Multiples cannot hear each other’s cries because they all communicate with their special telepathic language only.

9. From a perfect stranger: “Were they in the same sac?”
Hello. Nice to meet you, too. Will you be sharing your gynecological history with me as well?

8. “Are they developmentally behind?”
Well, let’s see. They’re 3 years old and thus far, all their graduate school applications have been denied. We’ll get back with you on that.

7. “How do you do it?”

Haven’t you seen the Nike commercials?

6. “Are they natural?”
Nope, their arms and legs are made of silicone.

5. “You must be SO busy.”
Are you volunteering to clean my house?

4. “Did you take drugs?”
Well, there was this one time in college….

3. “What do you do when they all cry at the same time?”
Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I go to Starbucks.

2. Said to a mom of boy/girl twins: “Are they identical?”
Uh. Not exactly.

And No. 1. Drum roll please. . . .

1. After a stranger had been informed that the toddler boys were twins, she asked a simple question:

“Are they brothers?”
Enough said.

HAHA, I’m sure I’ll get some similar questions to these and I’ve even heard a complete stranger asking a mother of twins if she breastfed them. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to talk about that with a complete stranger…but I better get used to it I guess.


I found this pregnancy questionaire on another blog so I thought I’d give it a go and fill it out once a month.

How Far Along: 26 weeks (26 weeks 3 days to be exact)

Total Weight Gained/Loss: depends on how you look at it…11 pounds if you go by what I was before I got pregnant and 18 if you go by my first OB appointment after I had lost 7 pounds from morning sickness.

Maternity Clothes: I basically hate clothes in general right now…nothing is comfortable. Luckily since I’m on bed rest I don’t work and can spend my days in T-shirts and comfy shorts. I can’t go shopping for bigger maternity clothes since I’m on bed rest so I only have a few items I can wear.

Sleep: What’s that? I only sleep a few hours at a time before I either get up to go to the bathroom or try to get comfortable. Since I can only sleep on my sides my hips hurt after a while so I have to turn over. I feel like I’m constantly tossing and turning. I also get insomnia so I’ll wake up to go to the bathroom at 2 or 3 and then lay awake for an hour. My doctor did give me something to help me sleep but I can’t take it every night.

Best Moment of the Week: Hearing that I can now be on more of a modified bed rest and can go out to eat every once in a while or run to “the post office” if I need to. And to find out that baby B had doubled his weight in only 4 weeks.

Movement: When don’t they move! The hardest part about it is sometimes I can’t tell who is kicking. The bigger they get, the bigger the kicks, jabs, punches get. Sometimes though, when they roll over it feels like a fluid like movement and kinda tickles.

Food Craving: Not sure if I really have cravings, there are certain foods that I like better than before but nothing that I crave. I do prefer sweets now when I used to prefer salty foods. I like little debbie swiss rolls and cream soda. I have been eating a lot of BBQ since I got pregnant so I guess that would be a craving.

Food aversions: At first it was chicken, anything chicken except fried chicken. I’m getting better with it now but it still isn’t my favorite thing to eat.

Morning sickness: The first 3 to 4 months was 24 hour nausea and vomiting in the evenings – horrible! But the zofran definitely helped me…it didn’t take away the nausea but made it tolerable.

: TWO BOYS! Hayden James and Ian Christopher

Labor Signs: I still have contractions all throughout the day but not nearly as many as when I was working. Laying on the couch the majority of the day has definitely helped.

Belly Button: Reaching maximum capacity. No outtie yet but it is slowly stretching out and disappearing.

Stretch Marks: As of now, none to report and hopefully that will continue!

Wedding rings:
No problems here. Mine still fits just fine.

Exercise: My exercise consists of walking from the couch to the kitchen/bathroom. I haven’t been able to exercise since my first OB appointment at 8 weeks.

What I miss: clothes that fit and feel comfortable

What I’m looking forward to: Besides meeting the boys…my shower next Saturday.

Other NEW news this week: Not much to report. I did get to go to the pool yesterday!

Belly Picture

Since so many people have asked to see a belly picture I’ll post one….I wouldn’t show this to just anyone, so it’s just for you guys. Drum roll please………..

26 weeks with twins

Can you believe there are 2 almost 2 pound babies in that belly?

Now for my favorite belly picture………

Laurie 26 weeks, Jonathan....I think he's over due

This is our version of the new game we like to play called “which one is pregnant?” We play this game sometimes when we are out, especially at Babies R Us. Its an easy game to play, you just look at a couple and try to decide which one is pregnant or just had the baby. Believe it or not, there are a lot of guys out there that look like they are about 8 months pregnant.

