I found a great video interview with God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club and Concern Australia/Global Concern founder John Smith (via The Work of the People) on Vimeo the other day and then found this second video in which he chats about the influence of the Jesus Movement over the church.
“God met that generation of freaks in the middle of their Acid trips because the church was not listening to their heart…”
“So have I got hope? Man I’ve lived through seeing when they all said God was dead and then seeing God reach hippies in the middle of the Adirondacks – sure I’ve got hope!”
What I find interesting about this interview is that John Smith seems to touch on the idea that people come to God in all sorts of ways — with, or without the church — something Rob Bell also spent a chapter discussing in Love Wins.
My family had a discussion on this same topic over lunch Easter Sunday, discussing how they recently heard a missionary sharing dreams are becoming a big deal in the Middle East. According to the missionary, a number of people he’s met are seeing Jesus appear to them in dreams and they’re starting to follow him based not on a clear sermon from the pulpit, not from a missionary coming from overseas — but based on a dream or series of dreams. Fascinating!
What do you think?
When you look at the Church are you more hope-filled or hope-less?
BONUS: Here’s the 1st video: