Hayden’s NICU story

Our little Hayden had a rough go at the beginning of his life. He and his brother were born right at 37 weeks, which technically considered full term for twins. They were diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction the day they were born…they had basically stopped growing in the womb and it was time to get them out.

When they were born they were very small for their gestational age (4lbs 14oz and 4lbs 11oz) and when you mix that with the fact that they were born right at 37 weeks (37 weeks is the cut off for being premature), they had some of the issues a premature infant or an infant with low birth weight would have.

Within about 10 minutes of his birth he started showing some signs of respiratory distress.

He was grunting, retracting (where the space in between/below his ribs sucks in with each breath) and breathing somewhat fast. Ian was doing a little of this as well, but not as bad.

After we got to see them and hold them for a few minutes they took both boys to the nursery to be assessed and observed. It is normal for infants to go through a “transition” phase after birth and most infants do fine with this while some, especially those in the situation as our boys, don’t do as well. They had a more difficult time getting rid of the fluid in the lungs and this is what they suspected was the problem with Hayden and Ian.

Hayden being observed in nursery...photo by Aunt Kara

Within 6 hours of birth, the pediatrician decided that it would be best for him to be in the NICU, even if it was just overnight to be observed. So the nurse brought him to my room so we could see and hold him again before being taken to the NICU. It was so good to see him and hold him, that was my first time to hold Hayden.

Ian, on the other hand, was doing great at this point, he had made it through the transition phase and breathing much better. He did have low blood sugar at birth but after feeding him it resolved. He had to have his blood sugar checked before he ate the next three feedings, per protocol, and those were great.

Later that night Ian was released from the special are nursery to the regular newborn nursery and was finally able to come be with us.

When Hayden was taken to the NICU they did a chest xray which showed some signs of premature lungs. He was placed on oxygen and a tube was placed in his mouth that went into his stomach which was “venting” air from his stomach…this helps with difficulty breathing sometimes.

The next morning (Friday) I was finally able to get out of bed and hobble into a wheelchair so Jonathan could take me down to the NICU to see our boy. By this time, he was no longer on oxygen. When I got in there and saw him, I immediately knew he needed to be back on the oxygen….I’m a respiratory therapist and this is what I do for a living.

I worked in a NICU and with babies just like mine. He was working too hard to breath, he was grunting and breathing way too fast (about 70-80 times a minute).

The doctor came over and talked to us to give us an update, one which I took with a grain of salt since everything he said went against everything I knew was wrong. He said Hayden looked great and will start to bottle feed him later that day.

The whole time he was talking I was thinking, “what baby are you looking at? My baby is the one right in front of you that’s showing signs of respiratory distress and needs to be back on oxygen… but most certainly should not be fed by a bottle because he’s breathing way too fast.”

By the time we went to see him Friday night he was back on oxygen and breathing even faster, and was moved into a different part of the NICU.

Hayden in NICU

Saturday morning the nurse practitioner came to my room to give us an update on Hayden. She said when she went in to see him early that morning, he had started to require more oxygen overnight and was breathing way too fast, around 90-100. She got another chest xray and this time it showed a pneumothorax, which is where air leaks out of your lungs and into the space between your lungs and chest. He had a small to medium sized pneumothorax in his left lung and right lung.

The one in his left lung required a needle aspiration, which is where they insert a needle into his chest in between his ribs and the air leaks out. The one in his right lung was small enough that they didn’t need to do this.

After they do the needle aspiration they placed him under an oxyhood with 100% oxygen to help “seal” up the hole where the air was leaking out. An oxyhood is a plastic dome that looks like a bubble that goes around a newborns head. When they first put him in the oxyhood, they could only find a large size and it was way to big.

He likes to have his hands up by his face so he kept finding a way to get his hands up under the hood and by his face, which kept pushing the hood up and out of place. He was miserable with that thing on.

Later that night they found a smaller hood that actually fit him. This just made him mad because he couldn’t get his hands up by his face. Did I mention he loves putting his hands by his face! We called the oxyhood his astronaut helmet.

Hayden in the oxyhood

Sunday and Monday were pretty much the same for Hayden, his little body just had to heal and it takes time.

His chest xray on Monday morning showed that his pneumothorax’s were healing and he was doing better. He still had a high respiratory rate and still working hard to breath but he was doing better. Throughout all of this he was receiving formula through a tube into his stomach, since he was breathing too fast to bottle feed.

