3 Months Old

3months2Wow, I am super late with this since Harper was 3 months on October 24th.

Baby girl is 3 months – At times it seems like 6, but mostly I can’t believe how fast it has gone by.  We sure have had our ups and downs with this little girl.  When things are good, they are good…but when things are bad, they are bad. We call her our little Diva because she is very particular and likes things done certain ways – sometimes mommy or daddy is all she wants.

IMG_2613Harper has still had a lot of problems with her reflux.  She had a good 3 weeks where it didn’t bother her much, except for occasionally, but then she started really having problems.  She would scream for 20-30 minutes and nothing would calm her.  She would start coughing and spit up acid through her nose.  I called her pediatrician and she called the GI doc we saw and he said to add rice cereal to her bottles…I was reluctant to do this since the last time we tried it, it upset her stomach.  I did it anyway just to see what would happen, and she did great on it.  She stopped the screaming fits, she was happy again and was sleeping better.  She is also still getting her Prevacid twice a day.

ShIMG_2780e started getting the rash on her face again this month but we got a steroid ointment to put on it and our pediatrician told us to bathe her everyday with a little selsum blue on the rash.  All that combined, it cleared up again and looks great now.

This little girl is going to be a feisty one! She does not like sitting still or back.  She constantly tries to sit up in her car seat and does not like to be facing you when you hold her – She has to be facing out to see what is going on.

IMG_2505She still likes the swing and bouncy seat, but as long as she can see what’s going on.

IMG_2782She is just like her brothers and loves to be outside.  I’m not sure if its the feel of the breeze outside she likes or what.  But she usually gets in a better mood when we go outside.  She loves to just sit in my lap and watch her crazy brothers run all around the backyard.  I’m sure she will gladly join them in a few years.

Tummy time has gotten better and she does so good with it.  She still spits up a lot being on her stomach but it doesn’t seem to bother her much when she does.  She usually will end up going to sleep while she is on her tummy.

IMG_2595Harper got to experience her first trip to the State Fair of Texas this past month but unfortunately didn’t get to taste the corny dog, maybe next year.  She actually slept most of the time we were there.  When she’s in her baby carrier she usually falls fast asleep.


We are going to go get her head shape checked out at cranial technologies, just like we did with the boys.  She has a definite flat spot and its starting to push her forehead out some so we thought we would get it looked at and evaluated for a Doc Band.  Our pediatrician thinks that some babies just have softer skulls and are easier to become flattened.  We have tried rotating sides she lays on and holding her on the opposite side from the flat spot and she takes naps on her tummy…but despite all that it is failing to improve on its own.  I am definitely not looking forward to having her in a band, or paying for it! But once we see the photos of her head and get the full evaluation, we may find that she really doesn’t need it.  We’ll find out soon.

She is finally getting into the fun stage of interacting more, smiling and cooing.  She’s even laughed or chuckled a few times.  I can’t wait to see what she will start doing next month,



3 Years Old

3 years old

My boys are 3 years old! They have grown up so much since last year, its amazing the difference between a “new” 2-year-old and an “old” 2-year-old. They are now talking like big boys.  Granted, we still can’t understand about 20% of what they say, but they try so hard to get it out.

The boys have definitely turned into little boys and there is no more baby in them! It kind of makes me sad, but at the same time, I’m loving watching them become their own little person.  They are ALL boy and love to run, jump and climb, like any other 3 yr old boy! I would call them highly active, not hyper. They love playing outside in the backyard or at the park climbing on the jungle gym.

IMG_2174For their birthday we got them a big play set for the back yard that they call their “castle”.

IMG_2698The boys are all into cars and trains these days.  They have also just started pretend playing.  They tell me all the time, “we pretend” when they are “cooking” on their grill.  I walked in their room the other day and they were “pretending to wash their hands” with the hand sanitizer.  Not sure how they got it but they did and it was everywhere.

Hayden playing with his new train set

Ian playing with his new car ramp

This fall they started a parents day out program at our parents church (which we recently started attending) 2 days a week, and love it! It’s great for mom and dad too because that gives us each a day where we have about 4 hours that we can get stuff done or run errands with only 1 baby in tow – its amazing how much you can get done with 1 baby vs 2 or even 3!  When I went back to work after my maternity leave with Harper I went part-time, so I’m working 3 days a week now and am able to be at home a little more with the kids.  Luckily, one of those days that I’m off is a day the boys go to PDO.

