#1 Dad

Snuggle time with Dad

I have to brag on my husband for a little bit. He has been great since the boys were born and jumped right in when it came to taking care of them. He was the first one to put a diaper on the boys…in the OR! Since we are bottle feeding the boys, (they could get my cardiac medication if I breastfed) that means I’m not the only one that can feed them. He has helped so much by taking turns getting up at night to feed them and let me sleep some and also hangs out with them in the morning and lets me sleep in sometimes. He not only helps when with the boys but he cooks dinner and cleans the kitchen afterward. I’m still not able to do everything I would like due to recovering from my c-section so he helps me around the house and whenever I can’t do something.

Being on bed rest and banned to the couch for 3 months really gave me cabin fever so needless to say once I was able to drive, I was ready to go do things I hadn’t been able to. He stayed with the boys by himself so I could have a little me time going to my nephews football game and craft night at my parents church. He never complains about any of it and truly enjoys being with his boys!! That is the best feeling ever, knowing your husband loves your children and wants to spend time with them…even during the stage where all you can do is stare at them and play the never ending game of put the pacifier back in the mouth.

I can’t put into words how appreciative and grateful I am of Jonathan. He is a wonderful dad and I can’t wait to see him interact with the boys as they get older. Hayden and Ian have such an awesome role model and dad to look up to. Thank you for everything and I love you!!

Things I’ve learned parenting newborn twins

The weight of my twin babies and their placentas are now gone, all the extra water weight I was carrying for months is leaving me, and my organs and joints can breathe a huge sigh of relief as the pressure is off of them! Yes, I am tired, sore from a c-section and stretched out, but my babies are finally here. Now the fun part begins — parenting.

I could probably label this post “Things I’ve learned parenting” — period.

But since my first go at parenting is with TWO newborns, it’s a little different than your average first time mom.

During my pregnancy I read all kind of books on babies, parenting and multiples. While they all had some pieces of good advice, a lot of what I would read wouldn’t logistically work with multiples and/or just didn’t have any advice on parenting multiples. Until I found a book by a mom of triplets written for moms of multiples — The Multiples Manual by Lynn Lorenz. It’s a great resource for anyone with multiples.

It doesn’t sugar coat anything and she tells you what to expect. She gives you good tips on how to handle certain situations, things that are must haves and then things that are good to have but not a NEED. I highly recommend this book for anyone expecting multiples. No, it won’t tell you everything you need to know about raising multiples, or even come close to it. But it does help and you learn to take every little bit of help you can get.

Of course experience is the #1 way to learn… our babies are 3.5 weeks old and in the first few weeks here are some things I’ve learned (experienced) thus far…

Sleep: Think its tough when you don’t get sleep with one baby…try it with two. When one falls asleep, the other is usually wide awake, then when that one falls asleep, the other one wakes up because he has been sleeping the whole time. Then maybe both will be asleep at once. There was one night in the last week that I didn’t go to sleep until 6:30 AM because this is what kept happening, in between feedings of course.

We have tried putting the boys in the same crib/pack-n-play to sleep/nap and they tend to keep the other up. Not with crying, but moving. They just don’t really get the sleep they need when they lie next to each other. So we have them back in their little individual bassinets and they sleep better. It also helps that they are reclined and not laying completely flat on their back. They both tend to spit up when they are flat on their back.


Preparing bottles: Our boys are on two different formulas. Hayden is on a high calorie formula to plump him up — and it seems to be working because he is getting some little cheeks on him. Ian has been on 4 different formulas including soy and has now been put on Nutramigen for a milk protein allergy.

We got a tip from a friend that mentioned using the Dr. Brown’s formula mixing pitcher to mix a batch of formula and then make bottles for the day. We went out and got the mixing pitcher and it has been great since making all the bottles for the day. The pitcher helps reduce air bubbles in the formula tremendously and with a baby who has gas issues, this is a HUGE help.

Diaper changing: We have 2 boys and changing a boys diaper is a little different than changing a girls diaper. Boys have a water fountain attached to them and that fountain starts to spray anytime air hits it. What we have started doing is placing a cloth diaper under them when we change them and then pull it up like a diaper in between taking the old diaper off, cleaning them off and putting the new diaper on. That tends to help with water works, but not always!

Feeding two babies at once: When feeding time comes and you have 2 hungry, fussy babies, it will quickly become apparent why humans are not meant to give birth to more than one baby at a time. I’ve had to get creative with feeding techniques since an extra appendage was not a shower gift I received… can you imagine if it were though?! I mean, think of all I could get done with 3 arms/hands – diapering one baby and still feeding the other, all at once! Or cleaning bottles while making the next batch of formula… oh the possibilities!

