5 months old

Hayden and Ian

Today my boys turn 5 months old and in the last month, they sure have started acting like little people instead of just baby blobs. I can’t believe how much they are growing and learning. Within the last month we have started a few different things with the boys, two of the biggest are sleep training, which includes scheduled naps in their bed and eating cereal. I’ll have a whole blog post later on sleep training, how we went about doing it, how successful it was, etc. In short, they boys are doing great with their sleeping but there is still some work to be done at nap time.

We started cereal a few weeks ago with Hayden and he just wasn’t ready for it, he kept sticking his tongue out an blocking his mouth as to say “I do not want that, you are not going to put it in my mouth!” So we waited and tried again this past week. We purposely waited until now to start feeding Ian cereal because the pediatrician was she wanted us to wait a little while longer with him due to his reflux and feeding issues. This weekend, both boys actually started eating it and were doing really well. They only eat a little bit at a time, but that’s enough for me. I’m sure they will start to eat more and more as time goes by. If they continue to do well with cereal this week, we may start squash or something else different next week, the possibilities are endless 😉


My Hayden is growing like crazy, it’s hard to believe he was once 4 lbs. He is eating 8 ounces at every feeding and you can tell he likes his food! He is our little one that needs his sleep and will let us know when he hasn’t had enough of it but will fight it to the end until he finally gives in. He has been known to sleep for 2 1/2 hours at nap time.

He has started to grab at things and anytime Presley comes around he reaches out for her. Neither him or Ian are afraid of her and actually love to be around her. He is definitely our tactile one, he loves to touch things and feel their texture. Not only that, but he loves to have human contact. He would sit in your lap or next to you all day long if you let him, he just loves to be with someone else and hates to be alone. Good thing he has a brother and playmate to share a room with 😉

Hayden is doing great at sitting up, with assistance of course – but only minimal assistance now days. He as learned to roll over from his tummy to his back (he was the first one to do this) but hasn’t yet learned how to go from his back to his tummy, although he wants to soooo bad. He is talking and babbling a lot as well as making a lot of new sounds. He has learned how to make bubbles (although I’m not sure he knows what he’s doing) and loves to do that while making some of his new found sounds. Most of the pictures you see of Hayden show his serious side, and he is more serious than Ian, but he is also a very happy baby and loves to laugh and smile.

His hair is finally growing! He’s got quite a bit of it but it is lighter than Ian’s so you can’t see it as well. It is also very coarse where Ian’s is very fine.


Our little Ian is one of the happiest babies I know. He always has a smile on his face or laughing at something. He doesn’t need as much sleep as his brother and usually only naps 45 mins -1 hour, although he has taken a 2 hour nap a few times. He will be happy, talking and laughing one minute and then start fussing the next, and that’s when you know he’s tired. You can sit down with him and 1 minute later he’s out. He usually only fusses for two reasons, he’s hungry or tired. Hayden has always been the snuggle bug but Ian has definitely earned that title as well now. I can’t tell you how many times he has sat in the chair with me just snuggling.

He is doing great at sitting up with assistance as well, and loves to stand up. He has rolled over from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy (he was first to do this). He doesn’t roll over a whole lot but will when he wants to. Ian loves to play with his toys and will fall asleep playing in his frog exersaucer (Hayden does this too).

Ian loves to talk, babble, laugh, and makes all kinds of sounds. He’ll just sit there making noises for 10 minutes straight. It never gets old listening to him.

He has found his feet and loves to lay on his back and grab them. He even tries to grab them sitting up! I’m just waiting for him to grab them and try to put them in his mouth. I’m sure once he figures out he can, he will.

He is doing great with his reflux. He remains on Prevacid and Zantac, although we have almost weaned him off the Zantac! We tried this once before and it didn’t work, so we gave it a few months and tried again, so far so good – I hope I didn’t just jinx it!!

I say this every month, but the boys are such a blessing and I thank God every day for them. I think back to this time a year ago when we had just found out we were pregnant, but didn’t know there were two. I recently saw a friend say they prayed for their daughter and their son was a blessing. Well, we prayed for one and were blessed with two! Can’t wait to see what this month brings!

