Snow Day

I didn’t think we were going to get any snow this winter, actually I didn’t think we were going to get below 50 degrees this winter. So I was rather shocked when I looked out our window last Sunday and saw SNOW! Then it kept coming and coming. By Sunday night our entire yard was covered with snow.


Snow Day 2011

Of course, the boys are way to young to know what snow is or remember have any fun in it. But, we did take them out to get pictures in the snow so we could show them pictures of their first experience with snow, and maybe the only one until they are 5. I wished we would have taken a picture of all 4 of us together but it was cold so we were trying to make it snappy and our tripod broke. I’ve learned to just accept that you get what you can when you are dealing with babies.

Daddy with the boys

Mommy and the boys

We kept it a pretty lazy day around casa de blundell while the snow fell outside. We had the blinds on the windows open so we could see out, had a fire going and just enjoyed hanging out as a family. The boys had some tummy time (along with Presley) by the fire….but not too close to it.


tummy time with Presley

Grandma Margie stayed Sunday night at our house so she wouldn’t have to drive in it Monday morning to come watch the boys. Both Jonathan and I ended up going to work a few hours late and by the time we were on our way the roads weren’t that bad.

It was a great way to end the weekend and I always welcome snow!!

The Holidays

So this is waaaay over due but it’s been a little hard to get stuff done around here lately. With both of us back at work now, we’re a little more tired than we were before and when we are at home with the boys we don’t want to spend out time online. The boys are also more aware of things and take up a lot of our time, imagine that, huh?!

Anyway here is a wrap up of the holidays with our new little family. We’ll start with Thanksgiving since I didn’t ever post anything about it – ha.

First Thanksgiving

We had lunch with Jonathan’s family on Thanksgiving and introduced the boys to his side of the family. We ended up meeting his aunt, uncle and cousins for lunch the weekend after Thanksgiving and unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures, can you believe that? Continue reading

caption this

I took this photo during our new years day “photo shoot” and absolutely love it! It’s one of my favorite pictures of them and completely shows off their different personalities. Hayden is more of the serious, subdude, calm type and Ian is more of the gotta see whats going on, curious type. So here’s the picture with our comments as to what they are saying…

Hayden to Ian:
“Dude, you gotta calm down”
“Hey, the more you smile, the more they’ll keep taking our picture”
“Seriously, calm down man”
“I wish you would just calm down and put your tuxedo on like your supposed to”

Ian to Hayden:
“Come on, why aren’t you smiling, this is fun”
“Po sucker, you got stuck with the penguin suit!”
“aren’t you glad they aren’t making a goofy video of us this time around”

It will be fun to see if their personalities continue to be like this or if they switch.

Turlindelzi Christmas

This is waaay over due. It’s been sitting in my blog dashboard for a while now unfinished. So here it is, a few weeks late.

The Turlindelzi Christmas is more commonly called the Turner-Medlin Christmas or Medlin-Turner Christmas, depending on who you ask. But since we have added us and the Lattanzi’s to the last name mix, I came up with a new name – Turlindelzi. Our two families have been doing our annual Christmas get together for years…I mean years, we’re talking 20+ years. It’s one of two events all of us “kids” look forward to every year! The other one is our New Years Day extravaganza to celebrate my dad and Bob’s Birthdays. Now that the “kids” are starting to have their own kids, we hope they will look forward to it as much as all of us do!

Next generation Turner-Medlin crew

We always have a wonderful meal, usually Vicki’s chili and other yummy foods and a birthday cake for Jake. This get together has turned into a family birthday party for Jake as well.

After dinner we do Jake’s birthday celebration (cake and gifts) and then let the little kids open their gifts. Every year the little kids get a new pair of Christmas pajamas from grammy and granna Vicki.

The boys in their new jammies

After the little kids, we let the older people open their gifts – haha. I mean our parents. This is usually funny to watch and there is almost always a story that is “the funniest thing you have ever heard!” OR There will be a story behind every gift between my mom and Vicki! Fun times in deed.