He remained in the oxyhood until Monday afternoon when he was able to be taken out and put back on a nasal cannula to receive his oxygen.

Not only was Hayden happy but Mommy and Daddy were happy to have him out of that hood because that meant we could hold him! And since myself and Ian were being discharged that day, it was great to get to hold my baby before going home…and knowing he won’t be as miserable.

It was also later that night, Hayden was able to be fed with a bottle… which he did with great skill!

Tuesday and Wednesday we were lucky to have two grandmothers who were willing and waiting to watch Ian at home so we could go visit with Hayden at the hospital. When we got their on Tuesday Hayden was still on the nasal cannula but didn’t have any oxygen on, just a little air flow to help with his work of breathing.

He was maintaining his oxygen saturations on room air so the doctor said we can take off the cannula. He remained doing well and the Dr. said he has to stay for 24 hours after being off oxygen for observation. He was trying to decide if he could come home on Wednesday or wait until Thursday.

We told him as much as we want him home, we would rather be safe and make sure he was ready to come home so it would be ok if he wants to wait until Thursday… he ultimately wanted to wait until Thursday too so we started getting everything ready for discharge on Thursday. He was still eating well from a bottle and that was another goal he had to meet to come home.

Wednesday we got to feed him, he got his circumcision, had his car seat test (babies have to have that to be discharged from the NICU to make sure they don’t get too stressed out being in a car seat) and he had his hearing test.

All of those went great and Thursday, one week after his birth, we got to go pick him up!!

We were so excited to get to pick him up and bring him home to be with us and his brother! He has been home for 2 full days and it is amazing to see how much he has changed in that short amount of time.

He is already more calm and realizes we aren’t out to get him. I’m hoping he knows that we aren’t going to hurt him and all we want to do is love on him and show him he is safe in our arms. The majority of the time he was in the NICU he was under a warmer and only had a diaper on. So he was not swaddled, dressed and I’m sure felt vulnerable. Now anytime we change his diaper or clothes, he kind of freaks out and likes to be wrapped up.

Having worked in a NICU, it wasn’t any of the medical stuff that got to me, I can handle all the tubes, wires, etc… even hooked to my child because I understand them and know what their purpose is. The thing that got to me the most was the fact that I couldn’t comfort Hayden when he needed it the most.

Seeing my child in this “bubble” crying and upset knowing I can’t do anything but touch his little hand to comfort him has to be one of the worst feelings I have ever felt before. Just typing this and thinking back makes me tear up (man those pregnancy/post pregnancy hormones are powerful).

Another aspect of having one child in the NICU and another in the regular newborn nursery is the guilt factor.

Knowing that one of your sons is getting so much attention and love that he is over stimulated and your other son isn’t even being held and in your hormonal mind thinking he feels like he isn’t loved. Needless to say it was very tough only getting to see Hayden a few hours a day while he was in the NICU.

I am so happy to have both my boys home and healthy and its crazy to see how much they have changed in a little over a week.

I love that my little Hayden went from this (sick and vulnerable) a week ago:

To this (safe, happy and secure with mom and dad):

Hayden 8 days old

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

It has been a long day but we are finally all home and together for the first time. Hayden is finally all better and was discharged from the NICU today. Ian had an appointment with the pediatrician this morning so we brought him back home where there were two grandmothers waiting to watch him while we went to the hospital to pick up Hayden and bring him home. As I said in the previous post, I will post Hayden’s NICU story, I promise…it may just take me a while to get to it in between feedings x2, diaper changes x2 and trying to get some sort of rest.

Mommy and her boys

The boys haven’t been together since they were born last Thursday so we were anxious to have them together again. And we were anxious to have both of our boys home and with us. It has been very hard and tiring for us having one baby at home and one still in the hospital. Getting up during the night with Ian and then going back and forth to the hospital during the day doesn’t leave you much time for rest. Then there’s the whole recovering from major abdominal surgery thing. It’s been 1 week since I had surgery and not much resting. Needless to say, we are glad Hayden is home and we can just focus on taking care of our boys now.

Our boys reunited

The boys finally got to be next to each other again and they were asleep. They have to get acquainted with one another again after being apart. We always joked while I was pregnant with them that Hayden (Baby A) was pushing Ian (Baby B) out of the way and was the bully because Ian was always curled up in a ball with little room. After seeing them respond to each other now our theory has changed. I think now, Hayden was just trying to get closer to his brother and by doing so, it pushed Ian out of the way. But that’s just a theory…we’ll never know for sure.

These are the moments I dreamed about during the entire pregnancy!


And this is one happy daddy!

Daddy and his boys

Our Twin Boys are here!

Jonathan and I are happy to announce that on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 2:36 PM Hayden James Blundell and Ian Christopher Blundell were born. Hayden weighed 4lbs 14oz and was 18 1/4 inches long & Ian weighed 4lbs 11oz and was 18 inches long.

We checked into labor and delivery about 11:30 AM and the nurse got me all hooked up to the monitor until they were ready to take me back to the OR for the c-section.

Before C-Section

Me and Jonathan before surgery

Jonathan was pretty anxious, nervous, etc before hand and wouldn’t sit down…he just kept walking around the room.

Nervous Jonathan

Once I was taken back to the OR they put in my epidural and got me all set up. Let me tell you, having an epidural is a weird feeling…not being able to move your legs/feet is just not right. They gave me something to “help with nerves” before the epidural…which I really didn’t want because I didn’t need anything like that, I was fine. Then they gave me some anti-nausea drugs since I was getting nauseous…so both of those combined made me kind of sleepy. I was trying not to fall asleep through the whole delivery.

The epidural is in...

It didn’t take them long and they were getting started. FYI…there are some graphic photos ahead and are not for those with a weak stomach.

Getting started

And a few minutes later, the boys are here. first comes Baby A – Hayden….he was head down

Hayden James

Next came Baby B – Ian Christopher…he was footling breech (butt first)

Ian Christopher

The nurses took both boys to get them cleaned off, weighed, assessed, etc.

Baby A ~ Hayden

Baby B ~ Ian

Jonathan got to put their first diaper on them and after he was finished the boys were crying and he put his hands on each of their chests and they suddenly stopped crying. It may have been a freak coincidence, but even if it was, it was still pretty cool!

A calming touch

They were both struggling a little bit to breath so we got to see them and hold them for a few minutes before they took them to the nursery for observation.

The Blundells

An instant family of 4!

Jonathan holding Hayden

Me holding Ian...looking up at Jonathan holding Hayden

This has to be one of the best moments of my life!! I’m holding our son and looking up at my husband holding our other son! When thinking back to everything I went through the last 2 years to get to this point….it was SOOO worth it!

While the boys went to the nursery to be observed, they finished putting me back together and then I went to recovery for about an hour and a half. Then I went up to a room. These pictures were taken by the boys’ Aunt Kara while I was still in recovery and the boys were in the nursery.



About 7:00 pm they brought Hayden to my room on his way up to the NICU and I got to hold him for the first time for a few minutes.

Hayden on his way up to NICU

Hayden was having trouble breathing and they decided it was better to take him to NICU. They put him on Oxygen and watched him over night. More to come on his NICU stay in another post.

Ian’s blood sugar was low and he was having some trouble breathing too so they watched him in the nursery as well. At about 11:30 pm that night we got a big surprise and the nurse brought Ian to our room saying he was released from the observation and was ours to keep in the room. He was breathing much better and his blood sugar was stable. We kept him in our room for about 30 minutes holding him and when the nurse came back in we let her take him to the nursery for the night. We were completely exhausted and couldn’t keep our eyes open (and when I say we, I mean I).

Holding Ian

So there you have it, the birth story of our two wonderful boys!


We got some good news the morning of our amnio at the perinatologists office. And, I say good news loosely because the other news isn’t great to hear but it is good news in another way. Still following me? Anyway, we had our amnio to test for the boys’ lung maturity Thursday AM at 9:30 and a c-section scheduled at 1:30 PM that same day, pending the amnio results. We had out growth scan done and the boys had gained a decent amount of weight in 4 weeks. Baby A (Hayden) had an estimated weight of 5lbs 5oz and Baby B (Ian) had an estimated weight of 5lbs 3oz. We also found out that Baby B had flipped, AGAIN, and was now breech again. I mentioned a while back that the hospital that I am delivering at won’t deliver twins via scheduled c-section until 39 weeks unless you had an amnio that showed the lungs were mature. Anyway, the perinatologist came in and said we shouldn’t have to do the amnio now because although the boys had gained weight, their weights had dropped from the 20th percentile 4 weeks ago to the 5th percentile. Based on that they had a diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and that meant they needed to come out that day. The doctor said this was a “good” diagnosis in the sense that we didn’t need to do the amniocentesis, which put me and the boys at risk for several issues. Well, he called my OB and talked to her and she said to come on over to the hospital and we’ll continue with the c-section as scheduled. The boys would be here within 3 or 4 hours ~ CRAZY!

