it consumes my life

I talked with a co-worker today about social media, networking, new media and the like in the classroom and church setting. She had just returned from a conference and was amazed at all the things available to academics – usually at no additional costs to the users (i.e. professors or students). She mentioned that we needed someone who could evangelize (my word) all this new technology to folks across the district. Someone who could explain what it means and how to use it to professors who are fed up with being forced to use “technology” (typically antiquated technology at that).

I wanted to jump up and down and say, “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!”

I didn’t. We were in a semi-public environment and I didn’t want to cause a scene (so instead I just post this in a very-public environment).

I mentioned this scene to Laurie and she made the point that I’d be good at a job like that because, “it consumes your life.”

I think she’s pretty dead on. I just have a passion/fire/drive for connecting people. Whether its online or offline (or a combination of the two) I love to see people making connections. I want to see a distributed Christianity and world – rather than a mainframe world. I want to see crowd-sourcing rather than scholarly opinions. I want to see people understanding others in new ways and thus building newer, stronger relationships.

So as a side note: if you know someone wanting/needing a social media guy (like the job Chad just got) let me know. Let’s talk!

And — all this to say — I know I typically turn to Twitter or micro-blogging to share what’s going on in my life — but figure I owe all the readers here an update on my weekend as well.

weekend roundup

Each and every Saturday I do my best to meet with Josh to discuss life, faith, church, families, friends etc. This week was no exception. Due to a few schedule changes, we made plans to meet at 8 a.m. I arrived at his house and he fixed some great BOBs (breakfast on bread). We ate and chatted for an hour or so and then I was off to event #2.

Another friend had a deep freezer his mother wanted to donate to Daniel’s Den in Waxahachie. Brad met me at Josh’s house and we headed to Duncanville to pick up the freezer and then back to Waxahachie to deliver it. As soon as we finished I rushed back to Red Oak to make it home before event #3. I had hoped/predicted I’d back home by 11. I didn’t make it back till 11:38 :-(. Laurie had said as long as I was home by 11:30 things would be fine and even though I was “only 8 minutes late” it really irked me that I didn’t make it by either time.

After I arrived home, I quickly changed shirts and we were off to take Presley to the dog park and the vet. We spent 30 minutes or so at the dog park before Presley got to “enjoy” her visit with the vet. Seems like more and more we’re realizing she doesn’t like men. Not sure what it is – but she doesn’t like em. After the vet we headed to the doggie wash – where she got a nice warm bath with shampoo and conditioner.

Presley would rather sniff than play

Getting a wash

We stopped by Sonic on the way home. And then I was off to a birthday party for Juston. Had a good time and got to play some ping-pong with his younger brother Andrew. We did a cool thing at the party – in that each “man” gave words of advice to Juston as he turned 13. I shared 3 things I wish I would have known — (or actually paid attention to) when I turned 13.

  • find a group of guys/friends that will stick by you no matter what — and stick by them no matter what
  • find a mentor who will be honest with you and be willing to set you in the right direction when you’re going the wrong way
  • have fun! and don’t worry what others think except for your family and the guys mentioned above.

After the party I headed back home to finish cooking the dinner we had planned to share with Josh, his wife Shalyn, their baby girl, and my sister Kara and my brother-in-law, Tim.

They arrived short time later and we enjoyed some chicken tacos, rice, beans and assorted fixings along with some fun stories and conversations.

One thing I truly love about Laurie is that she loves hosting people at our house. She’s not near as outgoing as I am and usually doesn’t “thrive” in group settings like I might – but she still loves serving others by inviting them over and enjoying dinner with them. We both love doing that and I hope its something we continue doing for years to come.

Sunday was a whole different day but just as fun (other than the annoying sunburn I got).

Our church/tribe gathered outdoors at the Tucker’s house for our normal celebration time as well as BBQ and games. I was there outdoors from roughly 8 a.m. till 2 p.m. No wonder I got a little red ;-).

Some folks even took a ride on the Tucker’s 4-wheelers before it was all said and done.

Carl and Brian 4 wheeling

I came home and crashed on the couch before mowing the yard and pulling some weeds in the front.

All in all a tiring weekend but one I’d gladly do all over again (minus the sunburn).

So there you have it (if you’re still reading).
Be sure and click over to Laurie’s blog for her take on the weekend as well.

My Bucket List

Friday night Laurie and turned off the Olympic opening ceremonies (yes I know a cardinal sin) and watched the Bucket List. I loved it. She wasn’t as impressed.

The idea behind the movie is two men are dying of cancer and are only expected to have six months to live, so they make a list of all the things they want to do before they “kick the bucket.”

