Today is the day

Well it’s 12:26 a.m. and I’m barely keeping my eyes open.
I’m beat. I feel like I’ve been kicked around a couple times today with various news from various sources – but that’s OK. God is good. He’s still on His throne and the moon is still round.
It’s been a great day. We had a fun rehearsal a great rehearsal dinner hosted by my parents at David and Debbie Hollies and just an overall good day.
I can’t wait till 2 p.m. today and I get to see Laurie walk through the church doors.
I feel like there just aren’t the words to describe my anticipation.
And in case you were wondering – don’t expect any posts here for the next week or so.
We plan to be off the grid until next Saturday – maybe even longer if we’re lucky ;-).
But as a side note – I have a couple unspoken prayer requests. They have a little to do with some of the news I’ve gotten today.
I don’t feel like I can go into it here but just pray that God will be sought, His will will be shown and the peace that passes all understanding will be given.
Thanks and see you in a week or so!

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

3 thoughts on “Today is the day”

  1. Hey you two crazy love birds…

    Have a fantastic day… this is the first day of the rest of your life… and over in Motherwell, Scotland; we are wishing you God’s richest blessing for your life together.

    Just keeps getting better and better!!!

    Thomas & Olwyn

  2. Jon,
    I am praying for you and have thought of you today. I hope it was as wonderful as you always thought it to be! I pray your vacation is relaxing and exciting! I so wish I could have been there to see you both. I know it must have been awesome! By the way, I have lifted up your requests. Let’s talk when you get back. God Bless!

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