The Gospel of Welcome (video)

I had the opportunity to return to encounter yesterday to fill in for Brian as he attended a family event.

It’s always an honor to be asked to speak to any group and yesterday was no exception.

My thoughts were broadcast on Ustream… and I’ve taken the video and posted my portion of it on Vimeo.

Would love your feedback and thoughts if you get a chance.

Also, I played around with the video on my iPhone Friday before and after our doctor appointment.

In case you missed it – we were given some awesome news Friday… so watch the videos to see what it was 😉

Looking back and moving forward

Traffic cone
Traffic cone | Photo by Jonasb

It’s been nearly two months now since Laurie and I left the plains of Red Oak for the fields of Forney.

As part of the move, we of course carried with us a number of dear memories and relationships that we made during our four years with encounter.

Luckily, we don’t leave these things behind when we move — we carry them with us.

Yesterday, Brian and I were trying to remember when it was that he shared an illustration that’s stuck with me and others ever since.

Setting out four construction cones around him, Brian drove home the point that we should be building spaces of grace wherever we go — especially as followers of The Way.
Continue reading Looking back and moving forward

Our story: past, present and future

Yesterday at encounter we shared some our story from the last couple years of our lives — including our struggles with infertility, moving and such.

Dave and Kari McHam also shared their amazing story as well.
Continue reading Our story: past, present and future

Building community dialogue

This Saturday I plan to meet with a number of folks interested in building community within our tribe.

The group will be made up primarily of our community group facilitators and hosts.

We’ll be working through our regroup material as some what of a refresher course and I hope to show this video from the TransFORM Network as well…
Continue reading Building community dialogue

you first

the greatest joy in giving the greatest sacrifice…

we joined another part of the body of Christ this morning, so missed our usual gathering with encounter – but Brian brought it this morning for sure. watch the video (the message starts about 15 min in).

video on ustream

Finding real life

This morning Brian laid a challenging discussion on us. Are you finding real life?

We started off with a look at things we want people to focus on…

  • my temptations
  • my relationships
  • my joys
  • my thoughts
  • my fears
  • my desires
  • my walk with God
  • my questions
  • my needs
  • my feelings
  • my goals
  • my dreams
  • my longings
  • my hopes
  • my hurts
  • my past

We’re always looking for people to fulfill those areas of our lives. We want to be understood. We want to be listened to. We want to be fulfilled. We want to be accepted. We want others to fill those areas in us.

Yes – that goes for me for sure.

But Scripture tells us, “For whoever will save his life shall lose it; but whoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospel’s, he shall save it.” Mark 8:35

And, “Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.” 1 Cor 10:24

So what if we took that list and looked instead to fulfilling those needs in others?

Like our wife. Our kids (for those of you with em). Our parents. Our family. Our friends. Our co-workers.

Would we even know how to do that? Do we even know what they need when it comes to…

  • their temptations
  • their relationships
  • their joys
  • their thoughts
  • their fears
  • their desires
  • their walk with God
  • their questions
  • their needs
  • their feelings
  • their goals
  • their dreams
  • their longings
  • their hopes
  • their hurts
  • their past

I humbly submit that I could probably only answer 40-50% or so of those correctly for the people in my life. Probably less for many others.

Why is that? I could blame them and say, “Well they’re just not open enough. They’re just not sharing enough. They don’t want me to know.”

But I’m pretty sure the onus is on me. It’s up to ME. If they’re not giving “the right answers” then I’m not asking “the right questions.”

If we all live for ourselves and what we can get out of the deal – nobody wins. But if we can give of our lives for the sake of others – we all win.

A closing thought (a re-tweet) from @aaronaiken this morn :: Spend 1% of your time staying informed on the world, and 99% improving your world and you won’t even remember this recession.

I’d suggest changing the phrasing slightly to “99% improving THE world” but you get the idea.

What say you? Anyone figured out how to do this well? Anyone know of someone doing this well?