4 months old

Our once preemie sized, 4 pound babies are now 4 months old…and NOT 4lbs anymore!! They have definitely gown up and filled out. They had a check up last Friday and are doing great. I believe the doctors words for Hayden were “he is perfect”. Hayden weighed in at 16.5 pounds and 23.6 inches and Ian weighed 13.5 pounds and was 23.2 inches long. We are adjusting both of their medications for reflux. We are going to switch Hayden from Zantac to Prevacid and we are keeping Ian on Zantac and Prevacid. The GI doc wanted us to wean him off the Zantac and we did wean him off the morning dose, but he wasn’t doing as well so the pedi said we can put keep him on both meds, just decrease the Zantac dose a little. She said we can start solid food now if we want to but she would probably prefer to wait a little while longer, especially with Ian. Hayden just downed 10 ounces last night before bed so I’m guessing he is going to be ready to start them pretty soon. They got some more shots and this time they definitely protested to let us know they did not appreciate getting poked.

We are still in the process of getting the DocBands for both boys. We are trying to get everything set with our insurance company so we get some of it covered….they are pretty expensive, and we have 2 to pay for. Hopefully in the next month we’ll be able to get them.

Developmentally the boys have started doing so much and are learning new skills daily, it seems. They are becoming a lot more social and they love to laugh and smile! They both absolutely love bath time and splashing around in the water.


They are pretty much used to their bedtime routine now and have been going to bed a whole lot easier within the last month. They are sleeping through the night now…well, they aren’t eating in the middle of the night anymore. They still wake up sometimes, but all we have to do is generally give them their pacifier and they go back to sleep. They eat their last bottle about 8:00 PM and then don’t eat again until 5:00 AM. I’d say we are extremely lucky to have both boys sleeping through the night! Now we just need to work on their nap time.

My little chunky monkey, Hayden is still our snuggle bug. He loves to be held and take a nap in your arms. I am all fine and dandy with that because I love to snuggle with him, but remember the whole thing about him being 16.5 pounds, ya that’s kinda heavy when you’re carrying him around all day!! He also loves to smile and laugh. When this boy smiles, his whole face smiles…his eyes light up and all. Hayden also loves to talk but he doesn’t do it as much as Ian. He will sit and listen to Ian talk most of the time, but once he starts he gets on a roll and will talk your ear off too. While Ian thinks its funny to get his clothes taken off, Hayden simply loves having his clothes off. He loves to be in nothing but a diaper. He is our hot natured boy! If he is fussy and we don’t know why, we just start taking his clothes off and usually he’s happy after that, but not always. Hayden actually rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time about a week ago. He rolled over and had this big grin on his face…priceless!

My little Ian Bian loves to talk and will talk your ear off. I can’t get enough of it and love to hear all his little noises and sounds he’s learning to make. Ooohhh that hair…he has a natural mohawk, It just stands straight up. There is really nothing we can do with it except give in and make it a stylish mohawk instead of just standing straight up. Ian loves it when you take his clothes off, he just thinks its the funniest thing. He is doing great at sitting up (with assistance of course), but his balance isn’t quite there yet. He wants to roll over so bad, he has started to roll onto his shoulder some but hasn’t quite made it all the way over yet. This boy loves to stand up and look all around. We laugh because he is so curious and constantly looks around and watches what everyone does. Take a look at the clip below from the movie UP. Ian kind of reminds us of the dog “dug” in the movie when he meets the boy and old man. He is talking and all of a sudden, mid thought, he gets distracted and yells, “SQUIRREL” and then goes right back to what he was saying. I have a feeling he will keep us on our toes as he gets older and will definitely be our comic relief.

The boys have been such a blessing to us and everytime I look at them I still can’t believe they are mine!

Our big boys

Our boys are days away from being 4 months old, that’s crazy. They are getting so big and growing up so fast. It is so much fun to see what all they are learning to do in such a short amount of time. We have changed a lot lately because the boys are becoming more active and their needs have changed.

Lets start with the changes to their beds. Jonathan went in one morning and found Hayden had scooted all the way over to the side of the crib with his face right up against the crib bumpers. So that was a sure sign the bumpers were needing to be taken off! Just by taking off the crib bumpers, the whole environment, from their perspective changes. The lighting changes, the amount of air or draft they feel is different and they see more through the crib slats, where as before they just say the bumpers. So everything they knew had been changed.