Perinatologist appointment – 26 weeks

Yesterday we went to have our monthly ultrasound with the perinatologist (high risk doc) and got a good report. We’ve got 2 almost 2 pound babies that are growing like they should. Baby A (Hayden) is still head down, like he has been all along and weighs 1 pound 14 ounces. Baby B (Ian) is now laying completely sideways and weighs 1 pound 12 ounces. They checked my cervix length to make sure the contractions still weren’t making me dilate and it was about the same as it has been. So based on that and the negative fetal fibronectin test I had a few weeks ago the perinatologist said I am allowed to get up and do some things. He said if I needed to go to the post office or if I wanted to go out to eat every once in a while I could, I don’t have to stay on the couch or in bed 24 hours a day. Obviously I’m not going to take advantage of this and I am still going to stay on the couch the majority of the time. Not doing as much and staying on the couch for the past couple weeks has helped with Baby B (Ian’s) growth and him catching up to his brother. They were watching his size because the difference between the two babies was getting bigger and this time they were almost the same – Yeah! I also get more contractions when I am up on my feet or move around too much, so I’m just taking precautions and trying to keep these babies in for as long as I can. We’ll see what my regular OB says when I go see her in 2 weeks.


I think we have finally finished the nursery, well almost. We still need another crib bedding set that matches the other one and there are two blocks that I got that need to be painted. Other than that it’s pretty much done. Jonathan finished putting up the names above he cribs today and it looks finished now. Here are some pictures of the room:

Nursery - notice the 2 blocks I need to paint.

A changing pad will go on top of the chest below the tree

Hayden's crib and the glider

Ian's crib and their dresser I refinished

Portion for Orphans

Last night my sister-in-law, Kara, had a benefit dinner for Portion for Orphans. All tips given to their wait team will be given straight to Portion for Orphans to provide daily necessities and medical needs for children around the world. It was a great opportunity to learn more about Portion for Orphans and what your tip money can do to bring hope to children in need.
After the event she sent us a text and told us they got about enough money to feed and diaper a child in Kenya, India, or China for 1 year. If only it were that cheap to feed and diaper a child for a whole year here!

All photos courtesy of portion for orphans

Portion for Orphans exists to fulfill three primary goals:

* Raise public awareness about orphans worldwide
* Improve the quality of care provided to orphans
* Promote physical and spiritual development of orphans by offering training and educational support to their caregivers

“Raising society’s awareness of orphans and the critical problems they experience is the first step towards becoming compassionate to them and acting to solve their problems. Through visits to orphanages around the globe and first-hand interactions with orphans and their caregivers, we heighten our own awareness of the numerous challenges that orphans face each day. Portion for Orphans relies on informational events, public speeches, as well as printed and online publications to distribute alarming information about orphans to individuals and organizations who have the ability to become a part of the solution to their problems.

By partnering with supporters and volunteers, Portion for Orphans strives to improve the lives of orphaned children by meeting their physical, educational, emotional, spiritual, and vocational needs. Face-to-face contact with children at supported orphanages enables Portion for Orphans to accurately assess and prioritize their problems in order to determine their most vital needs. On a case-specific basis, Portion for Orphans volunteers take an active, personal approach to finding solutions and bringing together the resources required to meet the urgent needs of children and orphanages.”

24 week OB appointment

On Friday we had my monthly OB visit and found out the test I had done earlier last week ( the fetal fibronectin) was negative. From what I understand it can turn positive and some doctors do it as often as every 2 weeks but I doubt mine will. My cervix still hadn’t changed but I was still having contractions about the same frequency as beofre. She said to continue the bed rest and with that Jonathan followed up with “what is your definition of be rest” and she said “staying on the couch and getting up to go to the restroom and a quick shower” and my reponse, “that’s it!”
She did give me privileges to go to mine and Jonathan’s parents house as long as I’m on the couch.

In other, not so depressing news, the boys looked great, as usual. Their fluid level in the amniotic sac looked great and the were moving like crazy. BabyA (Hayden) was scratching his head and flipping back and forth while Baby B (Ian) was kicking his feet. Baby B (Ian) is no longer head down like he was last week, he flipped back and is breech again. I think he just didn’t like being head down, but we’ll see…he could change again by next week when we have our next sonogram. Or maybe he didn’t like looking directly at his brother’s face so he flipped back!

My doctor did give me something to help me sleep at night since I can’t really fall asleep some nights and then when I do, I wake up several times a night and sometimes then I can’t go back to sleep for a few hours. I took it for the first time last night and slept all the way until 6:00 without waking up – wahoo. But since I took it kind of late last nigt, I still felt a little drunk so I went back to bed. So I am now up, a little more refreshed and ready to, well do nothing but lay on the couch – FUN! I’m thinking of asking her if I can have pool privileges since anytime I was in the pool in the past I didn’t have a contraction. Its not like I’m out there swimming laps or doing water aerobics, I’m just relaxing and floating in the pool. We’ll see what she says.

Well, that’s all for now, I’ll give you another update next week when I go see the perinatologist. Hopefully we’ll have some more pictures to show of the boys.

