Help us build a well

Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. That’s one in eight of us.

Over at We Live Simply (We Live Simply so Others May Simply Live) we’re working with charity:water to raise money for a new fresh water well for those in need.

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The parable of the bar of soap

What can be said about a bar of soap and our faith and relation to the world around us?

Claudio Oliver has spent 20 years working with the urban poor, and on community development, dental and medical projects, team equipping, and teaching in Curitiba, Brazil.

He shares just a few of the reflections one small bar of soap can spark — spiritual, sociologic, entropologic and ecologic.
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Give the gift of clean, fresh water for 30 people

Kevin Hendricks is a man on a(nother) mission… after spending time in Ethiopia this March to pick up his newly adopted son Milo, he’s witnessed the water crises there first hand and he’s hoping to make a difference with his 30th birthday.

Kevin writes ::

In late March 2009 we traveled to Ethiopia to bring home our son Milo. While there, we witnessed the reality of unclean water:

  • Time and time again we saw the people of Ethiopia carrying these 5 gallon jerry cans, often walking hours to muddy water holes for their daily supply of tainted water.
  • Milo came home with giardia, a water-borne intestinal parasite common among people with no access to clean water.
  • I fell sick for a day, stricken down by water unintentionally consumed either in the shower or from rinsed dishes. Thankfully it was a mild case (yay for meds!).

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