Both boys have been sleeping in their miracle blankets and they absolutely love them! Well they have started moving so much that they are wiggling out of their blankets are we were afraid that they would get all tangled up in them.

all snuggled in their miracle blankets

So we are no longer putting them in the miracle blankets and they are now in their sleep sacks, or as we like to call them, their happy sacks. The sleep sacks are like a long vest that zips up and covers their legs without the worry of a blanket covering their face during the night. We weren’t sure they would like the new sleep sacks because they love being wrapped up and when they aren’t wrapped up they don’t know what to do with their arms. The first night wasn’t great, Hayden did ok, he just woke up several times because, Iike I said earlier, he didn’t know what to do with his arms not being wrapped up. Ian on the other hand, he didn’t do so well. He screamed for 30 minutes straight (of course we would go in and check on him periodically) and after that I decided he wasn’t ready to make the switch yet. So I wrapped him up, rocked him for about 5 minutes, and he was asleep. We tried to change way to much on him in one night, so we let him get used to not having the bumpers around the crib for a few nights and tried again. This time he did great and has slept in the sleep sack ever since.

Hayden in his happy sack

Ian is a mover and shaker at night. When we go in during the night or in the morning, we never know where he is going to be laying or in what position he will be in. Hayden, on the other hand, pretty much stays put throughout the night.

both boys have learned to sit and stand up, with our help of course, and love it. In fact, it is what they want to do all day long! They don’t like being in their bouncy seats or swings as much because they can’t sit up. So I decided to find a big boy toy for them. I wanted to get an exersaucer type toy that they could sit it and eventually jump in, but not take up the entire living room (because we will need to get two). I found an awesome one online at Amazon that they would love so I ordered one and if they liked it I would order another one. Well, while I was at a resale shop the other day selling some clothes I found the exact Fisher-Price SpaceSaver Bounce ‘n Spin Froggy
(man that’s a long title) that I ordered from Amazon…and, it was $30 cheaper. This one was in really good shape, hardly looked used, so I brought it home and they loved it. Hayden was the first one to try it because Ian was asleep when I came home.

Hayden enjoying his new toy

Ian sleeping through all the fun

Ian got to try it out the next day and loved it just as much.

Ian enjoying the new toy

We have really enjoyed having two of the toys because we set them nose to nose while the boys play and they can watch one another. Sometimes they play so much they both end up falling asleep while sitting in it.

Hdiddy & Ididdy playing

Hayden has never been one to like tummy time, and Ian does when he is in the mood. They have both learned to like it a little bit better and Hayden even rolled over from his stomach to his back the other day by himself. They also like to lay on their play mat and look at the mirror and toys above them. Ian will lay under there for an hour sometimes just playing away.

Ian doing tummy time while waiting on his turn for a bath

Not only are the boys more active now and wanting to move more, they are a lot more vocal. They both love to talk and tell us everything that’s going on. Ian has been “talking” for a few weeks now but Hayden just recently started really “talking”, and when he gets on a roll, he will talk your ear off.

This is difficult age because they are at an inbetween stage. They want to sit up and do more, but are not able to do it by themselves and we can’t sit there all day long and hold them so they get fussy more now than they have in the past. But, needles to say we are loving watching the boys grow up and learn new things. I love watching their faces when they do something they didn’t realize they could do before. Watching Hayden roll over for the first time was priceless, his just got this huge grin on his face. They have grown up so much in the last 4 months, it will be amazing to see how much more they learn in the next 4 months!

My 3 Valentines

As you all know, this past Monday was Valentine’s Day. In all honesty, I don’t think you need just one day to show the one you love that you love them…it should be all the other 364 days as well. But anyway, this year I got to spend it with 3 of my loves!

My #1 Love: My hubs…Jonathan.

Valentine's Day '11

Went out for a dinner date on Friday night and my parents watched the boys for us. It was nice to get out and it just be the two of us, we could take our time eating, not have to stop mid conversation and calm a fussy baby or put a pacifier back in a mouth. It was great! On Monday, actual Valentine’s Day, we just came home from work, ate and then spent the evening with our boys. Ooooh and we did spend a small stent of our day in the ER, but it wouldn’t be a Valentine’s day without something like that happening. The first V-Day we ever spent together was at a funeral home, last year we were at Target buying diapers, and this year we were in the ER for a little while. Oh how romantic our valentine’s days are! But no matter where we are and what we are doing, I’m with Jonathan so it doesn’t matter.

My # 2 and #3 Loves: My boys…(in no particular order) Hdiddy and Ididdy

Hdiddy & Ididdy

The boys don’t know it yet, but I will be their only valentine until they are like 25! I mean I’m the only woman they will ever love, right? Ha, okay probably not! But I will be their very first valentine.