I’ll post more on the boys’ birthday a little later, but for now…I’m off to bed!

37 weeks!!

We made is 37 weeks, I can’t believe it!! I am considered full term now, especially for twins. If you told me I would make it this far 3 months ago I would have laughed at you. It has been a bumpy road but I can honestly say it hasn’t been a horrible pregnancy, it could have been a lot worse! I could have been in the hospital, been to L&D every other week or even delivered before the babies were ready. God has definitely watched over us and for that I will forever Praise Him. We can’t forget about all of our friends, family, and even people we have never met that have been prayong for all of us – Thank you!!

We are on our way to have the amnio done an then we will go check-in to labor and delivery for our scheduled c-section. Later we will have our boys here!! Here is one last belly picture.

Last OB appointment before the big day

Today we had our final OB appointment before the boys’ birthday and scheduled c-section on Thursday (assuming they hold off for another 48 hours). Everything still looks good and the boys are growing and putting on weight. My doctor was having a hard time getting a look at ALL of Baby B (Ian) because he is under my rib cage trying to get as much space as he can….real estate is pretty tight for the boys these days. We tried talking her into doing the c-section today but she already had to run down to do an emergency c/s once she was done with me.

So we have the amnio set for 9:30 Thursday morning to check and make sure their lungs are mature and then we have to check into labor and delivery at 11:30 for a 1:30 c-section. That’s less than 48 hours away…and we’ll finally get to meet our boys!

36 week OB appointment

Today we had another appointment with my OB and all looked good. The boys are doing great and still growing and putting on weight. Baby B (Ian) now has hair too so we won’t have one baldy while the other one has luscious locks. While she was doing the sonogram, Baby A (Hayden) was either licking or sucking on his brothers head…it was pretty funny. Maybe Hayden was trying to tame the wild hair that Ian has grown. Hayden was also trying to show us that he was still a boy and making sure he stayed that way, I let you use your imagination.

I am pretty peeved, I lasted an entire 35 weeks, almost 36 weeks without ONE stretch mark…and overnight I grew some wonderful souvenirs from the pregnancy! I was telling someone a few weeks ago that I was going to be mad if I went the whole pregnancy without a stretch mark and then the week of the c/s I get them….well I’m eating my words now because that’s exactly what happened. ARGGGHH O’well, it was bound to happen. My OB told me today “you are still so small and don’t look like you are carrying twins…but for you and your size, you’re big and have reached maximum capacity.”

We talked about the c-section, epidural, the horrible procedure the boys will endure before they come home, and how long I would stay in the hospital after the c/s. She said I would stay there up to 4 nights after the c/s but if I felt good enough and the boys are doing well enough we could leave after 3…we’ll see how I feel after 3 nights. I told her I wasn’t worried or anxious at all about the surgery, it was the epidural I was worried about. I’ve heard that your blood pressure drops with an epidural, which she said is true, and my blood pressure already bottoms out very easily…so I told her I was worried about my blood pressure dropping and passing out, etc. She said just to tell the anesthesiologist and nurse to warn them and make sure I take my medication that morning. I will have to starve all day since I can’t have anything to eat 8 hours before the surgery. It is scheduled for 1:30 so I can’t have anything to eat after 5:30am and lets face it, I’m not getting up before 5:30 just so I can eat something!

Here is my final questionaire before the boys are here:

How Far Along: 36 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss: about 25 pounds

Sleep: As long as I take either an Ambien or Benadryl I sleep decently.

Best Moment of the Week: knowing that I only have 1 more week left until we meet the boys!

Movement: They are definitely still movers and shakers…the are squirmers for sure! Baby B (Ian) still likes to try to get his little bootie up under my ribs and has pretty much displaced the ribs on my left side. I’m going to need an adjustment after I have them for sure!