Bed Rest

A week ago today my OB took my off work and was told to “take it easy”. I had been having contractions off and on starting at about 19 weeks and I was told to take it easy and call my doctor is I have 6 or more in an hour. Last weekend (22 weeks) I started having more regular contractions and by Wednesday I was having 6-8 an hour so I called her and she said to come in. She checked my cervix and it still looked long and closed so she was happy with that. She put me on the monitor to check my contractions and one of the babies heart rates (she doesn’t have a double monitor, that’s why we only checked one baby). I was having contractions every 5 minutes or so and Baby A was moving so much that we could hardly get a heartbeat. He moved the entire time I was on the monitor, which is pretty normal for him, he moves regularly throughout the day. My doctor made the comment of how active he was and one of the MA’s that was in there looked at me and asked, “does he move like that all day?” My asnwer, “yep, but luckily I don’t feel all of those movements…and that’s just one of them. The other one likes to move at night when this one is calm.”

After she monitored me and saw the contractions, she told me to go home, take it easy and I’m off work. She did a urine culture to see if I had a bladder infection because sometimes that can cause contractions. So I went home and layed on the couch. She never told me I was on bed rest at that time, she did mention that she may put me on bed rest, but not at that point. All weekend I was having contractions and Monday I called to get the results of the urine culture, which did show a mild bladder infection so she started me on an antibiotic to take and when I talked to her I mentioned that I was still having the contractions just as frequently and even throughout the night while sleeping. She told me to come in that day so she could check my cervix again and do a test to see if the contractions are doing anything, like pre-term labor. My cervix was still long and closed and she did the test, a fetal fibronectin test. Fetal fibronectin is a protein that acts as a “glue” during pregnancy, attaching the amniotic sac — the fluid-filled membrane that cushions your baby in the uterus — to the lining of the uterus. It is often present in cervical secretions during early pregnancy, but also shows up later in pregnancy, about one to three weeks before labor begins. A positive fetal fibronectin test is a clue that the “glue” has been disturbed and you’re at increased risk of preterm labor. I will go back to see her on Friday for my monthly OB visit and will get the results of the test at that time. I did find out, however, that Baby B (Ian) is no longer breech so they are both head down now. But that could change next week too, he could flip back.

I will be 24 weeks tomorrow and that is a milestone in pregnancy because that is the point of viability for a fetus. At 24 weeks a fetus has a 50/50 chance of survival if they are born now. We went on a tour of the NICU at Baylor last weekend and they told us in their NICU babies born at 24 weeks have a 75% chance of survival. Even though that is a good percentage, I still don’t want them here yet, they aren’t done cookin yet!

My doctor did mention starting me on some medications to stop the contractions, but with my history of cardiac issues, she doesn’t really want to unless its a MUST. And, since my cervix isn’t shortening yet, it’s not a must. Tocolytics, or drugs that stop contractions, are known to have cardiovascular side effects and in someone that already has those issues, it’s not a good combination. But again, if I needed them, I would take them. She called and talked to my perinatologist, high risk doctor, and they both agreed at this point the best thing to do is for me to be on bed rest…so here I am, on bed rest. She hasn’t told me exactly what my restrictions are for bed rest, but I’ll find out Friday. I think it’s more of a modified bed rest, where I’m supposed to stay off my feet as much as possible, no working, cleaning, shopping, etc but I can still get up to shower, take a ride in the car, walk around the house some, etc. My dreams of that may be shattered on Friday, but we’ll see. I’m hoping she says I can still go and relax in our pool, that’s taking it easy!

We are also meeting with a pediatrician on Friday before my appointment with the OB. I worked with this doctor some when I was at Children’s and liked her. She was good with the kids, parents and knows her stuff. I really don’t want a pediatrician that doesn’t have any hospital experience, other than residency and being in the medical field, I am going to be REALLY picky when it comes to picking a pediatrician for our babies. She has years of hospital experience and since I worked with her some I know she knows how to handle serious medical issues that may come up….you always want to be prepared and you don’t want to pick a pediatrician for your child and then when they get really sick, you find out they don’t know how to handle it. This doctor is in a practice with two other ladies and one of the other doctors was a doctor at children’s as well, while I didn’t work with her as much, I did some and liked her too. So we will meet with her and get to see the office/staff, ask some questions and Jonathan an meet her. I have pretty much made up my mind that she’ll be the boy’s doctor but I still want to meet with her because working with her as a resiratory therapist on a professional level and having her as MY children’s doctor are two very different perspectives.

Ok, I think this long enough of a post but I’ll leave you with a picture of my resting buddy…

Perinatologist Appointment – 22 weeks

I just realized I never updated on our last visit with the high risk doc. So much has been going on it just slipped my mind….More on that later. We saw Dr. Rosnes (high risk Dr.) about 2 week ago and everything looked good. They checked my cervix length since I had been having some contractions off and on and it was still long so that’s good. The boys are growing and looked great. Baby A (Hayden) was roughly 1 pound, 1 oz and Baby B (Ian) was about 14 oz. There was a little bit of a difference in weights so Dr. Rosnes said he will keep an eye on it and measure them again in a month to make sure the difference between the two isn’t getting bigger.

There has been a question whether or not there are two placentas which could mean they are identical instead of fraternal. He looked at the sonogram and is pretty sure there are two placentas that just fused together to look like one, but he said we can’t be 100% sure until they are born. I’ll go back in another 2 weeks for another check and we’ll see how much bigger they are!