Medical Update

I figured I would give you all an update on me and the boys. We saw the GI doctor for Ian’s reflux issues Thursday. A week ago we were actually trying to decide if we should even keep the appointment since Ian was doing so much better being on the Zantac and Prevacid combined. Well, we did go, obviously….and the doctor said that since he was doing so much better there was no need to do any tests like an upper GI, endoscopy or anything else. He said we will just keep doing what we are doing, except he wants to try to get him off one of the medications. So we are going to slowly start to wean him off the Zantac and just keep him on Prevacid. We tried this once before and it didn’t fly, but we didn’t slowly lower the dose over several days like we are going to do this time. He is doing so much better and eating so well now, its great! He does still spit up quite a bit but its just something we have to live with, and I’ll take a little spit up over watching him be miserable every time he eats any day.

Hayden is doing pretty well being on Zantac but the last week or two we have noticed him getting fussier than normal and a little less content than he used to be. So while we were at the GI doc today, we mentioned it to him and he said that normally he doses the Zantac 3 times a day (we are doing 2 times) and he said his dose can be increased. He also said that our bodies tend to get used to Zantac (H2 blockers in general) and we eventually need more and more to keep it controlled. He was going to send an email to our pediatrician about Ian so he said he would mention this recommendation about Hayden as well. We are going to leave the amount the same for now, (until we see the pedi in 2 weeks) but increase it to 3 times a day. I may see if we can just switch him to Prevacid as well and wean him off the zantac. Hayden is doing really well too and has become quite a pudgy little boy! A cute pudgy boy though, I mean look at him…


Hayden wearing daddy's hat

As far as I am go, I saw my cardiologist about 2 weeks ago and we switched my medications again in hopes that the new meds will keep me from having the episodes of chest pain. She has diagnosed me with coronary artery spasms, that basically do what is sounds like…my coronary arteries spasm. This leads to a decreased amount of oxygen getting to my heart and that causes the severe chest pain. So basically I take this new medication everyday and if I do have an episode I am to use my nitroglycerin and I go to the ER for pain medication if the pain just gets too unbearable. The pain meds don’t do anything to stop the spasms but it masks the pain and I can tolerate it until the spasms stop. The episodes usually last anywhere from an hour to 3 hours and are horrible! I go to bed at night praying I don’t wake up in severe pain. I feel like I’m 80 yrs old when I’m standing in line at the pharmacy getting my nitro filled. I have had one episode since starting the new medication and I’ll go back and see my cardio on Monday. Not sure what she’ll do so we’ll see. Last week, she did want to make sure nothing else was going on so we did a gallbladder ultrasound and a cardiac MRI and MRA (angiogram), both of which came back ok. Here is an awesome picture from my MRA to show you. I think it’s awesome, anyway!

I told you it was awesome….the technology these days is great!

Now for Jonathan….there’s really nothing to report on him. He’s never sick, injured, etc. And that is a good thing! I hope he stays that way, we need at least one medical problem free parent – ha! He did, however, topple over and land on his rump yesterday while trying to shovel the ice from the driveway so we could get his car in the garage. He landed right on his bum and then the shovel came down and landed on his leg. I told him he was never to do that again! Here is a quick video message or public service announcement brought to you by Jonathan…

And of course, I can’t leave you with just a picture of Hayden. I have to show you a cute picture of Ian too, I mean he is so stinkin cute, how could I not?! (I may be a little biased, though)


Ian at the GI doc

“Snow Day”

Here in Texas, our snow days are really ice days. We did actually get snow last year and some earlier this year but the last two days we have been stuck in our house for “snow days”. There was hardly any snow involved, it was ALL ice. Us Texans aren’t prepared and/or equipped for ice and snow, so when a snow day comes along, we all get a break from work and school.

Jonathan and I were both home from work yesterday and today because of the ice. We wouldn’t be able to get out of our driveway without basically just sliding down it…it was all iced over.

This photo was taken about 5 minutes ago and a lot of the ice has melted.