The last couple of years us older kids have started doing a white elephant gift exchange instead of getting gifts for everyone. We kind of changed the name of the gift exchange though to the green brown bag white elephant gift exchange. Its green because it is something nice but that we already have and don’t want anymore. For example, picture frames or a candle holder, etc that’s still nice but you aren’t using anymore. Its brown bag because we wrap it in a brown bag instead of using wrapping paper and then the white elephant is self explanatory. This is usually a fun time and of course is more fun when people steal gifts!

Growing up we would always end up staying around and playing games, laughing at stories until we pee our pants and who knows what else but now that we have kids we typically end up calling it a night so we can get the little ones to sleep.

This year was a hard year for us all during the celebration because we were missing one key person, Bob. We were all sad that he wasn’t with us this year but he was in spirit and in our memories of him. The hardest part about it was watching my dad. Bob was his best friend and he looked lost without him there this year. I am glad the boys were there because he was holding one the majority of the night and I think they helped distract him. The two of them would always just sit back and watch us all be crazy and laugh at us while talking about golf. I know it was hard for him and I can’t imagine how hard New Years day is going to be on him.

Like I said earlier, this is one of 2 events I look forward to every year and I’m already ready for next year!

Joseph’s Lullaby

It’s Christmas day, I love this day, I love spending the day with family. I love the entire Christmas season. I love the lights, the Christmas tree, the songs, etc. But my most favorite part about the Christmas season is watching little kids. They have this awe struck look about them during Christmas, when they look at lights on a tree or see Santa. It’s all about the magic of Christmas to them, they are still too young to comprehend what this day is truly about…to them it’s about the magic! Now that I have children (that’s still weird to say..usually a first time parent will have a child, not children) I get to experience this on a whole new level. It’s my children that will get to experience the magic and I get to help show it to them. I get to see their face light up when they see the lights on the Christmas tree turn on, or see Santa or who knows what else. This year our boys are a little too young, but next year will be a fun year!

As much as I love Christmas and the fun it brings, we tend to forget what this day is really about. We get so wrapped up in gifts, where we’re going and what we’re doing, we forget why we celebrate this day. Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of Christ, the Messiah!

Unlike any other baby, the one born that night in Bethlehem was unique. He was not created by a human father and mother. He is God, the Son. This is why Christmas is called the incarnation, a word which means “in the flesh.” In the birth of Jesus, the eternal, all-powerful and all-knowing Creator came to earth in the flesh. God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to be born. His birth brought great joy to the world. Shepherds, wise men, and angels all shared in the excitement of knowing about this great event. They knew this was no ordinary baby. The prophets had told of His coming hundreds of years before. The star stopped over Bethlehem just to mark the way for those who were looking for this special child.

Luke 2: 4-19 says:

“So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

I want my children to grow up and know what the meaning of Christmas is. I don’t want them to get so wrapped up in the gifts and Santa that they forget why we celebrate this day. But — at the same time — I want them to experience the “magic” as I was saying earlier. There is a fine line there and I honestly don’t know if the two go together or not.

The one thing I love about Christmas that always helps me remember what the day is about is hearing Christmas songs. Away In A Manger, O Holy Night, Santa Claus is Coming to Town (just kidding on that last one) but I have a new favorite Christmas song I think. I heard this for the first time this year and loved it. I don’t know if it was the fact that I am a new parent or what but Mercy Me has a song called Joseph’s Lullaby. You hear a lot of songs about Mary’s perspective on the birth of Christ, but you don’t hear a lot of songs about Joseph and how he was feeling when his son, the Christ child, was born. As a parent you hold your baby tight and want to protect them from the world and any harm that may come to them. What was Joesph feeling? What was he thinking when he held his son, the Savior, for the first time. Joseph was holding his baby boy, a baby he was supposed to protect from the world but does he comprehend what is going to happen down the road? His little baby boy is the King of Kings. How do you comprehend that? But for that moment, holding him for the first time, he was just his son, just his baby boy. One of the lines in the song says this, “I believe the glory of heaven is lying in my arms tonight. Lord I ask that He, for just this moment, simply be my child.” You have to think that Joseph had the weight of the world on his shoulders knowing that his child was the chosen one. But at that moment, I’m sure he just wanted to hold his child.