I have learned to feed both babies at once — and it only took 3 weeks to figure this out. I try to only do this at night because I do like the bonding time you get with each baby when you feed them individually, and during the day I have time to do this. Anyway, by feeding them at once it cuts down our feeding times from 2 – 2.5 hours to 1 hour. Then you have to get them back to sleep. Sometimes this is easy and they fall right to sleep, other times it takes 30 minutes to an hour, or longer. The hardest part of feeding both babies at once is the whole burping process. This is when the third arm would come in handy. You still need to hold the bottle for one of the babies while burping the other one and supporting their head so it doesn’t snap off and roll under the crib. So, while I’m not a supporter of propping bottles, I’ve found you have to for a minute or two while you burp the other one (and with our babies you have to burp them every ounce or so or they will spit up, not drink anymore, get fussy, etc.)

Some of the other random things I’ve learned are:

  • Amazon Prime for Moms is awesome…free shipping on certain products
  • You can never have enough diapers…especially pampers newborn
  • Preemie diapers are kinda expensive, and hard to find…so we just stuck with newborn
  • Preemie clothing is almost non existent in most stores, but walmart does carry some…my almost 1 month old babies still don’t fit into newborn size clothing.
  • You’ll find dirty diapers and wipes in the most random places around the house…
  • I’ve never been more concerned about poop as much as I have in the last 3 weeks…baby poop that is. Consistency, color, smell etc (gross)!
  • Going anywhere with our suburban stroller and two infants will draw attention to you

That’s a short version of what I’ve learned so far, I should have more lessons as they get older — but for now I should go heat up a bottle, I hear one of the munchkins getting restless.

And of course, I’ll leave you with a picture of our beautiful baby boys!


Random cell phone pics

Here are some random cell phone pictures from the last week…

Presley meets the boys for the first time

Ian enjoying the swing

Hanging out with mom

Going for a walk around the neighborhood with mom and dad

Tummy Time for Ian

Tummy Time for Hayden

Hayden already knows sign language

First night in their crib....wrapped in their miracle blanket

Stylin in their knitt hats a friend made for them

The way they're laying completely shows off their personalities ~ (Hayden on left Ian on right)

Ian likes to sleep like mom...on his tummy

My O.B….My Hero

Dr. Monti, Me, Hayden & Ian

Ok, so hero may be a little strong, but to me she is one. I honestly cannot find enough words to express my gratitude to Dr. Monti and all she did to help me and Jonathan get our two precious little boys! Almost 3 years ago we started trying to have a family and about 2 years ago we sought Dr. Monti’s help. She stuck with us for almost 2 years doing test after test, infertility treatments and then helped us through a not so perfect pregnancy. I saw her at least once, sometimes 2 or 3 times a month for almost 2 years straight…she even met us in her office on a Saturday afternoon to do an IUI treatment. If that’s not dedication, I don’t know what is! Every time I look at my babies I get a reminder of what she did to help us and I will forever be thankful.

Due Date

So today is Hayden and Ian’s actual due date, November 11, 2010. It was a date that was circled in red on the calendar for 9 months. But instead our boys are 3 weeks old today and I wouldn’t trade the last 3 weeks for anything.

Hayden and Ian 3 weeks old

It was a rough start for our little Hayden but he is now doing wonderful. In the last 3 weeks, we have learned a lot about our little bundles of joy. I love the little noises they make and how “talkative” they can be, especially Ian when it comes time for him to eat. They both love to fall asleep on your chest, Hayden more so than Ian. While Hayden is the better sleeper of the two, he does tend to take after his mom in that it takes him a while to fall back to sleep once he has woken up. Hayden and Ian are both very attentive little guys, they just look around and take it all in (well as much as a 3 week old can see). They are both getting little chubby cheeks and growing a little longer. We are learning their personalities and think that Hayden is going to be our little sensitive one, and the boy who wears his heart on his sleeve. While Ian will be our sweet but mischievous one. Ian will think of some trick to play on mom and dad but Hayden will come up with the plan and how to execute it…such teamwork. It will be interesting to see how their personalities will differ or how much they will be alike. We’ve learned a lot in 3 weeks but we have a lifetime to learn a whole lot more.

Jonathan put together a video of the boys from their birthday till now…some of you may need a box of tissues, I teared up watching it. The song was written and performed by All Things New, AKA Aaron Lehmann. Enjoy!

Happy due date boys, but I’m glad you came into our lives when you did!

2 week check up


Hayden and Ian had their 2 week check up with the pediatrician this past Friday (11/5/10) and both boys are doing wonderful. This check up is primarily to make sure they are gaining weight and doing ok since coming home from the hospital. The doctor said what they want is for them to be back at their birth weight by the 2 week check up because most babies lose about 10% of their birth weight in the first week of life. Well our boys not only are back to their birth weight but have surpassed it. Hayden was 4lb 14oz at birth and at 2 weeks he weighed 5lb 8oz and Ian was 4lb 11oz at birth and 5lb 11oz at 2 weeks – he gained a whole pound! They had both been on a higher calorie formula for premature and low birth weight infants, so I guess that formula works like it should. Unfortunately Ian’s stomach hasn’t liked it too much so we have since switched him from that formula to a different brand high calorie formula and it was a little better but still not tolerating it that well. So we have since switched him back to the formula he was on in the hospital because he was tolerating that pretty well…so far so good but only time will tell. Hayden is now starting to do some of the same stuff that Ian was doing so we may be switching him as well….I just hope we can get the whole formula thing figured out soon so we’ll have our happy boys back again.

