So ready…

In less than 72 we’ll embark on our world wind CWF trips.
And when I say world wind – I do mean world wind ;-).
We’ll leave Thursday morning at 4 a.m. for Branson, Missouri where we’ll have a show that night. We’ll leave early the next morning to drive another eight hours to Iowa, where we’ll have a show on Friday and Saturday night.
After Saturday’s show we’ll pack up the ring and hit the road again to return to Dallas by Sunday afternoon.
Rob’s preaching Sunday night in view of a call for an associate pastoral position.
Then Tuesday afternoon Rob and I head to DFW Airport to fly to Jos, Nigeria with a group of 13 other fired up folks from Lakepoint Church in Rockwall.
There are still some concerns and needs that I won’t go into here, but pray that God will remain sovereign and take care of our needs in ways that can only bring Him glory.
Also pray for the hearts of those we come in contact with between now and our return to DFW on Thursday, Oct. 12.
To God be the Glory!

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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