The boys just had their 3 year check up today and passed with flying colors :).  Hayden weighed 34 pounds and was 38.25 inches tall (85%) and Ian weighed 30 pounds and 37.25 inches tall – as always, an inch shorter than Hayden. They are doing well with their sleep, eating (even though Hayden is very picky and Ian won’t drink milk anymore – like at all) and reflux/tummy issues.  We have both boys on a daily probiotic and I think it has helped quite a bit with digestive issues they had a few months ago. They both have seasonal allergies, Hayden not as much as Ian, and take Zyrtec as needed.

We have been slowly potty training the  boys and they do pretty well when we put them on the toilet to go, but they don’t do as well keeping underwear dry.  We haven’t really just put them in underwear much, simply because we haven’t had a free few days in a row to really work on it.  We plan on doing that around Christmas when Jonathan and I are both home for a week.

When Harper came along, it through the boys for a loop for a while.  They were off their schedule and mommy and daddy weren’t as accessible to them as often as they were since we had to take care of a pretty needy baby.  They were starting to act out some and were both having problems sleeping, but after things got semi back to normal and we had a routine again, our boys were back. Of course, they are your typical 3 year olds and visit time out on a daily basis for some reason or another.

These boys love their sister – they are always checking on her and trying to give her a hug or kiss.  They like to kiss her goodnight before going to bed every night and they love to climb up on her crib side rail to look at her.

Always checking on their sister - disregard the paci in Ian's mouth...we're working on that.  They only get it for nap and bedtime but he must have sneaked it when I wasn't looking

The boys generally play well together and its great that they always have a friend to play with. They do fight over toys like any toddler/preschooler would and they have been known to push one another, which leads to an automatic time out in our house and afterwards they have to hug and apologize to their brother. They really do love each other and get along great most of the time.  Ian tends to be the one that we’ll find playing by himself with his cars or reading a book, and Hayden does do well playing trains by himself, but prefers to play with someone else most of the time.

Chasing each other outside

having a brotherly chat

Hayden is our thinker, always has been….he has the mind of an engineer and it seems like it’s always on.  He’s tries to figure out how things work and loves to take things apart – not always put them back together though.

IMG_2728He is a sweet boy and loves giving hugs and kisses now. He likes to sit in your lap or by you on the couch when watching curious george or daniel tiger.  When he is tired, he is a cuddle bug.

He is still pretty picky – mainly due to textures that he can’t tolerate (he gets that from me), but loves his chicken nuggets (from Costco only), peanut butter sandwiches, and any carbs – bread, chips, etc.  He will only eat apples and bananas, no other fruit and no veggies.  But, he loves an organic spinach/cheese pizza – go figure!

He is a sweet boy and loves giving hugs and kisses now. He likes to sit in your lap or by you on the couch when watching curious george or daniel tiger.  When he is tired, he is a cuddle bug.

He loooves his trains! He has 2 different tracks that he plays with and he still loves his train table that he got last year for his birthday.  He is a happy camper when we let him sit and watch steam engine videos on our ipad.

This boy loooves his sleep, and is definitely a morning person (not sure where he gets that from because neither me nor his dad are).  He is ready to go to bed at night and sometimes will ask to take his nap.  But when morning comes (anywhere between 600-700) he is up and at em! Ian usually keeps Hayden up at night but Hayden wakes Ian up in the morning (which is not good sense Ian is NOT a morning person).  He still takes about an hour nap every day and goes to sleep usually around 745-800 and sleeps all night.

IMG_2715Hayden loves to “cook”.  We bought them a little grill and some play food and they are always cooking us lunch.  He got a little chef outfit for his birthday and loves to wear it.  He was helping daddy fix their dinner in this picture.

Hayden is a ham! he loves to joke around and goof off.  His laugh is contagious and you can’t help but laugh when you hear him.  When he smiles his eyes light up and his smile will definitely bring a smile to your face.

Hayden is a great helper and loves to have a task at hand.  He is someone who needs to feel needed and when he is asked to help you he gets excited.  I call him my OCD baby because he likes things to be in order and if they are out-of-place he will let me know.  He will be the one to put his cup or plate in the sink after he eats, or throw away a wrapper after he’s opened something.

This kid will go places and will more than likely be the leader doing it!

