Dong Yun Yoon [English name is Don Yoon], 37, was at work at his cafe when he discovered the horrible news of a F/A-18 jet crashing into a residential home – his home. His wife, two young babies, and his mother-in-law who had recently arrived from Korea to help take care of the babies [a Korean custom] all were killed in this tragedy.
Eugene C Cho shares Yoon’s story on his blog. And you can watch video on CNN.
And I’ll be honest, had it not been for Cho, I’d have no idea this even happened.
Yoon married his wife, Young Mi Yoon [a nurse], four years ago and had two children: Grace [15 months] and Rachel [2 months]. They had just moved into this house one month ago.
“My wife — it was God’s blessing that I met her about four years ago, and we got married,†he said quietly. “She’s just such a lovely wife and mother, who always loves me, and (the) babies. I just miss her so much.â€

So, your entire family has been taken from you. The pilot of the F-18 that crashed into your house walked away — he ejected just before the crash.
How would you respond?
Yoon responds with grace that can only come from an almighty God.
“…I believe my wife and two babies and mother-in-law are in heaven with God,†he said. “And I know God is taking care of them.â€
as for the pilot…
“Please pray for him not to suffer from this accident,†Yoon said. “I know he’s one of our treasures, for the country, and I … don’t blame him. I don’t have any hard feelings. I know he did everything he could.â€
Sure makes my petty issues with others seem even more so.
God may we love like you love. May we treasures others like you treasure them. May we see your image in them all. May we conspire to live differently this season and live our lives differently from this point forward.
“Grace, grace, God’s grace. Grace that is greater than all our sins.”
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