Here are the lyrics to the song Joseph’s Lullaby by Mercy Me

Go to sleep my Son
This manger for your bed
You have a long road before You
Rest Your little head

Can You feel the weight of Your glory?
Do You understand the price?

Or does the Father guard Your heart for now
So You can sleep tonight?

Go to sleep my Son
Go and chase Your dreams
This world can wait for one more moment
Go and sleep in peace

I believe the glory of Heaven
Is lying in my arms tonight
But Lord, I ask that He for just this moment
Simply be my child

Go to sleep my Son
Baby, close Your eyes
Soon enough You’ll save the day
But for now, dear Child of mine
Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight

2 months

Hayden and Ian 2 months old

The boys are 2 months old today! I can’t believe how big they have gotten and how chubby they are now. Since I am back at work now and Jonathan is home the next few weeks I left the task of taking the boys’ 2 month photo in his hands. He did get a good one, I knew I could count on him.

This past Thursday I got the boys all dressed and ready and then proceeded to take their 2 month pictures. Only to realize, they weren’t 2 months yet…they were 8 weeks though. I got some good pictures either way! This is one of my absolute favorites but it does make them look a little chubbier than they actually are.

Hayden & Ian 8 weeks old

Both boys are starting to smile, coo and are getting little personalities. I love all the little noises they make but mostly I love to see them smile. I got a picture of Ian smiling the other day but I haven’t been able to catch one of his really big grins. Hayden gave us a BIG grin at Vicki’s last week and I was able to catch that. Anytime I need a pick me up, I just look at these two pictures and it works! (pay no attention to the formula stain on Ian’s clothes)

Hayden & Ian Smiling - 8 weeks old

They now have all that cute baby chubbiness that makes them so irresistible! Hayden is now about 9.5 – 10 pounds and Ian isn’t too far behind, probably right at about 9.5 pounds. Hayden is our stretcher! In the morning when you wake him up and unwrap him from his blanket, he stretches or about 2-3 minutes straight and anytime he wakes up from sleeping he does a big stretch. It is soo cute to watch. Ian still does his little “hungry speak” as we call it. He makes this noise when he’s hungry that is adorable. He also does a little cute noise while he eats, very hard to describe what it sounds like so I won’t even try…you just have to hear it!

Neither of the boys really like tummy time but they have to do it so they live with it. They don’t scream or anything, they just fuss and cry a little. They are getting better though and now that they have pretty good head control they seam to like it a little bit more. They got some new toys to play with during tummy time so we’ll have to try them out and see how they like them.

They are becoming more aware of things like the mobile on their crib and will lay under it and watch it while I clean or do stuff around the house. They got a cool toy for Christmas that projects a picture on the ceiling so we can’t wait to try that out and see how they like it…we have to get batteries for it or else we would have used it by now. They are also able to focus more on things and will turn towards our voices if they hear us.

Yesterday I was looking at some pictures of the day they were born and I still can’t believe how small they were. They are getting so big so fast, I can’t imagine how they will look in another month!

Jake’s 10!

Jake's 10th Birthday

Today is my nephew, Jake’s birthday. I can’t believe its been 10 years since he was born, it seems like it was yesterday! He and our boys are 10 years apart, I wish they were a little closer in age, but I’m sure he will enjoy playing with them as they get older, and I know they will enjoy playing with him. I absolutely love this boy and he has been such a joy in my life. No matter how old he gets he will always be my little Jakey and I will always picture him as he looked when he was 3!

Happy Birthday Jake!!

Going back to work

July 15 I left work half way through the day to go see my OB because I was having contractions every couple of minutes. Little did I know I would not return for 5 months. I was put on short term disability for the remainder of the pregnancy (3 months) and then went on maternity leave for the last 2 months.

Monday I return to work and I’m sure it will be a bitter sweet day. It will be nice to get back to a regular schedule and have adult interaction throughout the day, and of course get back to doing what I love. But at the same time, I will miss seeing my sweet boys faces anytime I want and hearing all their little noises.