So what do you do when you are stuck inside with two infants and not able to drive anywhere….anything you have neglected to do around the house that needs to be done. We have been so busy the last month or so I haven’t been able to get things done. So far during our “snow days” I and/or Jonathan have done the following things:
made two dinners in the crockpot
cleaned dishes from dinners that I made
ran dishwasher, then emptied dishwasher
washed the boys clothes and some towels that desperately needed to be washed, organized the boys clothes and pulled out the clothes that don’t fit them anymore (so I can take it to a resale shop)
organized the cabinet with our Tupperware because it was super disorganized
organized the cabinet under the kitchen sink (how suntan lotion ended up under there is beyond me)
charged and changed 1,725 batteries for the boys’ toys
Fed two boys several times
changed many diapers
changed a few outfits from spit up

Along with things that needed to be done, we also spent a lot of time with the boys laughing, giggling, etc. I think we made Ian smile and laugh 75, 342 times. He is such a happy boy and smiles all the time. The boys have just been hanging out in the swing, bouncy seat, tummy time, nap time, etc. But their most favorite thing to do is lay against our chest or have us hold them as we walk around.




Cha Cha Cha-Ian
I had to post this picture of Ian because its just cute and I love his hair…haha, it reminds me of a chia pet.

Even presley had a lazy few days (although all her days are lazy)


Presley planned an attack on Hayden…she implemented a phase I, II, & III attack.


I hope everyone stayed warm and you had a good couple of snow days!

Things I love about being a mom

There were many things I looked forward to about becoming a mother. Watching them grow up, teaching them new things, doing things together as a family, etc. But there are so many little things that remind me everyday why I love being a mom. As Jonathan says, “it’s the little things that get you” and it’s so true…for example, I just got my old (I’m talking 6-7 years old) toaster oven back from my brother who got a new one for his wedding, and I have never been happier. Thanks Brian!

Anyway, Here are the top things that make me love being a mom:

I love love love all their little noises, especially the sound of them sucking on their pacifiers, it’s soo cute. I love seeing their smiles (and they looove to smile) and hearing them laugh – I’ll do anything to get them to laugh. Its funny to watch them laugh in their sleep…what does an infant dream about to make them laugh?! I love getting them up in the morning and watching them stretch, Hayden especially loves to stretch. I love watching them get all fidgety and fiesty when its time to eat. I love watching them try to suck on their fingers (they still jerk them out of their mouth too much to actually suck on them). I love Hayden’s little “goat” noise and Ian’s noise he does when he’s hungry. I love giving them baths because they love bath time. I love watching them watch Presley and now each other. I love to snuggle with them, but I think they love it even more. There are so many things I love, I could go on and on but I won’t. I’ll leave you with a video I put together of the boys laughing.

He’s Married

Me & Brian on his wedding day

My brother, Brian finally got married! We always joked with him that one day he was just going to show up and say “hey, this is why wife!” So needless to say, we are all excited that he didn’t do that and that we were all invited to the wedding.

He and Stephanie were married Saturday afternoon at the Victorian House in Kaufman. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception and then we sent them off to Cancun with fireworks and sparklers. Here are some of the pics from their wedding…

We wish him and Stephanie the best and a life full of happiness together. Welcome to the family Stephanie, we love you both!!

3 months old

The boys are 3 months old today. They have changed so much over the last month, its crazy. They don’t have a check up this month, we go next at 4 months. So we don’t know what they weigh, but 3 weeks ago Hayden weighed 11 lbs 3 oz and Ian was right at 10 lbs. So if I had to guess, I would say Hayden is somewhere around 12.5 lbs and Ian is about 10.5 maybe 11 lbs. From what I can tell, the boys have two completely different body types, but it could just be because Hayden has consistently been eating a lot more than Ian and he just hasn’t caught up to Hayden yet.

We now have both boy’s reflux under control and it is such a good feeling to have our happy boys back. Hayden is still on his Zantac twice a day and doing great while Ian is on Zantac and Prevacid twice a day. Ian is like a completely different baby. It took a while to get him where he is now but he is finally eating great and without any problems. We have an appointment with a GI doctor at Children’s in about 2 weeks. We would probably be fine not going to see him now since Ian is doing so well, but since he is requiring two different meds to control his reflux, it’s probably a good idea to go.

A month ago when we saw the pediatrician we started the Prevacid and kept the Zantac for the inital 2 or 3 weeks because it takes a good 2 weeks for the prevacid to kick in. After those initial 2 weeks we were to back off the Zantac until he was off it. Well after 2 days he started having some problems again so we are back to twice a day zantac. She also told us to remain on the Elecare formula for now (until we saw the GI doc) because at this point we still weren’t sure if it was a formula issue or just reflux. She did tell us we could take Hayden off the Elecare and put him on a regular sensitive formula. She said we would know within 2 or 3 bottles whether or not he would tolerate it. Since that appointment he has been on the sensitive formula and doing great with it! So we got to take one baby off Elecare but still had one on it.

Fast forward about 3 weeks and Ian is finally doing great on his 2 reflux meds but now he is only eating like 2 or 3 ounces at a time and because of that, wanting to eat every 2 hours. So we asked he pedi if we could add some rice cereal to his bottle to help fill him up some. We started doing that and it did help, but he then started getting some red, dry patches on his neck and chest. I think it was from the cereal but we won’t know for sure, so I wanted to get him off the cereal…he is still a little young for it anyway. This is where mothers intuition takes over. The doctor can only go by what we tell her but we see Ian everyday and see how he responds to things and such. Well since we didn’t see much of an improvement with him when we put him on Elecare I didn’t think his issues were formula related. Since he was doing great on his meds and we didn’t think it was formula related, I took the liberty of switching Ian to the sensitive formula that Hayden was on. I figured if it is a formula/milk issue then we’ll just deal with the consequences and then switch him back to the Elecare, but if it isn’t then we just saved ourselves a bunch of money and frustration with a baby that is hungry all the time. Well, he took the formula great and hasn’t had a problem since. He is now eating 5 full ounces every feeding (6 ounces right before bed) and is a much happier baby because he’s not starving. YEAH- they are both off Elecare!!

It is much better now that we can actually just go to the store and buy their formula, but the only problem is that not too many place have the specific formula they are on. They either run out really fast or just don’t keep it in stock. It is pretty hard to find, so when we do find it, we stock up! Of course, our boys only want the best and like the ready to feed formula…the powder tends to upset their stomach.

So Hayden is now eating 7 ounces consistently, sometimes as much as 8 ounces and Ian is eating 5 ounces and 6 at his last bottle at night. They are now both sleeping through the night!! They do wake up some, usually because their pacifier came out or they just woke up and can’t go back to sleep. So we aren’t completely sleeping ALL night, but they aren’t eating in the middle of the night (except for an occasional night here and there). They get their last bottle about 8:30 PM and then we put them to bed (whether they go to sleep is another story) and then they eat again at 5:00 AM. Eventually we will be able to move the 5 AM feeding to 6 or 7, but for now I’ll take what we can get.

Both boys are smiling and laughing now. Ian was cracking up this morning. Jonathan was tapping his nose and it just cracked Ian up, it was pretty funny! Hayden will laugh in his sleep but he has laughed a few times today in response to something. Even though they have laughed before, today was the first time Hayden and Ian both laughed as a response to something they thought was funny, so today was a big day in the realm of laughter.

They have both successfully been transitioned to their own crib. They had been sleeping in the “bassinets” in their room since they came home and we thought it was time to move them into their cribs since they will soon outgrow the bassinet. They still use the miracle blanket at night which keeps them wrapped up….and when Hayden isn’t wrapped up, he won’t go to sleep.

They like to lay under their play mat and as much as they dislike tummy time, they put up with it. They will usually fall asleep when we put them on their tummy.


Hayden enjoying tummy time

We will put them in their bumbo seats for about 5 minutes at a time and thats about all they will tolerate. Their still a little young for those but it helps them learn to sit up.


Bumbo Time

Ian likes the bumbo seat a lot better than Hayden does, I’m sure its because he has a little better head control and strength in his neck.



They both have pretty good head control and love to sit up and look around. Hayden still has some trouble keeping his neck/head straight up, he tends to tilt it to the right still. It is getting better though. They were evaluated a week ago for DOC bands and we were told they both needed one. Hayden definitely does need one because of the way he was positioned in the womb. Ian could use one, but would probably be fine without it so we are asking our pediatricians opinion next month on whether or not she thinks he really needs one. Their insurance will cover a little bit of the treatment cost but not until they are 4 months old, so we have to wait another month to start treatment.

This has turned into a rather long post, so I guess I’ll wrap it up….overall, the boys are doing extremely well and it is so much fun watching them grow and learn new skills.

Happy 3 month birthday boys – I love you!