IMG_2727Ian is our Mr. Independent and the one to say “me do myself” many times throughout the day.  He loves to do things by himself like a big boy but not too big to ask for help.

Ian doesn’t care as much as Hayden as to how things work, just as long as they work! He is not as detail oriented as Hayden but is just as particular.  He loves to have things a certain way and has to have the same things every night when he sleeps – his animals, blanket, taggie, paci and flashlight!

Ian has a special name for Hayden.  He calls him “Zeus”, yes Zeus…like the greek god.  Of course he didn’t choose this name from greek mythology, but we have no clue where he came up with this or how it started.  One day he just started calling him that.  He even has us calling him that sometimes.

Ian is definitely our night owl and not a morning person.  He will keep Hayden up at night talking or trying to play.  We sometimes have to separate them at night because they end up playing instead of sleeping and when we do that Hayden goes straight to sleep where as Ian will lay there talking or singing to himself.  But Hayden usually wakes Ian up in the mornings and he is a mr. grumpy pants when that happens.  Ian is best when he is left to sleep until about 800 and wakes up on his own.

Ian can be a cuddle bug too, when he wants to be. He loves to cuddle with you on the couch or in the recliner after his nap. He will be the one to get upset when mommy has to leave to go to work – not always, but sometimes.  We have found that Ian is our homebody, he prefers to stay home and play rather than go somewhere.  He gets overstimulated if he does too much in one day.

Ian may not be the leader of the group, but he is strong-willed enough not to be persuaded into doing something he doesn’t want to do.

This boy loves his stuffed animals.  His bed is mostly animals and blankets and you’ll find him under them all! We’ve gone in there a few times and he has a teddy bear over his head.  He also loves his cars.  He can never have too many cars and will play with them for hours if we let him.

He loves to watch curious george and never gets tired of that IMG_0632little monkey! He was going through a mickey mouse phase where all he wanted to watch was mickey – “me watch mickey mouse?” all. day. long. But he isn’t into it that much anymore. He is a happy camper when he gets to sit and watch cars or mickey on our ipad.

He is still our reader and loves books, I will find him sitting on the couch reading a book at times, but he would still prefer us to read them to him.

Ian has always been a good eater, he will eat most any fruit and some green beans.  He will try some new foods occasionally and we tell him its ok not to like them, but he does need to try them.

Ian’s laugh is infectious and I love to hear him bust out laughing at something.  I love to see him get excited about something because his eyes show how excited he is.

I can’t wait to see what this kid will do!

Both of my boys have great manners.  We have always taught them to say please and thank you and now we find them saying it without us asking or telling them to say it.  I love to hear them say “tank you” in their little voices.

I have two of the best kids around and I couldn’t have asked for better boys.  I love them so much and now that they are talking, I love hearing what all they have to say!

Happy Birthday Boys!

Here is our annual picture with the boys in front of the house.  And for fun, a look back as previous years:

3 years old

 birthday collage


Rory Myers Children’s Adventure Garden

We have a family member ship to the Dallas Arboretum and have always loved going and taking the boys to run around and I especially love it because its a great place to get pictures! This year the new children’s adventure garden opened and it is awesome!  We have only gone once and were only there a short time so we only saw a very small part of the garden.  There is so much more to see and plan to go back soon.

The garden is divided up into 2 areas. To the right is for older kids and what I’ve heard is pretty hands on and a great learning experience, while the left side is more for toddler/preschool aged kids.  Here are some of the pictures from our short time there:

DSC_0526 DSC_0535 DSC_0546
DSC_0543enjoying the view during our picnic lunch


Playing in the hay maze

While we were there we attempted to get some photos of the kids and the kids with us. I say attempted because the boys weren’t into taking pictures and would rather look at all the pumpkins. We got a few good ones but not a whole lot.  We are going to have to go back to get their annual birthday pictures with the pumpkins.


boys boys2harper-ian

Me and my crazies
Daddy and the kids

There are so many things for the kids to do that is interactive and they did an amazing job on this garden.  I think we will be getting an annual family membership for a few years to come simply because of this garden.

Harper’s Birth Announcement

When the boys were born it was close enough to Christmas that we just decided to roll their birth announcement and our family Christmas card into one. Since it’s July and too hot to even think about Christmas, we decided to do an actual birth announcement. Please help us welcome our beautiful new addition!

Photo Card
View the entire collection of cards.

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