Food Craving: Still ocean waters from Sonic and water…for some reason I crave ICE COLD water, it has to be ice cold though.

Labor Signs: Still having contractions which are getting more frequent, intense and are lasting longer but not really a sign that labor is around the corner.

Belly Button: It’s definitely an outie…I call it my actual Button since it sticks out so much, you can press it like a button.

Stretch Marks: not one for 35-36 weeks, and now they decided to appear, 1 week before the boys get here!

Wedding rings: No longer fits, I am now just wearing a wedding band which is too tight sometimes, depending on the day.

What I miss: clothes that fit and having a body that lets me do what I want to do without a big belly that gets in the way.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting to meet my baby boys in 6 days!!!!

Other NEW news this week
: Baylor and their outsourced HR, payroll and leaves of absence department are completely ignorant when it comes to their jobs. One department doesn’t know how to talk to the other and when that happens it totally affects the employee in question. Needless to say I’m hoping to NEVER EVER have to deal with them again on this matter! Ok, my ranting is done.

And lastly, here is a belly shot for the week:

36 weeks with twins


I have to say, I love my scentsy warmer and fragrances. I became a scentsy lover about a year ago and it is a wonderful creation. It’s great because it emits a smell stronger than most candles but it doesn’t use a flame. It uses a light bulb and wax, which by the way doesn’t get too hot if it spills for some reason. I’ve touched the wax when its at its hottest and of course, its hot but not hot enough to burn you so you don’t have to worry about a kid or anyone knocking it over and burning them.

Since I got my warmer I haven’t ordered any new scents because I didn’t know anyone that sold it that lived close to me…until now! Our friend Keri Lehmann is a scentsy consultant now so I can order any scents, warmers, etc to my hearts content. It’s easy too, you don’t even have to know the consultant apparently. I just went online to her web page, ordered the things I wanted and viola it was shipped to my house. The fall catalog just came out with new fragrances and warmers. I have a full size warmer that I use in our living room but wanted a smaller one for our bedroom so I got a plug in warmer. This is the one I just got:

I also wanted to get some new scents that were more fall like smells. I got the new Cranberry Muffin scent which is AWESOME, Hazelnut Latte and Cinnamon Bear. All three smell really good and make the house smell all homey like.

There is a new warmer that came out this fall that I really want to get…it’s called the Boho Chic warmer:

So if you have never used a scentsy, or even heard of one, you should go to Keri’s website and order a warmer, even the small plug in warmers are great and are ideal for small rooms like bedrooms or bathrooms. With the holidays coming up, they make great gifts as well…we gave a couple of warmers as gifts last year for Christmas.

Eviction Notice!!

I am issuing a 10 day notice for EVICTION. Tenants will have 10 days in which they can either gather their belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which, they will be physically removed from the property.

They are being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made!

Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. And due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home. On top of which, the landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances.

After 10 days from this day that they do not comply with the notice, it will result in immediate and forceful removal at my discretion.

Thank you for your cooperation.


I really don’t want the boys to come in the next 10 days (they need to grow and mature just a little bit more), but on October 21st they WILL be evicted!! And like it says, they will be “physically removed from the property”. I’m sure some kicking and screaming will be involved, but that will be music to my ears…for a little while anyway.

35 week OB appointment

Today we had our 35 week appointment and got a date for my C-Section – wahoo! Like I have mentioned in the past the hospital I am delivering at won’t let my Dr. schedule a c-section until 39 weeks, which is ridiculous for twins (since 37 weeks is full term with twins). So we are going to do an amniocentesis the morning of the cesarean just to make sure the lungs are mature and with that the hospital will let us schedule the surgery which will be later that afternoon. That’s 13 days people…13 DAYS until they arrive! But of course, they could always take after their mom and decide to come earlier than planned. If they did come earlier, I would obviously accept them with open arms, but I would prefer for them to wait.

We had our weekly sonogram and the boys still look great. They were moving around, practicing their breathing and the their fluid levels were still good. She said Baby B (Ian) was getting some chubby cheeks…ok, maybe not chubby but he is getting some fat on those cheeks. I’m still not really swelling much, just my hands primarily. Still having contractions all day long but they are infrequent so they aren’t really a sign of labor. I’ll go back and see my OB next Friday so hopefully we’ll have another good check up.

Here is my week 35 belly picture:

35 weeks with twins