The pediatrician said that they both look healthy and that they have the strongest suck reflex she’s seen! she put her finger in their mouth to check it and they wouldn’t give it back to her, haha. Ian does have a heart murmur but it is nothing to worry about, it’s basically the same one I have. She said they would keep an eye on it and he’ll more than likely outgrow it. Ian also has something called Laryngomalacia which is just where the soft, immature cartilage around the larynx collapses when you breath in. It’s nothing really to worry about, it just sounds horrible when you hear him. He should outgrow that too by around 18 months. This is something that I’ve seen in many kiddos while working at Children’s. I pretty much decided what it was before we took him to the pediatrician but wanted her opinion on it and she agreed.

Both boys will go back at 2 months for another check up, and unfortunately shots. We’ve already got some questions to ask their doctor! As much as I know about taking care of babies and medical issues with infants, I’m still a first time parent and when it comes to my babies, it’s like I go dumb and forget all I know- haha.

I’m free to drive…and a realizaion

Last Thursday I had a 2 week check-up with my OB after having my c-section. Everything looks great, the incision is healing nicely and the pain is bearable. She said as long as I’m not taking the pain pill and just the prescription Ibuprofen then I can drive…WAHOO! I only take the actual pain pill once every other day or so and its only at night so I’m good. Anyway, I haven’t really driven but maybe once or twice to the store since July! That’s 3 1/2 months people. I’ve felt like Driving Miss Daisy forever having to depend on others to take me places, and if you know me, you know I hate it!

Saturday I left Jonathan at home with the boys alone, and while they had their own little adventure, I got to venture out to see my nephew play football which I was pretty excited about. While on my way to the game, driving by myself, it hit me…”I’m all alone”. It was a very weird feeling. It wasn’t a feeling of “I’m all alone, I’m so lonely, woe is me”. It was more of a surreal feeling of “I’m alone, there is no one else here”…make any sense or is it just sounding like it makes sense in my head?! For the last 8 months I have carried 2 little bambinos with me everywhere I went. They heard everything around me, they heard when my stomach growled, my heart beat and felt every movement I made. They were always there. I watched what I put in my body so I could keep them as safe as possible and had to watch what I did with my body (ex: bed rest) so I could keep them in there longer. Like I said, it was just a surreal feeling of “I’m alone again”, not a sad feeling, just a feeling. But that is the one thing that I will miss about being pregnant…knowing that they are always there and safe inside my tummy!


Since the boys have been born we have been shown so much love from our friends and family. We have had delicious meals prepared for us and that alone has been a wonderful blessing to us. With two little mouths to feed every couple of hours our days fly by. We’ll look at the clock and it’s 8:00pm and we have no clue what to eat…then we realize we still have left overs from a meal that was brought to us the day before – Awesome! We have had a lot of visits from friends wanting to come see the boys, if they only knew how much they are already loved! I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our friends and family for their love and support since we welcomed our little boys home a few weeks ago.

Here are just some of the friends/family that have visited us either in the hospital or at home.

For some reason we don’t have one picture with either of the boys and my dad or brother, Brian…we’ll have to take one soon!

Random cell phone pics

Over the last 2 weeks I have started a huge collection of random pictures from my cell phone. Usually cell phone pics will just stay in your phone and probably never be seen again, other than by you. Well, I may be a tad bit biased, but pictures, albeit from my cell phone, of my precious boys should not just sit in an album in my phone. What am I going to do about this…once a month, every few weeks or once a week (depending on how many I take) I’ll post these random pics to my blog. So here is the first installment of Random Cell Phone Pics…

Ian’s first car ride ~ he’s not sure what to think

Hayden’s first car ride ~ He’s not too sure either

Ian asleep on mommy ~ best time of the day!

Hayden asleep looking all cute…how can you resist that sweet boy!!

Ian trying to levitate while donning his Zoolander face

Hayden doing what he does best ~ covering his face with his hands

Ian sticking out his tongue ~ milk and all

Hayden chillin after a bottle

And lastly, the napping Blundy Boys
To help you put into perspective just how small our little ones are, the pacifiers in their mouths are the typical small newborn pacifiers from the hospital…they aren’t supposed to take up half of their face.

Other than sleeping, eating and chillin, there’s not much a 2 week old does…So, while these are very interesting pictures to me, they may be kind of boring for all of you…sorry. They will get more interesting as they get older, I promise they won’t all be of them napping and laying around.