It’s been great to be able to be home with them for 8 weeks and learn all their little quirks, personalities and what not. I’m not totally ready to go back to work, but at the same time I am ready. If I wasn’t off work for 3 months before I had the boys, I’m sure I wouldn’t be ready to go back to work at all! We’ll see how I do at remembering how to do my job. I’m sure it will take a week or so to get back into the swing of things….especially being sleep deprived and my brain not being 100% back to where it was!

Jonathan took vacation all next week and then he has the following week off as he does every year. So the boys will have one of us with them every day until they are 10 weeks, then the grandma’s take over child care while we are both at work. I’m sure they are looking forward to it!!

I’m going to have to make sure Jonathan sends me some pictures and updates of the boys so I can still feel like I get to see them and I’ll have to have the grandmas do the same.

To all my co workers – ready or not, here I come….I’m baaaack!

2 month check up

Hayden & Ian @ 7 weeks

The boys had their 2 month check up this week with the pediatrician. They are growing like weeds! Here are their 2 month stats:

Hayden: 9lbs, 6oz and 20.75 inches long
Ian: 9lbs, 1.5oz and 20.25 inches long

Their weight gain, growth, head control, etc. was all on track for their age and unfortunately this was the check up that they got their shots. They did great though! We discussed a few issues that we have been having and left with a plan for both boys.

As I have mentioned in a previous post, both boys have had some issues with reflux and formula. We switched both boys to Elecare, a hypoallergenic formula, and started them on Zantac for the reflux.

Well Hayden has done exceptionally well with the Zantac and formula and we were certain that all his issues were just the reflux, not a formula issue. So we asked the pedi if we could try a regular sensitive formula and she said we can and if he doesn’t tolerate it (which we should know within about 2 or 3 bottles) we’ll just switch back to the Elecare. Well he has had the regular formula for about 48 hours and been doing great on it. So that means now we only have one boy on the expensive stuff.

Hayden was positioned really low in utero and basically stuck there so he didn’t change positions at all. Because of this, he now has a 1/2 flattened, 1/2 misshaped head in the back and tends to not turn his head to the left and tilts it to the right pretty much all the time. So we are being referred to cranial technologies for an evaluation for physical therapy on his neck muscles and whether or not he will need a DocBand (helmet) for his head. So basically he switched his expensive formula for an expensive helmet and therapy. But that’s ok, he’s totally worth it!

Ian has been our problem child lately, not with his behavior or anything, he’s a great baby, but he’s been having a lot of feeding issues. He has reflux as well so he is on Zantac too and still on Elecare. His reflux has gotten a little better now that he is on Zantac but his feeding issues are still the same as before he on was Elecare. So now we aren’t sure if it is a formula issue or something else going on. We just increased his Zantac to three times a day to see if that helped and if it doesn’t help by Friday (tomorrow) then we are to call the pedi back and she will send us to a gastrointerologist at Childrens. Of course I would just assume go somewhere else other than children’s, but I know they have good doctors there and I won’t hinder my child’s care just because of feelings I have towards a hospital.

Despite Ian not eating as much as he was and having his feeding issues, he is clearly gaining weight so that’s the good news. Hopefully we can get some answers as to what Ian’s issue is and get it fixed soon. We are about at our witts end and not sure what to do. It would be one thing if that was our only child to deal with, but while dealing with him, we still have another baby that needs our attention and we can’t give 100% to either one.

The pedi told us we can let the boys sleep through the night without getting them up to eat and that was music to our ears. We knew Hayden would do ok with that since he has only been drinking about an ounce or two in the middle of the night and sleeping through that. But Ian won’t have anything to do with that. We aren’t going to push it right now though because of his feeding issues. He doesn’t take that much at once anymore so it’s not enough to hold him all night. Hayden will take 6 ounces at 9:00 PM and then sleep until 5:00 AM when we get him up to eat again. He has done this for the last 3 nights and it has been sooo nice! Now we only have to deal with one baby at 1 AM and it cuts our middle of the night feeding times in half!! So thank you Hayden!

We will go back for another check up at 4 months and see how much they have grown, can’t wait!