What we’ve been up to

Since I’ve been back to work, the posts have obviously decreased in frequency. Generally from 7:00 PM on we are giving the boys baths, feeding them and putting them to bed and then once that is done, we go to sleep – anywhere from 10:00 to 12:00 depending on how well they go to sleep. So I usually don’t have much down time at home after work, and on the weekends we’ve just been busy lately.

I had mixed emotions when I went back to work. I was ready to go back because I had been off work for 5 months, but at the same time, I didn’t want to leave the boys. So I brought the boys with me to work…

We are extremely blessed to have our mothers watch the boys a few days a week while we are at work. Putting two infants in daycare was an outrageous amount of money. Basically, there was no reason for me to work if they would be in daycare, my entire check would go to pay for someone else to watch them. So we are sooo grateful to our moms (and dads sometimes) to watch the boys for us. Not only does it help financially, but its just a huge burden lifted off our shoulders to know who is watching our boys and to know that there is nothing we have to worry about. We know they will be taken care of and loved just as much as if it were Jonathan or myself at home with them.

Our moms have done a great job keeping the boys on their schedule and giving them their medicine, etc but we have noticed that the boys have realized that it’s not us at home with them all day. Its not a bad thing and its nothing our moms are doing wrong by any means, the boys just know its not mom and dad at home with them.

They boys are 12 weeks now and growing like crazy. I’ve packed away all their preemie and a lot of their newborn clothes and are pulling out their 0-3 months clothes now. Hayden is packing on the pounds while Ian is slow to catch up, but he will in time. That’s all I’ll say about them right now….you’ll get more later this week for their 3 month update.

I went to the cardiologist Friday morning because I had been having episodes of severe chest pain that would last anywhere form 30 mins to 2 hours. She told me I had coronary artery spasms, which basically is what it sounds like. My coronary arteries spasm which causes episodes of severe (and I mean MASSIVE) chest pain. So she gave me a prescription for nitroglycerin to use when I had an episode and if that didn’t work, she gave me another medication to take on a daily basis. She said it was more than likely caused by the pregnancy…well the hormones from the pregnancy, and it should go away within 6-12 months.

Well we had an exciting night Friday night. I woke up about midnight with massive chest pains and knowing what they were I did my nitroglycerin the cardiologist gave me but after 2 shots and about an hours time they didn’t go away, so we thought it would be best to call 911. So the ambulance got there and took me to the ER. After about 2 hours from when the chest pain started, it finally stopped and I was able to get some relief. This was about 5 minutes before we got to the hospital! So of course when they bring me into the ER I am having no pain. I told the EMS they could just turn the ambulance around and take me home…they didn’t agree.

The ER was a waste of time and all they did was tell me to follow up with my cardiologist on Monday – uh Duh, I could have told you I needed to do that! So, needles to say I got the other prescription my cardiologist gave me filled and have taken it every day since then. Hopefully it will keep the episodes away and I won’t have another one like the one on Friday night. That was painful!

The boys had an evaluation for DocBands (therapeutic helmet) on Friday. I say boys, we actually only had an eval for Hayden but ended up having them look at Ian’s head as well. Since they are twins, the chance of them having a misshaped head increases from the lack of space in the womb. Poor Hayden’s head has been misshaped since day 1 since he was basically squeezed into my pelvis for 8 1/2 months. He also had a tight neck from the way he was in the womb so he didn’t really turn his head from side to side. Because of that his head is flatter on one side than the other. It has also pushed his forehead forward and his ears are misaligned. We found out today that our insurance won’t cover anything until they turn 4 months old so we have to wait another month to start treatment. The good news is that they will cover some of the costs…it doesn’t even make a dent in the total cost, but I can’t complain because there are a lot of people that don’t get any help from insurance.

I finally printed some of the photos I have taken of the boys and got them framed so I could hang them on the wall in the living room.

The next week will be spent getting ready for my brother, Brian’s, wedding which is next weekend. I can’t believe he is getting married.

Brian and Stephanie

We live in the same neighborhood as Brian and just as we move into our new house in May, he leaves. His fiance has a bigger house so they will be living in her house. He may be leaving but we get a pretty sweet trade off because Jonathan’s sister and her husband are going to rent Brian’s house!! They will basically be around the corner from us so it’ll be fun to have them so close.

We have also been dressing up like superheros…well the boys have, not us.


Hayden as Batman


Ian as Superman

And there has been a lot of smiling around our house lately…


Mr. Chuckles


Mr. Big Grin

So that’s pretty much what we’ve been up to lately…