The movie reminded me of the “life goal list” Mark Batterson challenges folks to create in his first book, “In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day.” Basically a list of 100 things that you want to do/accomplish before your life is over.

Been thinking through some of my goals (especially realizing that I only a little more than have 4 full months left to complete my goals for 2008). Looks like I’ve blown one of them already – the take a photo each day of me in 2008. I think I lost focus/motivation after folks said they were getting bored with my photo selection in mid-April. Hopefully I’ll pick it back up next year – but maybe just take a photo a day – rather than a photo of me each day.

So far I did finish rebuilding a new encounter website as well as rebuilding the website (with a lot of great help and insight from my life).

I think I’ll easily meet my reading goal for the year. I’ve completed 10, almost finished with #11 and just received #12 and have #13-15 currently being shipped from

My last goals that I’m still worried about/shooting for are:

  • Finish losing weight. My goal weight is 205. I’ve got about 20 more lbs to go.
  • See 8 new community groups started at encounter.
  • Get 4 new people on the sound or media shout rotation at encounter.

So… all that said – what about my Bucket List? Well, I’m still thinking it though. I’ll give you one of them though… bungee jumping.

Now how about you? What’s on your Bucket List?

related ::
IMDB :: the bucket list
SSL :: goals for 2008
the “new”
the “new”

encounter goes living room

Yesterday we had a different Sunday morning experience for encounter. Rather than gathering at the Civic Center, we met in 10 different homes around Ellis County. Each group was given a DVD (video below) and the DVDs were followed up with some discussion questions.

We had a great time yesterday morning!

I keep hearing more and more reports from folks who said they really enjoyed their get togethers which came in all sizes. I think the smallest group was 4 or 5 and the largest group had over 20. At least 100 people participated in encounter goes living room and I think everyone who participated was impacted in some way.

For those of you who missed out… or would just like to watch it again… here’s the video from the DVD we watched ::

encounter goes living room from Jonathan Blundell on Vimeo.

Along with the video, each group discussed the following questions ::

  • what would the experience of church be like if it was less like a presentation, building, or club and more like a spiritual home of people each living to fully serve Christ and others?
  • what would it take for people to get to that level of understanding and living?
  • what would difference would it make to people far from God if the church had the feel of a spiritual home?
  • what difference will these truths mean for you?

For those who couldn’t make it – feel free to watch the video, read the questions and share your own answers and thoughts.

Thanks again to all the host homes and leaders who made yesterday possible! You all did a great job!

Get your hands dirty :: July 12

July 12th folks from encounter – as well as anyone else interested will spend a day working in and around Daniel’s Den in Waxahachie. Daniel’s Den is a ministry in Waxahachie, with the goal of reaching and helping the homeless of Ellis County.

There are a number of ways folks can help:

  • the back porch screen needs to be repaired
  • lots of caulking needs to be done
  • furniture needs to be moved
  • edging and mulching the front yard (mulch is free but trucks are needed)
  • flowers planted in the front
  • new lid (and or box) for trash box to keep dogs out of trash cans
  • fence needs to be built in the rear of the property
  • banana boxes needed to help organize garage sale items
  • garage sale items need to be organized
  • door needs to be painted and installed
  • items need to be moved from the old shelter location to the new one
  • shelves need to be installed in pantry

items needed:

  • 8′ ladder
  • twin bed and mattress sets
  • 2 full size mattresses (mattress only)
  • flowers
  • fencing
  • caulk and caulking guns
  • shelves

In addition to the regular work that day, if you’re interested in helping put together food and drink for those working that day, please let us know as well.

If you see something you’re interested in and would like to help, please let me know.

What’s behind these community groups?

I’ve asked everyone in our community groups at encounter to take a couple minutes and either fill out an online survey or a printed version of the survey regarding their experiences in their encounter community group.

I’ve received some of the community group surveys back already – (they were sent out roughly a week ago)

A few interesting things so far… (from the current respondents).

  • 87% are married
  • 75% have children
  • 75% learned about their group from a Sunday morning announcement
  • 87% attend their group regularly (3-4 times a month)
  • 100% attend encounter – 100% attend frequently
  • 75% have attended encounter for more than a year
  • 87% have been a Christ follower for at least 3 years
  • 62% rarely or never attended church growing up
  • 100% are involved in other encounter ministries
  • 100% would recommend their group
  • 67% have invited at least 1 person to their group
  • 100% would rank the quality of their group 3 or higher on a 1-5 scale
  • 50% would rank the quality of their group a 5

I have a feeling these results have come primarily from one or two groups, so it will be interesting to see how the rest of the results turn out and if there’s much variation. I’d also be interested to see how other churches score.