Re: Better re-learn your pledge

Capitol Annex has a transcript of the interesting questioning of State Rep. Riddle by State Rep. Burnam over HB 1034 – which would add the phrase, “One State Under God” in the Texas pledge.

REPRESENTATIVE BURNAM: You know it’s a bill that doesn’t have very many words in it, Ms. Riddle.
REPRESENTATIVE RIDDLE: I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you.
BURNAM: It is a bill that doesn’t have many words in it.
RIDDLE: It has three words.
BURNAM: But it is as fundamental as when the pilgrims stepped on the rock at the founding of this nation and I have a lot of questions that I need answered. Do you know that in the bill analysis it’s stated that your bill will acknowledge “our Judeo-Christian heritage”?
RIDDLE:Yes, sir.
BURNAM: I’m sorry?
BURNAM: Thank you. Are you aware that Native Americans that lived on this land did not have a heritage based on Judaism or Christianity?
BURNAM: Are you also aware that within the last few decades, our country has become vastly diverse, in regards to culture and religion?
RIDDLE: That is true, and I think we all understand that. All this bill does—
BURNAM: Is it also true that today we are citizens who are Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Baha’i, Zoroastrian,Wiccan, etc.?
RIDDLE: What this bill does, yes, I’m aware of those things, but what this bill does, it simply replicates, mirrors our national pledge.
BURNAM: Ms. Riddle, are you going to allow me to ask a question?
RIDDLE: When you say our national pledge, you say “one nation, under God.”
BURNAM: Ms. Riddle I know what the bill says. I have other questions.

Fun stuff. Read more.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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